Before Vahn had busied himself with treating the Homunculi, one of the last things he had done was pick up Luvia from London. As the original purpose of him contacting Illya was so that he could sort the internal affairs of the Imperial Family, they had plenty of time to discuss the matter while he was hard at work. Ultimately, he had the power to override any decisions but, having learned from prior experience, Vahn knew it was better for the women to sort things out themselves before he stepped in. This would allow them the opportunity to reach an accord without his interference and, though this would cause a hierarchy of sorts to develop between them, such things were impossible to avoid when politics, business, and security were concerned.
In an effort to clarify everyone's stance and position for the future, as Vahn would not be the only one responsible for handling the affairs of the Empire, Luvia played host in a closed-door discussion attended by Rin, Illya, Iris, Nobunaga, Kenshin, Lakshmibai, Artoria, Gray, Fenrir, Medusa, Circe, and Olga. As for Da Vinci, Scáthach, Mordred, and Sakura, they were all exempted from the discussion for obvious reasons. The latter two were Vahn's daughters and, though they had their own parts to play, they were removed from contention for any of the positions of higher authority. As for Da Vinci and Scáthach, they were uncontrollable elements that only Vahn could rein, being intricately involved in the internal affairs of the Imperial Family without being accountable to anyone but the Emperor.
Initially, Luvia believed it would be a rather simple conversation as, even though her status might not comparable to people like Artoria, Lakshmibai, and Nobunaga, their sensibilities were considerably dated compared to modern times. Amongst them, only Nobunaga even showed any sign of wanting to contest her position but, that might not even matter at this point. Previously, Luvia had thought her finances, understanding of politics, and her family's military forces gave her an insurmountable edge against the competition. Now that Illya had returned with several thousand Homunculi, each the better of more than ten of her men. More troublesome was the fact she also brought 'infinite' amount of wealth and treasures that would have sent the entire Magus community into an uproar.
Once things had settled down, Luvia intended to move some of her forces to Avalon, having them become the first official 'subjects' of the Empire. This would allow her to deeply entrench her family's roots in the heart of the Aldrnari Empire, land that would one day become the most important in the entire world. Now, not only were Fae already beginning to move in, but Illya had essentially brought an army of faux-immortal Homunculi that would serve as Maids, Servants, Knights, and Magi. Many of them were even capable of bearing children, meaning they were already an irreplaceable element that would guarantee the prosperity of the Empire. When people learned that Avalon was a land full of beautiful women and fairies, there would be no end to the number of individuals who would want to reside here in the future...
With everyone gathered around the table, leaving the 'head' seat empty, Luvia looked around with a smile on her face, disguising the concern she felt in her heart. Fortunately, the 'biggest' threat to her claim, Fenrir, didn't seem interested in the position at all. This gave Luvia some small comfort as she stated in a sonorous and confident tone, "Thank you, everyone, for gathering together on such short notice. I understand things are rather chaotic right now so I appreciate your willingness to attend this gathering. It is my hope that, by the end of this meeting, we will be able to present a strong and unified front to support Vahn and the Empire."
Showing that she intended to butt heads with Luvia from the start, Nobunaga didn't waste any time, snickering as she stated in a sly tone, "What are you playing at, Ojou-chan? We all got along before your arrival so why meet together like this? Is your perceived status really all that important~?" As Luvia reminded her of the Nobles she had overthrown during her conquest, Nobunaga's impression of her wasn't all that positive. She seemed like the type that, for the sake of profit and convenience, would allow people to stagnate, allowing progress only when it was beneficial to her finances. Even if the chances of Vahn falling for her wiles were less than a single percentage, Nobunaga felt it was her duty to always oppose such people.
Hearing Nobunaga's retort, Luvia furrowed her brows slightly but ultimately kept her composure as she explained, "My intention is transparency. Though our husband's capabilities seem to be without limit, we cannot entrust everything to him. If the Empire is to have any success in establishing itself amongst the other forces within the world, our internal affairs must be put in order. We are the key factor that allows Vahn to function in his full capacity as Emperor so, to alleviate any concerns he might have about the future, we must come to an accord. If we cannot present a unified front, our enemies will exploit even the smallest gaps in our defenses."
