With Vahn's arrival, Circe, he had been squatting down, petting the head of a lamb, turned to look back as she rose to her feet. Her wings flittered just a bit, revealing the golden sheen of Magic Circuits on their interior as she whispered in a gratified tone, "You came..." Though Vahn himself wasn't required for the ritual, and could actually make it worse, Circe wanted him to be here with her. This was, perhaps, one of the most important moments of her life as, if she failed to receive Hecate's blessing, the only end that awaited her was death. She did not fear this, however, and, even if she were to die, she had already left a will and other items that would aid, not in her revival, but any other version of herself that Vahn decided to summon...
After navigating his way through the flock of lambs, Vahn pulled Circe into his embrace, her body nearly weightless as he lifted her a few centimeters off the ground while answering, "Of course. I would not leave you alone during a moment like this..." This comment cause Circe's ears to waggle adorably, causing Vahn's expression to soften as he gave her a small peck on the lips. He didn't want to rile her up too much, as this could complicate the ritual even further, so he settled for just giving her a bit of motivation.
With her eyes briefly flashing with a pink hue, Circe licked her lips and, as Vahn sat her back down on the ground, she mused, "You know, if this ritual is a success, you'll have to take responsibility. If you don't give me lots and lots of attention, I may die of a broken heart..." As the Red Moon Ritual would strip her of both her immortality and divine spark, it meant that Circe would just be a very unique mortal woman. There was a good chance that even her wings would be torn from her body if Hecate was so inclined to make her pay an even heftier price for her apostasy. If Vahn didn't treat her well after the fact, she would do everything in her meager power to ruin him before taking her own life...
Cupping Circe's face with his hands, Vahn gently stroked her cheeks as he stated in a firm tone, "You know me better than that, Circe...I may not be able to stay at your side at all times, but I can fill the moments when we're together with meaning..." With his Petting Laws and a bit of support from his [Hands or Nirvana], Vahn sent calm and comforting energy into Circe's head and body, helping her relax as he could tell she was very anxious. This caused her skin to glow with a subtle rainbow hue as, with nothing but the moon to grace them with its light, the cold peak was shrouded in darkness.
Feeling the familiar comfort, Circe's mind calmed considerably but, as there was a heat rising in her body, she reluctantly separated from Vahn's hands after a few seconds. Then, with her back to him, she looked over her shoulder and said, "Watch closely...never forget this moment, no matter how much time passes...if you do...I..." Without finishing her words, Circe decided they were unnecessary and, instead of adding to her slowly building anxiety, she began to discard each of her pale-gold accessories before removing her think vest and skirt. As panties weren't even a concept of her time, her modesty was instead protected by a powerful enchantment, meaning there was nothing beneath the hand-length skirt that had baffled Vahn during their first few meetings...
Circe had never explained how the Red Moon Ritual worked but, with her having him promise not to intervene, regardless of what happened, Vahn was left gawking at the side with a serious expression on his face. He watched as Circe snapped her fingers to ignite a basin of oil-soaked logs, causing a medium-sized pyre to illuminate the surroundings. Though this obscured her figure somewhat, Vahn was virtually immune to changes in light intensity and, even in the absence of any light source, he could still see in the dark with relative ease. As a result, he was able to see Circe throw her clothes into the pyre, allowing them to ignite into golden flames before, startling him quite a bit, she 'tore' the winged ornament from her head...
Though they were not originally part of her body, Circe's winged ornaments had become one with her person shortly after her training with Hecate. They served as the catalyst that allowed her to use Magecraft that should have only been available to the gods, representing both her accomplishments and the favor of Hecate. Removing them was not only painful, but it was the same as renouncing the teachings that had been deeply ingrained into her heart, mind, and body...
With her long pink hair quickly filling with some bloody streaks, Circe unhesitantly tossed her tiara into the pyre which, under normal circumstances, had no hopes of burning such a powerful artifact. Under the stimulation of her blood, however, the flames became a pale golden color, tinged with a subtle blue hue as the 'crown' she had prided herself to obtain was turned to ash. At the same time, a massive ritual spell circle expanded outward from the basin, spreading precisely 300m as it began rotating a few centimeters off the ground.
