Unaware of the fact Archimedes had died, many of the Heroic Spirits he had summoned using the power of the Moon Cell continued to follow his previous order. They, unlike normal Heroic Spirits, weren't bound by a Master-Servant contract. Archimedes lacked the mana capacity to summon two, let alone fourteen, Heroic Spirits, so, he relied on the technology harvested from 'Berserker' and the Moon Cell's ability to produce Heroic Effigies, mannequin-like constructs that served as the physical anchor for fragmented Souls.
Despite being on the same side, the majority of the Heroic Spirits summoned by Archimedes would qualify as Anti-Heroes. This was a byproduct of using Altereactors as a catalyst to power the Heroic Effigies, but, as it also granted the summoned an increase to the damage they dealt against normal Heroic Spirits, it hadn't been an issue. Unfortunately, now that Archimedes was dead, it was only a matter of time before the entire group split apart due to their various personality flaws.
Though some were bound to venture forth on their own, others would band together based on their familiarity with each other. The best example of this could be observed within an isolated section of the Photonic Abyss, where, in a very short period of time, several large Japanese-style temples had come into existence. One of these temples was much larger than the others, but, with an endless sea of sakura petals flowing about gracefully, the entire region gave off a peaceful, yet terrifying, vibe.
Located a significant distance from the scenic temple environment, far enough that it was impossible to see one from the location of the other, an ornate, Chinese-style palace could be found, seemingly floating amidst pale-golden clouds. In actuality, it was set atop a monolithic mountain that appeared to jut straight up in defiance of natural laws. As for the golden clouds, which carried a very pleasant and mellow aroma, they were caused by a pristine golden waterfall. This peculiar water flowed from a single stream that connected to a small lake within the palace. Despite this, the lake never seemed to shrink, providing a constant volume of water to feed the adjoining stream.
While its appearance was similar to something you might find in a painting, what stood out the most wasn't the landscape, but the creatures that inhabited it. There were rainbow-hued koi fish with large pectoral fins swimming in the golden clouds, defying the laws of gravity as they mingled about in a small communal group. Above them, dominating the land, various different kinds of rabbits could be seen happily frolicking around or nibbling on emerald-green clover weed. Some of these even had fantastical features, such as tiny horns or fluffy wings. The one that stood out the most, however, was the massive white rabbit that lounged near the golden pool, its size easily eclipsing an elephant as it curled up into a ball, appearing much like a ball of pure white mochi as it peacefully slumbered.
Further distinguishing it from its kin, the giant white rabbit had a red lotus pattern on its head that, periodically, emitted ghostly red flames. Every now and then, a part of its body would also slough off, dropping to the ground before promptly turning into one of the hundreds of rabbits that came to reside within the strange palace. This was a very peculiar sight to behold, but, to the two women that sat peacefully at the side, enjoying tea, they paid the phenomenon no heed. It was only when one of the rabbits hopped over to their side that they even seemed to notice, extending their jade-like hands to pet the tiny creatures before sending them off the play...
For a moment, it seemed like nothing could destroy the peaceful atmosphere within the palace's courtyard, but, as if such things didn't matter in the slightest, Jason emerged from the nearby room, a dour expression on his face as he muttered, "I swear...one day, I'll make that bitch pay for daring to lay her hands on a King...!!"
Hearing the former's remark, the lilac-haired girl amongst the duo produced a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, while, seated across from her, the fair-skinned oriental beauty giggled mischievously as she mused, "You should not worry yourself over such matters, My Lord. Lady Musashi is similar to a barbarian with greater knowledge of the sword than the delicacy required of a woman. It will only tarnish your reputation if you associate with such people outside of military affairs."
Though he wouldn't pass on the opportunity to embarrass Musashi, Jason still managed a smile in response to Change'e's words. The way she spoke elevated his position while insulting Musashi, two of the things that mattered the most to him, at least for the time being. Thus, with a lazy swagger in his step, he made his way over, taking the seat next to the lilac-haired woman as he said, "I cannot deny the truth in your words, Fairy Chang'e. You always know what to say to cheer me up...you're a good woman, you know that...?"