Though she waited for Luvia to finish speaking, Nobunaga didn't take her words to heart, retorting in a cold tone, "The only thing that matters is loyalty. Politics, and all those other things, they are just a pretense fools use to try and manipulate others. We're already all working hard to support Vahn in our own ways, without having to compromise who we are. I can understand assigning roles and all that, but playing politics amongst ourselves is the exact type of shit that will stress Vahn out. The moment we try to act like something we're not, Vahn will notice and begin to worry, that's the type of man he is. Instead of trying to force the broken system of politics that Vahn is trying to abolish, why not just do your best without minding the small matters, eh, Ojou!?"
Feeling a slight headache creeping up on her, Luvia shook her head in mild exasperation, doing her best to stay calm as she stated, "I can agree with many of your points, but that is not how the world works. The system you're familiar with has become obsolete with the passage of time. If Vahn is to reign as Emperor of the entire world, the only means available are through diplomacy or conquest. You might be okay with slaughtering millions to achieve your end goal, but do you think Vahn is the type of man who can remain stone-faced as his future subjects die as a result of his actions?" Even if Nobunaga's presence indicated that Vahn wasn't against conquest, Luvia knew he was the type that only resorted to such methods after exhausting other options...
This time, Nobunaga didn't have an immediate answer, leaving space for Rin to release a tired sigh before commenting, "Though I lament to agree with Luvia, these kinds of arguments show that it is necessary to have these kinds of discussions. You both make good points but this is all predicated on the fact that the world you envision coincides with Vahn's own vision. If you'll remember, it is his intention to slowly merge together the Surface and Reverse Sides of the World, invalidating much of what the two of you think about the situation. The best we can do is compromise while doing our best to support him. He is receptive to what we have to say so if we can come to an agreement, that will simplify things considerably..."
With Rin's words lingering, Luvia and Nobunaga fell into a temporary silence that was only broken when Fenrir plainly stated, "The most important thing you can do for Master is focus on growing stronger and learning how to share happiness. All he ever wants, for each and every person, is for them to be happy. Fighting will only drive us apart, causing sadness for ourselves and Master...if you cannot get along, you should not be here. Seek your happiness elsewhere and, even if you are not in his heart, Master will never turn his back on you..."
As Fenrir's words held the most credibility, everyone present around the table hung their heads in contemplation. Most of them had understanding expressions while only Luvia, Olga, Medusa, and Circe had more complicated emotions visible in their eyes. Eventually, it was Illya who broke the silence, stating in a calm voice that was tinged with warmth, "Fenrir is right...the only thing that Vahn cares about is protecting us and doing what he can to spread happiness to others. Everything else is just a means to an end. I will do my best to support him...I will become much stronger in order to ease his burdens. He works so hard to make my wish come true...I want to do the same for him!"
Following her daughter's words, Iris had a contented smile on her face as she added, "I will do my best to protect the happiness Vahn has given me. Status doesn't mean anything if it is only gained through sacrificing the things that truly matter..." Though she was content with just being the castle's Librarian, her return to the Einzbern Castle had reminded Iris that power was always necessary if you wanted to protect what was most important. Status was something that could either be earned or given but when it came down to it, only power mattered in the end...
Though it felt like her argument was much weaker than before, Luvia smiled wryly in response to Iris' words before stating, "I do not truly care for status...the only thing that matters to me is having the power and authority to protect myself, my family, and our assets. The Edelfelts have always tried to live righteously, aiding those-". Before Luvia could continue, Nobunaga's gaze turned sharp as she completed the former's sentence, spinning it by adding, "Aiding those who could bring you the most benefits...even if the knowledge provided by the Greater Grail has gaps in it, I've already seen with my own eyes how fucked up this world is. There are people sick and starving all over the world. It might not be your responsibility, but don't pretend to be truly righteous when you decorate your fancy mansions in gold while children die in the streets..."