While doing his best not to intervene, Vahn looked around at the ritual spell circle and, though he would have normally tried to analyze it, he felt this could 'offend' the entity being invoked. Thus, he decided to simply observe, allowing the image to be stored in his memory instead of trying to break it down in the present. Then, as the light from the moon had noticeably changed, at least in the area of the spell, Vahn turned his head skyward, noticing that the moon had gained a red hue that was slowly deepening to blood red, just like the hair around Circe's scalp...
Resisting the pain as best she could, Circe's eyes reflected a resolute light as she brought her hands together in prayer, chanting, "Hear my plea, oh Great Mother of the Night. I stand at the crossroads of my fate, seeking the guidance of she who walks all paths freely. To thee, I offer the lives of these one-hundred innocent and pure, raised carefully by my own hand so that they may walk at your side between the boundaries of life and death..."
Though these words sounded rather simple for a chant meant to invoke a Goddess, Vahn knew that Circe had spoken the entire verse using Divine Words. By the time she was finished, Avalon was no longer in view and, now bloody red, the moon seemed to have grown more than a hundred times in size, now dominating the night sky. In the surroundings, which had previously been rich with healthy apple trees, a ghostly forest spread out far beyond his perception, complete with a hazy mist that, as it touched his skin, felt significantly colder than ice. Then, as Circe continued to pray, the Lambs in the surrounding area began to drop to the ground, ghostly blue flames rising from their bodies...
Vahn's primary focus had been on Circe but, before he realized the transition, he suddenly found himself in complete darkness as an icy cold voice echoed in his ear, "I was wondering what kind of man had corrupted my daughter so..." Then, in a completely different, yet equally icy tone, another woman's voice echoed, "To think the instrument of the World would take such a form...", followed by a third voice adding, "Even so, to profane our daughter is not a slight grievance..."
Though Vahn felt as if he could easily break through the restrictive force binding him, he chose not to offend the voices and simply stated, "It was never my inte'". Before he could finish speaking, his words were cut off by mysterious energy flowing into the flesh around his mouth, binding it shut by erasing it completely. This caused his brain to buzz, complete with the cool sensation from his head immediately intermingling with the warmth flowing from his Soul. He never liked when people just did whatever they wanted, especially God's who imposed their wills on others. If not for the fact he had promised Circe not to intervene, he would have broken free in an instant after being slighted in such a way...
This time, instead of three voices speaking in turn, each synchronously stated, "We do not care in the least what kind of excuses you have prepared. Your conviction, love, and determination, mean less to us than the lives of the worms beneath the dirt." As these words echoed, an aged woman wearing a cloak that seemed to be formed from pure darkness walked into Vahn's view. She had raven black hair, an easy comparison to make as there was a large raven perched on her shoulder, while a large ghostly horse followed closely at her side. Her eyes burned like amethyst flames amidst a face filled with wrinkles while, in her hands, a crooked scepter played perch to a white snake that coiled around its length...
Walking forward until she was just a few meters from Vahn, the woman he assumed to be Hecate kept her ghostly eyes trained on him as she stated, "Know this, foolish boy. We do not resent you for coming to love our daughter, nor would we reproach her for finding someone she truly loved. What infuriates us is that you would treat our most cherished student as nothing more than a middling chambermaid! You surround yourself with women as if they were trophies, purporting to love them all? Preposterous! Even if love is something that can be shared between multiple people, the path you walk will always lead towards tragedy. We do not want our daughter to be corrupted by your influence..."
As she spoke, Hecate continued to emanate a great amount of pressure but, while her aura was considerably stronger than his own, Vahn was able to bear it. He kept his eyes focused as she spoke, waiting for her to finish her diatribe before shaking his head in admonishment. This seemed to be conveyed properly as, seeing the look on his face, Hecate's expression turned dark as she raised her scepter toward him. However, even though the white snake seemed ready to strike, Hecate's eyes began to flicker before her entire figure vanished moments later...
While Vahn had come face-to-face with a powerful old Crone, Circe had been lowering her head to an exceptionally beautiful woman, one near and dear to her heart. Like the Crone, she had glowing amethyst eyes and raven black hair that extended past her waist. Instead of an aged and weathered appearance, she also had unblemished white skin, even though the only visible surfaces were her face, neck, and the deep-v that displayed her ample cleavage. Her facial features were not all that dissimilar to Circe's, albeit with a touch of maturity, while her figure was both conservative yet curvaceous at the same time. Unlike the Crone wearing long hooded robes, she was wearing a dark purple dress that seemed to twinkle with starlight and a fur-adorned mantle that covered the entirety of her shoulders as a three-headed white dog nuzzled against the kneeling Circe...