Finding Jason's words amusing, Change'e covered her mouth with the sleeve of her robe, giggling in an elegant manner. This elevated her charm a great deal, causing Jason to swallow hard as he stared into her dark eyes, each glimmering like the night sky. Unfortunately, though Change'e seemed quite fond of him, she refused to lay with him unless he agreed to marry her, denouncing other women in the process.
Jason didn't mind the thought of being married to a heaven-defying beauty like Change'e, but, as it would be him marrying her, rather than the opposite, his status would be lower than hers. While this was to be expected, as Change'e was actually a Goddess, Jason found it impossible to lower himself to a woman, no matter their status. He was also rather fond of sleeping with the various beauties he encountered during his travels, so, while his urge to ravish the unblemished Goddess increased with each passing day, he ultimately satisfied his urges 'elsewhere'.
With that thought crossing his mind, Jason flexed his jaw a few times before releasing a frustrated sigh and saying, "Let me know if anything happens." Then, turning to the lilac-haired woman, whose eyes seemed to lack any semblance of life, he added, "You, come with me..." in a commanding tone.
After exchanging platitudes between themselves for a few minutes, Vahn ended up explaining the actual terms of his agreement with the 'Heroes Faction'. He explained the purpose of the Common Law, discussed the function of Companions, and, most importantly, learned more about their forces and the plans set in motion by Archimedes.
Though it was hard to call him 'evil', the methods employed by Archimedes, combined with the fact he was basically ushering in the destruction of humanity, weren't points in his favor. Thus, as part of their agreement, they had to reveal the location of each Bounded Field used by their forces. All of Archimedes' projects would be shelved, and, while research into weapons and such wasn't actually against the Common Law, the types that could be designed were limited.
Ultimately, Vahn didn't care what methods the Heroes used to try and defeat him, so long as it didn't involve innocent lives or cause irreparable damage to the environment. He wasn't going to just strap himself to a table and let them blast Anti-Divine lasers at him, but, so long as they informed him that they had prepared something, he wouldn't mind breaking it for them. The moment they violated the Common Law, however, these restrictions would no longer apply, and, though it may not end in their death, as accidents happen, there was a very good chance they would lose a limb or two...
Once everything had been discussed, Vahn nodded approvingly, stating, "In summary, your group is allowed to freely oppose the Empire. If you want to challenge me, you must submit a request and designate an approximate time and location. Communication between our forces will be handled by the Companions that will be assigned to your group, and, should any of your forces refuse to honor these terms, they will be held individually accountable. Is there anything else...?"
Surprisingly, the person to answer wasn't Shirou or Musashi, but, rather, the Berserker that had now been identified as 'Altria X Pendragon', a strange woman hailing from a Universe where, apparently, the vast majority of people and animals were Servants. She wasn't one of the Heroic Spirits that had been summoned by Archimedes, rather, much like Caenis, she had accompanied him in an effort to flee the pursuit of a 'troublesome assassin'.
Without beating around the bush, Altria stated, "If I do not intake enough calories, my body will shut down. I do not care about fighting. If you can provide me with Japanese sweets, I would rather avoid conflict."
Hearing Altria's words, Shirou and Musashi were awoken from their previous stupor, but, before they could say anything, Caenis' eyes snapped open as she shouted, "You traitorous wench! How can you betray your own allies for something like sweets!?"
Though she wasn't able to manifest her weapons, this didn't stop Caenis from throwing herself at Altria, seemingly intent on strangling the much smaller woman with her bare hands.
Unfortunately for her, Vahn had already seen this event play out, so, before she covered even half the distance to Altria, he appeared like a phantom to block her path. This caused Caenis to change her target to his face, her gauntleted right hand smashing into his cheek with a sound similar to metal colliding against metal.
At this point, Vahn could 'ignore' damage below A-Rank, so, while Caenis certainly packed a punch, he wasn't even pushed back a single millimeter by her blow. Then, before she could react, he palmed her exposed abdomen, causing her to heave a mouthful of fluids onto his chest as she took a few shaky steps back. This was due to the fact that, instead of letting the force radiate out like a normal strike, he contained all of it within her body, exploiting her invulnerability by letting the force echo around inside of her.