Hearing Nobunaga's words, the tension at the table became palpable while Luvia was forced into silence. There were all kinds of ways in which she could retort Nobunaga's words but, as the latter had already admitted, it wasn't really her responsibility. It was the various governments of the world that had failed their populous and, though many of these were just the puppets of the major powers ruling from the shadows, she didn't have the freedom to arbitrarily give handouts. Her family already ran several international charities, providing vaccinations, food, and disaster relief, but there was only so much she could do without having her own family exploited by others...
Seeing Luvia's reaction, Nobunaga knew she had gone too far and, especially since she wasn't doing anything to 'fix' the problem. In fact, while Luvia's family provided millions of jobs to people all over the world, she spent most of her time lounging about, only training when she got bored and felt like moving her body. The only reason she lashed out at Luvia is that she hated the type of people who spewed platitudes and pretended to be righteous, often elevating themselves above others. This was something Nobunaga had proactively avoided when she was conquering Japan and, even though it caused some to label her as a Demon King, she was at least able to hold her head up high without pretenses...
Though many showed signs of breaking the silence, it was ultimately Artoria, with a bearing none at the table could match, who stated, "I still have much to learn, but one of the most important lessons I have received from Vahn is the fact that success is a transient thing that only exists in the present. Despite our best intentions, we cannot know with absolute certainty what the future will hold. To that end, it is important that we make the most of each and every moment. Even if we fail, we need only pick ourselves back up and do better. I believe in Vahn and the future he wants to create...I want to see a world where everyone can be happy..."
As Artoria spoke, it was almost as if there was an aura of light radiating from her body and, if Vahn had been present, he would have seen her 'fate' flowing into those around her. Though Luvia had the same [Charisma] rating, there was a significant difference between a King and the Heiress of a wealthy conglomerate family. Luvia had to pull a lot of strings behind the scenes while Artoria had always held her head up high, allowing her actions to be scrutinized by her people. Even when the general populous had turned against her, with her own Round Table splitting in two, she had always performed her duty as King. Till the very end, thousands of people had been able to die in her name, never once doubting their path and the glory owed to them for dying nobly.
Hearing Artoria's words, Nobunaga snorted lightly through her nose and, though she wasn't the type to ever simply apologize, she decided not to be so harsh toward Luvia in the future. She didn't want to make trouble for Vahn and, as he had already placed his trust in Luvia, who actually worked very hard on his behalf, being obstinate would benefit none of them. With that in mind, she crossed her arms and fell into silent contemplation with her eyes closed, earning a small laugh from Kenshin, seated to her right. At the same time, tensions around the table calmed down considerably while, even though Luvia was still seated at the position closest to the head of the table, Artoria became the central focus of everyone present.
Luvia didn't miss this shift in everyone's perception, including her own. From Nobunaga's outburst and what everyone else had said, she was beginning to realize that her methods might be just as antiquated as Nobunaga's. The future Vahn wanted to usher into the world was like the change in an Era and, though the politics and business sense she had cultivated over the years would certainly be useful in the short term, standardized currency may not exist in the future Vahn wanted to create. He had allowed her to read Da Vinci's 'plan' and, though it seemed like complete nonsense on paper, she was already beginning to see the signs that it could become a reality...
Suddenly, though it left a slightly bitter taste in her mouth, Luvia realized she may not be suited to the position of Vahn's Empress. The only reason she could even claim the position was due to the fact that others simply weren't contesting it. This made it seem like she was unnecessarily trying to elevate herself, even though the subtle difference in status would be completely meaningless within the privacy of the Inner Sanctum. It would certainly be useful in political situations, but that may very well be meaningless with how much power Vahn was consolidating. Eventually, one of their enemies would try to test his strength, only to find themselves the proverbial egg smashing against a rock. He not only had functionally infinite wealth but could summon Heroic Spirits and create items out of thin air...
Realizing she had been viewing things as 'just' a human, ignoring the fact that Vahn was essentially a God with nigh-absolute power, Luvia suddenly felt rather small. This didn't bother her, however, as she knew her own existence would be amplified just by associating with Vahn. He would also be the father of her children, making her the mother of literal Demi-Gods who would, like their father, have unlimited potential. This thought brought a smile to Luvia's face and, as if all her prior apprehensions were meaningless, she plainly stated, "Vahn should still have an Empress, one that can stand at his side as an equal, regardless of how the future changes. Though the position could be left open for another to claim int he future, I believe there is already an ideal candidate among those gathered here..."