With her cold expression having turned into a pitying gaze, Hecate gingerly ran her fingers through Circe's pink hair. This caused the blood that had dyed her scalp to evaporate as the wound on her head quickly healed over, albeit without her winged adornment. At the same time, in a voice that was both gentle and soothing, Hecate stated, "It pains us to see you like this, Circe...that man is not worthy of you. Come, it is long past time since you returned home..." Though the Greater Grail was indeed very powerful, that didn't mean the summoning was without flaws. Hecate knew that, so long as Circe's anchor to the world was broken, her fragmented soul would return to the Reverse Side of the World once again, allowing this troublesome affair to fade with the passage of time...
Shaking her head without any hesitation, Circe turned her eyes up at Hecate, stating in a resolute tone, "This is my decision to make...I could have given myself to Vahn long ago...I'm only doing this because I care for you, Great Mother. You sheltered me against those fiendish Gods who saw me as nothing more than a prize to be gained. No matter how much time passes, I can never repay you for the kindness and grace you had shown me..."
In response to her daughter's words, Hecate's face formed into a deep frown, concern clearly visible in her eyes as she countered, "We always believed you were the most talented of our students. How can we allow you to give up everything we granted you for the sake of a man who does not even hold you in the most cherished part of his heart? Even a common fisherman would be better than a licentious man who can never understand the weight of your sacrifice...!"
Once again shaking her head, Circe stated with even greater resolution than before, "You are wrong, Great Mother. I have toyed with thousands of men, flirted with dozens of Gods, and attended several Heroes. None of these men have been able to leave as deep an impression on my heart as Vahn. It doesn't matter if I cannot occupy the largest part of his, as the most important thing is my feelings for him. If I did not seize this opportunity, I would regret it for the rest of my short life..." Knowing there was a chance that Hecate might take her back, Circe wanted to make it very clear that even this would not change her heart...
Before Hecate could form a response, her eyes began blazing as an incredulous expression marred her otherwise perfect face. At the end of Circe's statement, she opened her wings to reveal that, instead of the familiar golden sheen, a layer of blood had covered much of the interior. Then, before she was able to stop her, Hecate watched the winged ornament she had given Circe thousands of years prior simply slough off her body. This caused the latter's back to become completely covered in blood but, despite the immense pain she must have been in, Circe kept a resolute expression as she bowed her head again, bringing her hands together as she murmured, "Please..."
Feeling greater regret than Circe herself, Hecate gently placed her palm against the former, causing the vicious wound on her back to quickly heal. Now, the only thing granting Circe any power was the core that had been implanted in her womb, serving as both her divine spark and the last vestiges of her immortality. If it were removed, she would be nothing but a mortal woman, albeit with a more powerful Soul.
Releasing a profound sigh, Hecate raised Circe's chin, seeing the immense anguish in her eyes, not due to the pain she was feeling, but the worry she had about being separated from the man she loved. This caused Hecate's heart to feel pained as, if it were almost anyone else in such a situation, she would not have hesitated to either kill or cripple the other party. Circe, however, was the person she was most proud of, to the point she had even contended against several Gods to protect her. It was incredibly frustrating to learn that, despite the fact they had retreated to the Reverse Side of the World, her most cherished daughter had fallen in love with a man on the Surface...
Though she swore in her heart to curse Vahn's entire lineage if he betrayed her daughter, Hecate produced a pained yet kind smile as she bent down and kissed Circe's forehead. As she pulled away, a wispy blue trail followed along with her, appearing like vapor as it coalesced in Hecate's mouth. Then, after swallowing the clump of mystical energy, she explained, "We strip you of your knowledge regarding the arts..." before kneeling before Circe and placing her palm above her womb. This time, Circe's face morphed into one of extreme pain as the crest engraved beneath her navel ignited into a wispy blue flame that quickly coalesced into a pale-gold sphere of light. With another sigh, Hecate placed the sphere of light into a hand lantern that had appeared out of thin air, stating, "We strip you of your immortality...".
Despite the fact she was in enough pain that she wanted to cry out and beg for a reprieve, Circe did her best to resist, clenching her teeth so tightly that her gums began to bleed in some areas. It was fortunate that the ordeal was largely over as, with visible regret on her face, Hecate placed her palm against Circe's chest, adding, "From henceforth, you will carry your love as both a blessing and a curse...it will continue to grow until it threatens to consume you...if that man cannot bear the burden of your love, you will both meet a tragic end...I pray that you do not regret your choice..."