Due to having her diaphragm struck, Caenis found it difficult to release a battle cry, so, for several long seconds, she glared at Vahn as her body trembled with enough force to crack the marble floor. At the same time, Vahn stared back at her with a pointed expression, stating, "Nobody should have to fight if they don't want to. Your entire group fought on the premise of defeating me, yet, from the very beginning, you were just being exploited by Archimedes. You are free to continue fighting for what you believe in, Caenis, but you have no right to force others onto the same path."
Though he had a bit of empathy for the horse-like woman, knowing what she had suffered through in the past, Vahn also found her character rather grating. She was an unbelievably headstrong and proud woman, quick to both anger and violence. It wasn't difficult to imagine her doing something drastic just to spite him, so, among the group of would-be Heroes, her name was near the top of the list when it came to 'death-seeking'...
After recovering enough to breathe, Caenis glared back at Vahn, their gazes matching perfectly due to their shared height. This caused the tension in the room to gradually build, eventually reaching a climax as she venomously stated, "I hate men like you...people who think they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. This whole setup is just a farce to show off how powerful you are, isn't it? Does it make you happy, seeing us jump through hoops on command as you drive us further apart from each other!?"
Hearing Caenis' remark, Vahn inhaled through his nose, restraining a sigh as he slowly stated, "My gender has no relevance to the current situation. I am doing what I can to ensure that fewer lives are lost. Even before your groups' arrival, I took action to protect children around the world. When I set my plan in motion, I even used the power of the Holy Grail to protect the innocent, giving them new lives in worlds of their choosing. Though this distanced them from their families, those close to each other would end up in the same world, free from the chaos my actions have wrought..."
As Vahn's 'wish' wasn't exactly public knowledge, everyone, with the exception of Artoria and Altria, was surprised by the sudden revelation. Shirou even asked, "So the light that transports people...that is the result of a wish you made using the Holy Grail?"
Feeling the momentum shift in his favor, Vahn unhesitantly nodded in affirmation, adding, "I may be willing to be labeled as the enemy of humanity, but, before I am an Emperor, I am a father. Though I was remiss to separate families, I took measures to ensure that everyone transferred ended up their ideal world. There are a functionally infinite number of Earth, so, while they will undoubtedly face a few hardships, the vast majority of people sent away will lead peaceful and happy lives. Some even get the chance to live the lives of Heroes within the world's of their choosing, and, if they truly desire it, returning to this world isn't out of the question...in fact, I intend to use a future wish to that effect, at least once things settle down."
Hearing Vahn's response, various thoughts raced through Shirou's mind, not least of which was the fact he spoke about making wishes like it was nothing to him. Archimedes had already suspected he had access to the Throne of Heroes, but, based on these revelations, it seemed more accurate to say he had a version of the Greater Grail that could be used, likely with some kind of cool-down period...
Before Shirou could think of his own response, a dull, monotone, completely destroyed the tensions that had built up, resulting from Altria asking, "So, will you give me candy? I'm tired of eating potato chips and curry bread every day. If you give me sweets, I will even fight for you..?"
In response to Altria's words, Caenis seemed to regain her vigor, but, with Vahn blocking the way, she found it difficult to rush forward. She kept convincing herself that she wasn't afraid of him but the feeling he gave off was like facing a wall that pierced the Heavens. While not impossible to scale, she didn't even know where to start climbing as there wasn't a single sign of purchase to be found anywhere on the impossibly sheer surface...
After staring down Caenis, Vahn turned his eyes away from her, matching gazes with everyone in the room before settling on Altria and saying, "Since you are willing to fight, I believe it is best that you stay with your current allies, at least for the time being. If it's just sweets, I don't mind parting with a few to keep you sated. I have some experience dealing with women who have an insatiable appetite so I'm confident you'll be satisfied."
Following his words, Vahn tossed over one of Avalon's apples, a delicious fruit that was filled to the brim with mana and vitality. Though it was slightly tart, this created a perfect contrast to the apple's natural sweetness, elevating its taste even further.