Though it could have been misconstrued as self-promotion, it was clear from Luvia's gaze that she was not referred to herself. Instead, as everyone else had been doing previously, she was looking toward Artoria, meeting the latter's crystal clear gaze which, contrasting her own, possessed a certain nobility that was impossible to emulate. Even if Artoria was dressed in rags, people would still feel as if she was an existence above them, even if she never once postured to present herself as such. Even when she ruled as King Arthur, Artoria had elevated her Knights to a similar status as her own, caring more about fulfilling her duties and protecting her people than the title of King. Thus, even if she was given the highest position within the Imperial Court, second only to Vahn, she would remain completely unaffected by the politics and machinations of others...
With everyone turning their attention toward her, Artoria nearly recused herself from any potential contention as being a Queen-Empress Consort and Knight Commander was already enough for her. Since she had failed to rule as King, Artoria felt she was unqualified for ruling alongside Vahn as his Empress. However, remembering her own words about making the best of each and every moment, combined with the fact she was trying to comprehend 'King's Laws', Artoria's eyes ultimately shone with a resolute light as she stated, "If there are none against it, I will accept the responsibility. If it will help ease Vahn's burdens, I will do my best, regardless of the position I am required to fill."
Hearing the conviction in Artoria's words, combined with the fact that she was generally popular amongst everyone present, nobody voiced any complaints. Instead, even though it was unnecessary, many answered in support of Artoria becoming the Empress, Fenrir included. She had a positive impression of Artoria so hearing the latter say she would do her best to support their Master was all that mattered, at least in her opinion. Thus, while many abstained from commenting on the matter entirely, it was quickly decided via consensus that Artoria would become Vahn's official Empress. As for Luvia, after a great deal of discussion, she would distance herself slightly from the crown and, at least for the time being, assume the position of Empress-Consort and Keeper of the Seals...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Nobunaga and Luvia don't mesh well xD...','Fenrir, the voice of reason!?','Once a King, now an Empress. Once for duty, now for love...?')
(A/N: For those that are unaware, the Keeper of the Seals can, at times, has the same authority as a King or Emperor. It essentially qualifies Luvia to carry around Vahn's Imperial Seal, meaning she is able to act as his proxy, even without being his Empress.) <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
After what felt like a much-deserved rest, Vahn awoke feeling refreshed and recharged, ready to face the coming day. Before that, however, he helped Mordred and Sakura prepare for their own, even if this only meant helping them brush and pin up their hair. Since it was currently day time outside, this meant they had lessons, today's consisting of spearmanship, etiquette, and armor maintenance. It might not be necessary for them to ever repair their own armor but, as a matter of discipline and principle, all Knights needed to know how to care for their equipment.
Once they were ready, Vahn sent off his two daughters with a supportive smile on his face, leaving them in the care of Gray since Artoria had wanted to speak with him. When it was just the two of them, she explained the decisions that the group had reached, surprising Vahn quite a bit when she informed him of her own status. This caused a smile to immediately spread across his face and, even though Artoria had been in the middle of her explanation, Vahn scooped her up, holding her waist as he spun her around a few times. Then, despite Artoria's mock protests, Vahn pulled her into a firm embrace, cradling her in his arms as he whispered, "Thank you...".
Vahn had come to understand Artoria well over the last eight months so, even without her having to explain the situation, he knew she must have been the voice of reason for everyone to support her claim. Thus, so that Artoria never felt like she was simply doing her 'duty', Vahn made it clear from the start that he was enthused to have her as his Empress. Though she lightly tapped his chest a few times in resistance, it wasn't long before Artoria ultimately relaxed her body, allowing Vahn to seal her lips as they shared a passionate embrace for several minutes...