The moment Hecate gave her warning, Circe's mind faded into darkness as her body fell limply into the Goddess' embrace. At the side, the three-head dog began to whine pitifully, causing Hecate to release another sigh as she remarked, "What a tragedy...to think I would lose my precious daughter to a man who could never appreciate her sacrifice...haaaa..." After saying this, though it was custom to destroy the divine spark that had been relinquished by a Demigod, Hecate safely stowed Circe's away in her sleeve. In truth, Circe's actual body was still back on the Reverse Side of the World, albeit in a statuesque state, so she intended to implant the divine spark back in its rightful place if Vahn ended up breaking her daughter's heart...
After removing her mantle and laying it across the ground, Hecate laid Circe's naked body onto the comfortable and warm surface before staring down at her figure with a pitying gaze. While vowing to never make another exception, Hecate picked up the winged adornment, still covered in blood, before changing it into a feather-adorned robe. She then laid this across Circe's body, preventing the frigid cold from invading her vulnerable figure before turning away and shaking her head. Then, as the light of the moon slowly returned to normal, accompanied by its rapidly shrinking size, Hecate vanished in a cloud of blue flames, taking the hundred surrounding blue wisps lingering above the corpses of the lambs with her...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Never forget...*proceeds to rip wings out of head*','Old Crone or Beautiful Maiden?','Circe's Resolve : Hecate's Lament')
https://bit.ly/2XBzAYu <-(p.atreon link)
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Shortly after Hecate had vanished from his sight, Vahn could feel a subtle ripple in the surrounding space, followed by the complete darkness he had been submerged in fading away. With the ritual complete, the surroundings returned to normal, well, as normal as they could be with a hundred lamb corpses dotting the area. Vahn didn't pay much attention to these, however, as his vision was dominated by the scene of Circe laying next to the now extinguished pyre. Compared to before, her presence was like a wispy flame compared to a tiny sun, indicative of the fact that she was now a 'normal' girl.
In less than a blink's time, Vahn was already kneeling next to Circe, his palm resting against her abdomen as he inspected her body for any sign of injuries. His 'scan' immediately brought to attention the two large scars on Circe's back, which, despite their attempt to 'resist' his treatment, were dealt with after a few minutes of concerted effort. Since Circe's own mana density was very low at the moment, albeit much higher than a normal human, it was easy to discern the invasive energy that had permeated through her body. Though he wouldn't have been able to easily discern what this energy entailed in the past, Vahn's studies related to [Curse] Magecraft gave him a good idea of what was going on.
With Circe physically, mentally, and spiritually drained, Vahn knew it would be dangerous to wake her up before she had rested properly. She would be in an extremely unstable state so, rather than guide her back towards consciousness, he instead lulled her into a much deeper sleep. Then, after setting up a powerful barrier around them, Vahn decided his time was best spent making sure there were no sequelae left in her body as a result of the powerful curse. Before that, he checked Circe's status within the Unit Management, wondering if her Status would offer him any useful information.
Name: [Circe]
Age: Ageless->2348
Race: Human(new), Nymph(sealed), God(sealed)
Strength: 2E->1E
Endurance: 31B->5E
Agility: 16D->2E
Magical Power: 50A++->13D
Good Luck: 49A+->50A+
Circuit Quality: 24C
Soul Tier: 3
Noble Phantasm: [Metabo Piglets: C->E]
Skills: [Phantasmal Chef:Innate:SS(sealed)], [Sun God's Descendant:Innate:A], [Blood Moon's Curse:Innate:D]->[Blessing of the Night Mother:Innate:(-)], [High-Speed Divine Words:B]->[N/A], [Poisoned Meal:A], [Advice for Sailing:A], [Territory Creation:B], [Item Construction:A]
Magic: [Helios's Divine Protection:SS]
Magecraft: [Mutagen:S]->[N/A], [Alchemy:B]->[N/A], [Herbology:B]->[N/A], [Refiining:B]->[N/A], [Addiction Enchantment:B]->[N/A]
Seeing Circe's Status, Vahn was more than a little surprised but, rather than lamenting too long, he was actually more relieved than anything. Though her Od was a mess, her reserves weren't actually that low and, with a Magical Power of 13, she was still far stronger than even prodigious Magi. Since her Quest would afford her with 3,000,000VE, she would be able to quickly increase her strength once again. Fortunately, due to being a Servant summoned through the Throne of Heroes, Hecate's so-called 'blessing' had no effect on her Class Skills and those derived from her legend. As for her loss of [High-Speed Divine Words] and the reduced efficacy of her Noble Phantasm, these were both things that could be remedied with time and concerted effort on Circe's part.