Altria wasn't particularly fond of apples, but, as she generally ate anything handed to her, she didn't hesitate to take a small bite of the ruby-red fruit. To her surprise, it was much sweeter than a normal apple. More importantly, however, was the fact that the apple contained a startling amount of mana, almost like it was a low-grade mana crystal shaped to emulate an apple. This caused her to scarf it down in a series of tiny bites, devouring even the core while everyone just watched on in silence.
After finishing off the juicy apple, Altria used a small handkerchief to wipe her mouth, dabbing the edges of her lips before saying, "I will fight you. In exchange, you will provide me with more apples. If you don't...I will come and take them?"
Hearing Altria's words, Vahn allowed a smile to spread across his face, but, while she was certainly endearing, he knew what fate awaited them both if he allowed her to spontaneously join the Empire. Her appearance all but guaranteed she would become a member of the Inner Sanctum, so, for the time being, Vahn would rather she fight on the side of their enemies. At the very least, he wanted her to want to join the Empire of her own volition, not just because he lured her in with candy...
Since [Avalon Apple]s could be purchased from the system shop for only 8OP each, Vahn purchased a thousand of them before stowing them into a spatial ring for Altria's use. She already had a watch-like device that could create a pocket dimension, but, unlike the spatial ring, it couldn't preserve the freshness of goods for a long period of time.
What Vahn didn't expect was, immediately after handing over the spatial ring and explaining its use, Altria's amber eyes glowed slightly, revealing a hint of emotion. At the same time, a could hear a tell-tale notification within his mind, causing his smile to turn slightly awry as he pretended not to notice it. As a result, a different notification sounded within his mind, causing him to dull slightly as, against his will, Altria became listed as one of his Followers...
Deciding it was best to extricate himself from the current situation, Vahn turned his attention back to Caenis, stating, "If you have a problem, feel free to take it out on me until your heart's content. Don't go causing trouble in your own group, especially after throwing around baseless accusations." Then, turning to Musashi and Shirou, he added, "Now that Archimedes is out of the picture, I recognize the two of you as the leaders of the Heroes Faction. I will give you forty-eight hours to convince others to fight alongside you. After that, I will take matters into my own hands...now, go, allow me some peace of mind for a few hours..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Photonic Abyss is a magical place~','Jason is over here digging his grave even deeper...','Vahn can't catch a break...? This is why you don't feed stray animals...!')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/mn5xMbE
After being 'kicked' out of the Ivory Castle, Shirou, Musashi, Caenis, and Altria passed through the literal army of Einzbern Homunculi for the first time. This resulted in Caenis, quite literally, growling at the ruby-eyed women while Shirou, having dealt with Illya in the past, couldn't help but make the comparison between the army of women and his original self's half-sister.
Seeing the complex expression on her companion's face, Musashi lightly elbowed him in the side, asking, "What, having regrets about leaving so many beauties behind? We always have the option of joining the Empire, you know~?"
Now that she didn't have to worry about Vahn crashed down on her like the literal Heavens, Musashi was in a great mood. She didn't mind the resolute stares following her every move, knowing full-well that the horde of women wouldn't attack her unprompted. Even if they did, she was confident in her escape, as, unlike the majority, she could easily flee from the Moon Cell or descend into a completely different world if the situation became really dire.
Understanding Musashi was back to her old self, Shirou just offered a polite smile without explaining the reason for his melancholy. Even without asking, he could guess the previous Holy Grail War had something to do with the Einzberns as they were the central family involved in its operation. This had brought back a few less-than-pleasant memories, including the time his past self had been forced to watch as his sister was murdered by Gilgamesh.
Remembering the arrogant golden demigod caused Shirou's hands to form into fists, an action that hadn't gone unnoticed by his companions. Before they could ask, however, he preempted them by saying, "We should track down Jason. I don't imagine we'll be able to convince him but we should at least try before he ends up getting us all pulled into something. Now that Archimedes is dead, I can't imagine he'll be willing to follow the orders of others..."