Though she failed to extricate herself from Vahn's embrace, Artoria managed to explain everything as he loosely held her hips and gently guided her around the room, not quite dancing but having a similar feeling. She explained how Luvia had accepted the position of Empress-Consort and Keeper of the Imperial Seal while Kenshin had nominated herself as Imperial Herald. With the matters Luvia was charged to attend, she would need considerable authority and, with none greater than Vahn's own, carrying his seal was the same as representing him. As for Kenshin, she already had a following amongst the Einzbern Homunculi and, though she would still serve as part of the Order of Imperial Knights, her primary duty in the future would entail preceding his arrival and passing his doctrine to his soldiers and subjects.
Since Vahn would be holding Court in the near future, Kenshin had essentially taken it upon herself to be his personal messenger. She would be the one responsible for commanding others to attend his Court, leaving only the positions of Master of Ceremonies and Grand Marshal of the Court to be filled. Artoria and the others had discussed who was most suited for the position before ultimately coming to the conclusion that, amongst them, there was none qualified. Both positions were rather high in the Court but, compared to the status and titles everyone had been assigned, it was actually a considerable downgrade in status to hold said positions.
The Master of Ceremonies had the responsibility of conducting important ceremonies and managing the castle staff in preparation to receive dignitaries, ambassadors, and other important guests of the Emperor. They were usually in charge of the Stewards, Chamberlains, Butlers, Maids, Chefs, and other servant classes within the castle. The only person qualified for this level of responsibility was Luvia but, as she was already dealing with external matters, she could not manage the staffing of the castle and preside over its ceremonies. As for the position of Grand Marshal of the Court, it was the higher position between the two but typically had fewer responsibilities.
Similar to the Master of Ceremonies, the Grand Marshal was also responsible for planning events and conducting ceremonies. Instead of managing the staff and personnel charged with ensuring the ceremony was a success, however, they had the responsibility of organizing the members of the Court and making sure everyone was properly informed of the arrival and participation of outside parties. They would be the ones announcing the names and titles of guests who were given an audience with Vahn and, with the exception of Vahn and Artoria, their status was considered one of the highest, albeit only during ceremonies.
Though Vahn could hold Court in whichever way he chose, creating a completely new system and establishing a unique form of etiquette would just complicate things in the long run. Because of this, his Empire was similar in structure to the traditions passed down through the British Isles for more than two-thousand years. As a result, the only ones really familiar with how things were run included Merlin, Artoria, Luvia, Rin, Iris, Illya, Olga, and, to a lesser extent, Astolfo. Among them, only Rin was free to take up such responsibilities but, wanting to avoid politics completely, she had refused on the grounds of being unsuited for the position.
Unfortunately, with so few people making up his Court, they were considerably understaffed when it came to handling official matters. Though having one of the Homunculi take up the responsibility wasn't out of the question, that was a matter that could only be addressed in the future. For the time being, there weren't any amongst their number who had fully awakened an independent ego. If his future guests were to see them behaving as emotionless dolls, it could seriously skew the image he wanted to present to the rest of the world. Avalon was supposed to be a haven for those seeking to escape exploitation so using one of the Einzbern Homunculi just because it was 'convenient' to do so was out of the question...
With few options, even though he actually had quite a few, Vahn ultimately decided that he would delay holding court until he had finished treating all of the Homunculi. At the same time, he would be waiting for the summoning system to be readied while allowing the various Fae residing on the island to continue settling in. If they had already built homes and started developing a community, it would actually give him more leverage in future discussions. Currently, as they had only arrived less than two weeks prior, it wouldn't mean much to them if they were forced away. If they were already used to life on the island, however, they would be far more resistant to leaving, making them much easier to convince in the long run.
After making his decision, Vahn rested his forehead against Artoria's explaining in a light tone, "In the near future, I'll be summoning several people all at once. Though Karna and Jeanne are a given, I will also be summoning Gawain and Gareth. From what you have told me, I believe they will be a helpful addition to the Court..."
Gawain had been one of the Knights loyal to Artoria until the end, while also serving as Artoria's proxy and decay, Vahn believed he would be extremely suited to the position of Grand Marshal. As for Gareth, she was one of the people who weighed heavily on Artoria's heart, the result of her extremely unjust ending. Better yet, Gawain and Gareth were brother and sister while also Artoria's nephew and niece respectively. Though Gawain might hold some resentment toward Mordred, as she had been responsible for both his and Artoria's deaths, Vahn didn't expect he would hold that grudge in his heart after seeing the changes in both Artoria and Mordred.