With a better understanding of Circe's condition, Vahn spent the better part of an hour nourishing her body with his Source Energy while doing what he could to expel the 'curse' within her body. As it was derived from her own Innate, however, he didn't have too much luck driving it away. It was now an intrinsic part of her and, unless Circe was the one to change it, there was little he could do other than guide towards a better future. Curiously, her Good Luck had actually increased and, though it was subtle, there was now a discernible flow of fate, not simply around her body, but linking them together. Vahn knew he could 'sever' this thread without much difficulty but, fearing it would have disastrous consequences on Circe, he instead tried sending his own Source Energy through the aura to strengthen it...
Though he had some success in interacting with the aura of fate, Vahn wasn't able to discern any real changes in its structure or density. His comprehension of the Laws governing Fate were sub-par as, even with their massive power and pseudo-omniscience, Merlin and Scáthach were also unable to do anything to influence the flow of Fate. It was, perhaps, one of the most powerful manifestations of Law as, without Fate tying together certain individuals, the Record itself likely couldn't exist. After all, though the Record he inhabits may not be the version created by the original Creator, it was still brought into existence as an amalgamation of the hopes and dreams of an incalculable number of people, each believing in a certain story structure and chronology...
After doing everything he could to stabilize and strengthen Circe's body, excluding giving her a new one comprised of his Source Energy, Vahn wrapped her up in the two mantles that had been used as her bed and blanket. Even though his impression of Hecate wasn't that great, it was obvious that she cared rather deeply about Circe as, despite the fact the latter had 'betrayed' her teachings, most of the harm Circe had suffered seemed to be of her own creation.
Vahn could tell that the feathered mantle that was left behind was comprised of Circe's previous winged attachment, complete with the complex array of Magic Circuits on the interior. As for the fur cloak, Vahn was able to discern that it was a very powerful artifact as, despite his efforts, it resisted being placed into his Inventory. It also had a strong power flowing through it and, though it was far too big for Circe to wear normally, he could tell it was intended to protect her from harm.
Remembering Hecate's treatment towards him, Vahn couldn't help but produce a wry smile as, if he considered it from her perspective, he would probably lambast himself. It couldn't be easy seeing someone you cared about making a decision you didn't agree with, especially if they were in your care for a long period of time. If it were one of his children, or someone that had been close to him, Vahn knew he would probably react in an even more extreme manner. Thus, despite the fact he was extremely annoyed by Hecate's treatment, Vahn decided not to harp over it. He certainly couldn't say anything bad about her towards Circe as, if she didn't respect Hecate, she never would have gone through the Red Moon Ritual in the first place...
With this in mind, Vahn held Circe gingerly in his embrace as he flew through the air, his destination the Ivory Castle on the northern end of the island. It was a very short flight and, after a few twists and turns, Vahn quickly found himself in the Menagerie, despite the fact that Circe was, technically, just a normal human woman. Then, while waiting for her to wake up on her own, Vahn decided to keep her company as, if he wasn't here when she awoke, he could only imagine the duress she would feel.
Holding her light body in his embrace, separated only by the fur cloak, Vahn continued to nourish Circe's Magic Circuits with his Source Energy. Now that she didn't have her wings, it was very easy to hold her in his embrace so, for the better part of six hours, Vahn did just that. At the same time, he enjoyed the subtle and bittersweet fragrance of her air while closely observing her Status inside of his mind. He had already experienced marginal success with this method in the past but, with his ability to view her Status in real-time, Vahn wanted to see how quickly he could improve her Magic Power and Circuit Quality through the nourishment of his Source Energy...
Before he was able to make any progress, not that he expected immediate results, Medusa had returned from her etiquette lessons to take a rest. When she found them inside the Menagerie, her first reaction had been bubbly excitement but, feeling the peculiar atmosphere, she resisted the urge to pounce into the bed. Though Vahn had raised his head to give her a glance, he waited until she was near the side of the bed before whispering, "Circe made a big sacrifice tonight, Medusa. In the future, please take care of her when I'm not around..."