With Shirou's reminder, Musashi released an annoyed groan, hand rubbing her temple as she said, "I know, right? I can already imagine that dumbass demanding to be placed in charge, only to end up driving us further apart. Should we just kill him and be rid of his foolishness...?"
Caenis rarely agreed with Musashi, but, hearing her last remark, she readily stated, "I'll do it. I would my left arm to see that man's face contorted in pain and disbelief as the last traces of life drain from that conceited prick."
As both Musashi and Caenis were known for being battle-junkies, Shirou wasn't too surprised by the fervor they displayed. Rather, with few exceptions, most of their allies would readily kill Jason if they believed it wouldn't cause problems. Unfortunately, Jason's Noble Phantasm wasn't something that could be looked down on, and, with his astonishingly high Luck, getting the jump on him with any kind of killing intent was borderline impossible. His Luck was enough to be reality-altering, making it possible to beat and bully him, but exceptionally difficult to plot his death.
Fortunately, if it truly came to that, it was all but guaranteed that Musashi could finish the job. Even if Jason managed to activate his Noble Phantasm, she would be able to overcome it without outside assistance. She was one of, if not the, strongest people on their side. The only two with any hope of victory against her were Raikou and Abigail, two of the original five that had willingly accompanied Archimedes to the past. As for everyone else, there was a good chance the battle would end before their minds even processed what had happened.
After considering their options, Shirou dared to look directly at Caenis, saying, "We shouldn't plot the death of our allies so readily...Jason is a despicable man, but he is still a Hero. If we don't even try to reason with him, we wouldn't even be able to compare ourselves to the Emperor, much less stand in opposition to him. He is willing to engage in diplomacy so we should at least make an effort to do the same..."
Though she was nearly overwhelmed by an urge to punch Shirou in the face, Caenis was ultimately able to restrain herself. Still, she wasn't even remotely satisfied, so, after loudly harumphing, she said, "Yeah, sure, we'll do it your way. I wonder what kind of face you'll make when that man completely ignores your attempts to persuade him? If you get caught in his Noble Phantasm, don't expect me to pull you out."
As he was actually fairly confident in being able to deal with Jason's Noble Phantasm, Shirou decided against arguing, opting to simply smile in response. He might not be able to target Jason that easily, but, if it was just surviving for a short while, he could easily persevere until Musashi managed to deal a knockout, or fatal, blow. Her Empyrean Eyes pretty much ignored causality altering effects, making Jason easier to deal with than some 'normal' human beings...
Seeing Shirou smile before walking away from her, Caenis was no longer able to restrain herself. She quickly covered the distance between them, thrusting with an open palm towards his lower back, an attempt to temporarily disable his legs. Unfortunately, Shirou's body just dissipated into thin air, his figure, scent, and aura dispersing into the surroundings until it was impossible to distinguish it from the ambient 'mana' emulated by the Moon Cell.
Incensed that her attack had missed, Caenis instantly shouted, "Coward!" at the top of her lungs, ignoring the fact she had attempted to sneak attack him. In response to this, Musashi and Altria just gave her deadpan stares, the only sound between them a result of the [Avalon Apple] the latter was ceaselessly devouring with small bites.
Seated naked atop a gilded golden throne, Jason had a sneer on his face as he nursed a glass of wine in his left hand. He was amusing himself by having his would-be wife, Medea, painstakingly lick every millimeter of his feet. She, too, was completely naked, the only exception being the large collar he had forced upon her, demoting her from her original status to nothing more than a pet and sex slave.
Though it wasn't the 'real' Medea, Jason couldn't help but treat her poorly as, even now, the trauma she had instilled in him often awoke him deep in the night. He could still remember how she, in her misguided love for him, mechanically slaughtered everyone that barred his path. Because of her, he was treated as a monster, but, due to his weakness at the time, he had little choice but to rely on the 'gift' given to him by Aphrodite.
He would never admit it, but Jason was absolutely terrified of Medea. Even when they first met, she had basically forced herself upon him like a crazed zealot. Though she was an unbelievably beautiful girl, that image was forever tarnished by a multitude of bloodstained memories. He would never be able to forget the sheer madness in her eyes as she looked toward him with a smile, begging for his praise despite blood and gore dripping from her face and hair...