Hearing Vahn mention summoning her family once again, Artoria had a gentle look in her eyes but still released a sigh. Though she felt summoning Gareth wouldn't be an issue, all those that had been at her side during Mordred's rebellion would likely carry resentment toward her daughter. Since she had made so much progress, Artoria didn't want Mordred to have to face any setbacks. She was also afraid to face her kin as, both Gawain and Gareth had been completely unaware of her identity as a female. Though she trusted both of her loyal Knights with her very life, matters of the heart were never simple to deal with...
Sensing Artoria's hesitation, Vahn held her a little tighter as he reminded, "The past is the past... let's build the future by focusing on the present..." Even if there were problems, Vahn was confident they could be dealt with. Mordred had indeed come a long way and, so long as her support never waned, it wouldn't matter if others looked down on her. Instead, it might result in her working even harder to prove herself and, with Gawain having been a loyal Knight until the end, Vahn suspected he would adapt quickly to the reality of the situation. From what he had heard from Artoria, the chances he would slander the Imperial Family in dereliction of his duties were incredibly slim...
With Vahn's reminder, Artoria felt a small weight lift from her heart and, though she couldn't really find the words to express her feeling, it was surprising how much a simple kiss could communicate. Thus, even though Mordred would likely make a snide remark about her being late, Artoria decided to focus on the moment, sharing it with the man she had slowly come to love. He always seemed so confident when it came to things like this and, even if this didn't necessarily mean he was prepared to deal with the consequences of his actions, Artoria knew that Vahn would still continue moving forward, regardless of the setbacks he faced. This gave her the strength to do the same so, as Vahn slowly guided her around the room, Artoria offered no resistance...
Before he began another long session of treating Homunculi, Vahn made his way through the castle, this time moving towards the upper levels that connected to the heavily reinforced ramparts. Along the way, he passed by several Homunculi who promptly moved aside, bowing respectfully as they made way for their new Master. Vahn, however, broke etiquette slightly as, instead of ignoring them, as was considered 'proper', he greeted each of the Homunculi by name. Though he could tell them apart by the subtle differences in their physique and aura, he had also tagged each of them within his Minimap, allowing him to avoid making even a single mistake. This seemed to be quite impactful to the Homunculi, often resulting in them smiling as they returned his greeting in higher spirits, even if it was hard to discern with their largely emotionless eyes...
After reaching his destination, Vahn saw a large statuesque figure seated atop the rampart, the wind gently flowing through his mane-like hair. Even seated, the bronze-skinned figure was considerably taller than Vahn, each of his limbs being comparable in thickness to the latter's torso. With muscles atop muscles, to the point that even someone like Ottar wouldn't be able to compete, he cut quite the figure against the twilight of the rising sun. Just as sunset would persist for well over seven hours, the long morning sunrise was yet another sight to behold, adding to the mystical qualities of Avalon.
Without so much as sparring Vahn a glance, as he would not even lower his head to Gods, Heracles continued to look out over the expanse of Avalon as his deep voice echoed, "Why have you come seeking me, Sage Emperor?"
Since Heracles was an existence nearly on the same level as someone like Scáthach, Vahn decided it was a waste to mind his rather brash and impolite mannerisms. His impression of the proud Greek Hero was actually quite high so, breaching etiquette himself, Vahn sat down on the ramparts before pulling out a literal vase of expensive alcohol, asking, "Shall we toast the morning sun?" This caused Heracles to turn his eyes toward him, golden pupils blazing like the morning sun as they reflected the image of Vahn deep within.
Though his face still had the ferocity of a man who could contend against the greatest monsters in the world, Heracles allowed a slight grin to spread across his lips as he hefted the heavy vase of alcohol and drank from it with the ease other men would use to partake of a mug. He downed more than a liter of alcohol in just a few large gulps before releasing a husky sigh and remarking, "You are a good Emperor. Those who cling to pride and look down on others are doomed to meet a tragic end. Despite the amount of power you may wield, it is useless if you forget why you obtained such power in the first place..."