As they had already become relatively close over the last few months, Medusa furrowed her brows slightly, her expression becoming one of concern as she looked into the sleeping face of Circe. In response to her Master's words, she nodded her head in understanding, muttering, "I understand..." Then, without asking for permission, which wasn't exactly necessary considering it was her own bed, Medusa crawled under the blankets before grabbing Circe's hands. In this manner, Vahn and the silver-haired Gorgon sandwiched Circe from both sides, keeping her warm and bringing her comfort as she slowly extricated herself from the darkness of unconsciousness...
By the time Circe's eyelids began to flicker, she had already been asleep for nearly thirteen hours, during which time her Circuit Quality had actually increased from 24C->25C. Though he could help her increase it to the EX rating by providing her with a body, Vahn felt that Circe was in the same camp as women like Rin and Luvia, preferring their original flesh and blood over the 'convenience' of what amounted to an artificial body.
When her eyes peeled open, Circe's pupils were actually pale gold in color, a few shades lighter than Medusa's own. Since the latter was the first thing she saw after opening her eyes, Circe's heart began to beat in an anxious rhythm but, before she could jump to conclusions, Vahn made his presence known by holding her a little more firmly as he whispered, "I'm here...it's okay..." This caused Circe to tremble lightly and, causing Medusa to pout, just a little, she ignored the latter before wriggling around to face him. Vahn was able to see her new eye color for himself but, before he could say anything further, Circe gripped the sides of his face with what little strength she could manage as she began to kiss him rather passionately...
Despite the fact she was even weaker than before, and had just awoken from a long slumber, Circe didn't seem to care at all. The moment she saw Vahn, all of the emotions she had been bottled up for the last few months surface and, no longer holder herself back, she practically attacked him on the spot. This caught both Vahn and Medusa off guard, the latter letting her mouth hang agape as she suddenly felt like a third wheel. As for Vahn, he had no idea how someone with 1E Strength was able to muster up so much 'intensity' but, rather than push her away, he decided to reciprocate by holding her waist and allowing her to press herself against him.
Though she seemed to enjoy kissing quite a bit, Circe didn't seem satisfied with just this as, while they were interlocked with each other, she would periodically yank at his belt and trousers. Since Vahn felt things were going a little fast, he decided to take some initiative of his own, tracing his hands around her slender waist and back. Since she was just a relatively normal human at the moment, even these simple actions, when combined with his Petting Laws and [Hands of Nirvana] were enough to make her body go limp as she trembled against him. Then, after giving her plush yet small rump a gentle squeeze, Vahn sat up from the bed, allowing Circe to lay across his lap as he stroked her hair and said, "There is no rush...leave it to me..."
With her eyes glazed over slightly, Circe looked up into his face, the strength she had previously mustered now nowhere to be seen. Even then, she managed to say in an almost whimpering tone, "You have to take responsibility..." This was answered with an understanding nod by Vahn, followed by him planting a long yet tame kiss on her lips. He was aware that, even with her divine spark taken away, Circe's body still had a subtle influence on him. Making use of certain Laws for thousands of years gave a certain amount of familiarity with them so, despite the fact she had been drastically weakened, his body was beginning to heat up a bit.
After giving her a long kiss, Vahn ran his hand down the length of her body, marveling at how soft it was before snaking his hand between her thighs. This caused Circe to curl up in his lap while closing her legs fruitlessly around his hand. At the same time, Vahn sent Medusa an apologetic look with his eyes, causing her to surprise him a bit when she stuck out her tongue. He had expected her to leave the room and perhaps go take a bath, as she had nearly completed her Quest, but Medusa seemed to have very different intentions. Rather than excuse herself, she seemed to get a little excited by the scene playing out in front of her and, without removing the skin-tight bodysuit she wore to keep her body warm, she began fiddling with herself while observing his actions...
As he had already shared his fair share of intimate moments with Medusa, Vahn just shook his head with a wry smile as he turned his focus back to Circe. He knew that, despite the fact that she seemed to be lost in the pleasure wracking her body, she was paying close attention to him. Her ability to discern if people were paying attention to her was a part of her Innate so, during the brief moment he had turned his attention to Medusa, Vahn had felt the subtle fluctuations in her internal energy.