As this thought crossed his mind, Jason saw the ruby-red liquid in his left hand. This caused a shiver to run through his body, followed by an overwhelming amount of nausea that forced him to throw aside his cup and run for a nearby potted plant, discarding the contents of his stomach into the dark brown mulch. Even this wasn't enough to completely rid him of his nausea, however, as the robotic Medea appeared at his side almost instantly, gently stroking his back.
Feeling his disgust well up, Jason lashed backward, striking Medea across the face as he shouted, "I don't want to see your face right now...!!"
Despite having been slapped, Medea continued to stare back at Jason with a smile on her face, even as a trickle of blood ran from her nose. Then, in response to his previous statement, her figure burst into particles of bluish-white light, nowhere to be seen. This allowed Jason to breathe a little easier, as, following his outburst, Change'e dutifully appeared, moving gracefully to his side with a look of concern on her impeccably beautiful face.
Though she knew he didn't like to be asked about it, Change'e lightly caressed Jason's back, asking, "Did you have a flashback? Do you want me to make you some ginger tea? It will help to settle your stomach..."
Knowing how foolish it would be to lash out at Chang'e, Jason did his best to ignore the face she always asked him questions he didn't want to answer. He hated seemed weak, especially in front of women, so he ultimately just remained silent, focusing on his breathing.
It was when Jason was lamenting the fact that he didn't recruit enough women onto the Argo that his intuition kicked into high gear. His nausea faded away in an instant, returning a confident, albeit arrogant, look to his face. This surprised Change'e, though not as much as when he said, "Someone is thinking about killing me...? I feel like that horse bitch has it in for me...damn, this is the thanks I get for taking that bitch's bastard of a son onto my ship?"
Hearing Jason's words, Change'e's face formed a frown, making the world around her seem less vibrant as a result. She knew a lot of the other Heroes didn't like Jason but she didn't imagine any of them would actually try and kill him. She knew better than to even question if his intuition was right, however, as he was remarkably sensitive to anything pertaining to his own safety. He would often complain to her before they went out, claiming that someone was going to beat him up and asking for her protection. All of these 'prophesies' proved true, and, while it could be argued that Jason was the one that set them in motion, the fact he had an A-Rank Skill related to self-preservation couldn't be ignored.
Fortunately, less than a minute after he had started to pace around the room, Jason came to a stop, a confused expression on his face as he muttered, "I guess not...? Someone must have scolded her. Ha! Serves that bitch right!! I can just imagine the sour look on her face, hahahahahaha-!!"
Though it seemed like the crisis had been avoided, Jason was a very paranoid man, so, after he had laughed for a good minute or so, he unsheathed the shortsword at his hip. It was a very ornate item, covered from pommel to guard in pure gold. As for the blade, it was a pure silver that refracted light in much the same way as a gemstone, allowing it to sparkle when viewed from any angle.
Knowing what Jason was about to do, Change'e took a few steps back, her hands neatly folded in her lap as she watched on with a smile. Thus, without any interference, Jason extended his arm, the blade of his sword pointed toward the ground as he released the handle and said, "I am the Master of my life, Captain of my own Destiny. Come, faithful allies, Heroic Spirits of an Era long past; Set sail with me once again! [Astrapste Argo: The Dazzling Ship that Splits the Heavens]!!!"
Despite the fact his chant had multiple verses, Jason was somehow able to finish it before his blade struck against the marbled flooring. When it did make contact, a black field seemed to spread from its point, expanding to cover around twenty meters. At the same time, figures walked out from the shadows, taking on physical form as they came to stand at Jason's side. This included the previously dismissed Medea, now without injury, but, far more noticeable were the two armored swordsmen, a petite archer, a handsome bard, and a behemoth of a man standing at more than 250cm in height...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Memories are echoes from the past, whispering in a person's mind like the sirens who summoned sailors to their demise...','Mama Raikou, is that you!?','Setting course for his own ass whooping...?')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/mn5xMbE
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