Knowing Heracles was speaking from experience, as he had learned a considerable amount about the Heroic man's past, Vahn gave a solemn and understanding nod. Then, as he had indeed come here with a matter to discuss, Vahn stated in a firm tone, "I owe you a debt of gratitude for what you have done for Illya. Though titles may be meaningless to someone of your stature, I would like to give you the title of Imperial Guardian. At the same time, I came to inform you of my intentions..." Though Heracles didn't have much of a reaction to receiving a title, his expression became beset with grief, a glimmer of hope flashing across his golden eyes as Vahn stated, "I intend to give you a physical body and, in exchange for your service, I will return your Wife and children to you..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Heracles experienced a brief moment where a powerful rage almost swelled up inside of him but, knowing the former wasn't trying to deceive him, he remained calm, asking, "How long...?" This question caused Vahn to blink in confusion, resulting in Heracles grumbling as he asked, "How long do I need to serve you before they will be returned to me?" As he knew it would consume a considerable amount of resources, Heracles expected that Vahn would ask him to serve for at least a decade before his family would be returned to him. Instead, Vahn smiled in amusement as he explained, "I trust you have enough integrity to fulfill your promise without being bound to service. It will take time to summon them all, but I can at least return to you your Wife and two of your children. When I have the resources to summon the rest, I will not delay the matter..."
Heracles took in a deep breath, causing his massive pectoral muscles to expand outward in a rather intimidating manner. This wasn't his intention, however, as his expression became extremely solemn as he vowed, "I believe you to be a man of your word. In exchange for this kindness, I will continue to protect the Imperial Family until my dying breath. This place is a paradise that should never have to suffer the conflicts of men. If anyone intends to defile this place and its people, they must go through me first..." Though he spoke calmly, Vahn could feel Heracles' aura expand outward, causing the void around to tremble slightly in response.
Understanding further discussion was unnecessary, Vahn hopped to his feet before lifting up his own glass. Heracles obliged by tapping his vase against the mug before they both emptied the contents of their respective containers. Then, after exhaling a hot sigh that kicked up a steamy cloud of vapor, Vahn turned his back to Heracles, commenting, "In the future, I would appreciate your company at the nearby tavern. I have very few people that I can consider my friend but, if you'll have me, I would be honored to keep the company of such a legendary Heroic figure." Even if this version of Heracles felt an extreme amount of guilt and self-loathing, Vahn believed he would one day hold his head up high once again. One of the traits he most respected in people was their tenacity in overcoming the past, even if they sometimes needed a small push...
Though he did not answer Vahn openly, Heracles decided to keep the company of the Sage Emperor in the future. There were few people in his life that he had ever truly respected and, though Vahn had yet to reach that level just yet, Heracles' impression of the man had increased greatly. So long as he kept his promise, Heracles didn't even care if Vahn wanted him to become a weapon against his enemies. Even if he had to bathe in an ocean of blood and overcome a thousand more trials, being reunited with his family would make it all worth it. He also found the alcohol given to him by Vahn to be of extremely high quality, burning his throat and filling his body with a pleasant warmth, chasing away the chill that had settled into his frame. Though the cold wouldn't affect him normally, Heracles had come to appreciate the numbness so, instead of resisting it, he allowed the chill to settle in his body as he ruminated about the past...
Suddenly feeling that the warm rays of the sun were far more pleasant, Heracles allowed a genuine smile to spread across his lips as he muttered, "My beloved think we would be together again after thousands of years...this time, I will protect you and our children...I swear..." Though his tightening fist caused the rampart of the castle to fracture, Heracles only spared it a momentary glance before jumping down to the courtyard more than sixty meters below. He had the feeling that sitting around was now a waste of time and, as he had promised to protect the Island, Heracles felt it was time he explored it. His first destination was the Castle Town in the distance, his intent being to find the location of the tavern mentioned by Vahn. Asking for directions was something he could never bring himself to do so, even if he had to wander around and enter every building, Heracles was determined to find it...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn be like, "Waifu acquired (* v *)~!"','I wish I had a system to remind me of people's names...','Heracles' Vow : Pride and Respect') <-(p.atreon link)
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