Understanding how important this moment was for her, he could only leave Medusa to her own devices as he shifted Circe's position so that she was seated leaning against him. This allowed him to fondle with her small yet inexplicably soft mounds as his finger slowly penetrated into her soft folds. He was immediately greeted by an unbelievable tightness which, given Circe's petite figure, wasn't too much of a surprise. In response, he craned his head down to nibble on her long ears, which she fortunately had retained, while lowering his left hand to her belly and gently rubbing her navel. He would periodically press into a few areas as, if she wasn't properly prepared, Circe's first time would likely be very painful for her...
Though he had already expected it, Circe's body suddenly tensed up in his embrace as her body curled in on itself like a shrimp. Her insides clamped up around his singular finger, causing it to briefly get imprisoned in her now vice-like folds. He could feel her rampant heartbeat through his finger as, with each quick contraction, the digit was pulled deeper into her interior, allowing him to feel her above-average body heat, at least for a 'human'. Fortunately, with her body easing out of her climax, the small flood of love juices, combined with his efforts in weakening the tensions of her muscles, allowed him to extricate his finger. It would have been easy to remove it by force but, with Circe only having the strength of a normal human, he didn't want to accidentally injure her...
With her rationale recovering, Circe looked down at the state of her own body before craning her head to look up at him, a pitiful look in her eyes as she whimpered, "I'm tired of waiting..." As she had already been a virgin for thousands of years, Circe's patience was quickly wearing thin, despite the fact she knew Vahn was just being considerate. She didn't care how much pain she would have to experience as, compared to losing her wings, it was simply incomparable. Since she was also very aware of Vahn's skills when it came to doing the deed, Circe knew any pain she experienced would be quickly replaced by pleasure. Thus, despite the fact she could hardly muster any strength in her already fatigued body, she did her best to turn around as she tried to push him down against the bed...
Resisting against Circe's efforts, Vahn showed a gentle smile before tilting her chin and giving her another kiss, this time keeping it to only a few seconds as he understood her eagerness. When he separated from her rather flavorful lips, Vahn repeated, "Just leave it to me..." as he quickly guided Circe's lower body so that she was straddling his hips. Though her ears began erect after she felt something hot poke against her backside, Circe still answered his words with a nod before placing her forehead against his chest, her eyes looking downward as she tightly clung to his body...
Vahn knew her body wasn't ready but, as Circe was already beyond the point of caring about things like pain, he quickly positioned himself at her soft and pliant entrance. It was somewhat ironic that this extremely pleasant sensation would soon be replaced by an unbelievably tight pressure but, as his penis began to gradually heat up due to the influence of Circe's body, he slowly plunged himself deep into her insides. By temporarily making it impossible for her insides to contract, there wasn't too much resistance, even as he tore through her hymen, but Circe still tensed up considerably. Her nails indented harmlessly into his skin as, due to there being zero-clearance, even blood wasn't able to escape from her insides...
Despite the very intense pain she was experiencing, Circe's expression showed a great deal of relief, even as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. She released a hot sigh against his chest, enjoying the painful pulse in her body that indicated she had finally given herself to the person she loved. No matter what happened in the future, she would never forget this moment, causing her to squeeze Vahn's body as tightly as she could manage. In response, he also held her as tightly as her frail body could withstand, sending comforting energy into her body as their respective body heat flowed into each other.
Fortunately, Circe didn't try to goad him into moving as, now that they were connected, most of her anxiety had faded away. Thus, for the better part of ten minutes, Vahn helped her relax while doing everything in his power to make sure she would be able to enjoy things when she was ready to continue. This ended up being a little sooner than he expected as, while she leaned against his chest, Circe could see Medusa staring at her from the side. For a brief moment, their golden eyes locked on each other, causing the cheeky Gorgon to smile in a mischevious manner as she slightly parted her legs. Strangely, though she usually only cared about the attention of men, Circe felt her body heat up a bit after seeing what Medusa was doing.
Since much of the pain had faded away, replaced by a throbbing pulse that seemed to match her heartbeat, she moved her hips a little, an action that caused a small 'pa' sound as an unnerving amount of blood and viscous fluid flowed from her insides to coat Vahn's still visible shaft. This didn't deter Circe, however, as a small smile spread across her face after witnessing the proof of her maidenhood's sacrifice. Then, as the pain had mostly faded away, she looked up into Vahn's face and, without needing to say anything, he returned a gentle smile of his own before guiding her hips in a gentle yet steady motion...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Circe's New Game+','Impatience : Union','Medusa likes to watch (o 3 o)...')
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