Several hours after the presentation ceremony had begun, Vahn's expression had become stone-faced, a sharp contrast to the masked smile he had worn throughout. He watched as the group of young Amazonesses happily made their way out of Kali's chambers, each having been promised extra portions during their meals and two semi-permanant marks on their hand which would allow them to update their Status Board whenever the opportunity presented itself. It was such a paltry prize that Vahn knew he could have afforded them, even without Kali having gone through so much efforts to try and bother him.
Once the group had departed the chambers, Vahn's mind continued to buzz as he blankly stared forward, few thoughts running through his tired mind. Kali had kept a slight distance from him during the ceremony but, even though it had finished, she hadn't made any attempt to try and get close to him. She could tell by Vahn's reaction that she had gone too far and didn't know what to say as something like an apology, at least a genuine one, had never really left her lips. In the past, Kali never regretted the few actions she took as, even with a Divinity related to Time, there was no way to change the past and undo things. Thus, after more than a minute of tense silence, Kali began to feel annoyed and wanted Vahn to at least be angry if he was bothered, not just silent...
Sensing the change in Kali's aura, Vahn's dull and tired eyes didn't change in the slightest as a small smile curled up at the sides of his mouth. It wasn't an expression of happiness but one of sheer incredulity as he mechanically intoned, "None of your Divinities compel you to do things like choose to bring harm because you don't know how to express yourself. I've met people like you in the past..." As Vahn spoke, his mind was filled with the smiling face of Eva but, unlike Kali, Eva desperately sought companionship to escape her loneliness. Kali, because of her long life and her assigned Divinities, simply didn't care about such things from the start...even if the people close to her were to die, she would accept it as part of the natural cycle and move on without mourning, at least for very long...
Realizing that Kali's Divinities had affected her in a way that he couldn't really do much about at the present, Vahn smile turned into a pained expression as he slowly rose to his feet. There was a lot he had wanted to say previously but, understanding Kali probably wouldn't even take his words seriously, Vahn just felt tired. She was constantly talking about them being equals and he had seen the compromises she had made on his behalf...however, in none of those situations did he ever force her into a situation where she had to compromise. Her words no longer held any weight as, even though Kali had gone through the motions, she never truly treated him with dignity and respect...
As he made his way towards the entrance to Kali's chambers, Vahn could feel her aura fluctuate greatly but she ultimately remained silent until just before he vanished behind the thick curtains. The words she chose to speak caused Vahn to feel a slight pain in his chest as the dull feeling in his mind spread even further, each word weighing heavily against his heart and mind. Without even turning to face her, or bothering to answer her question, Vahn exited the chambers as the words, "Is this how a man should behave...!?" echoed in his ears. Moments later, as he passed by the stunned and confused guards, Vahn could hear thrashing about in Kali's chambers as various items and pieces of furniture were destroyed by the raging goddess...
After leaving behind Kali's chambers, Vahn had moved to an isolated area near the top of the Coliseum and was currently waiting for the arrival of Tiona and Tione. He had sent them both telepathic messages so, after only a few minutes had passed, the two quickly made their way to his side. Tione showed a pained and empathetic look when she saw him sitting on a ledge that overlooked the silent country below but Tiona immediately closed the distance and gave Vahn a warm hug. He hadn't even realized that his body was cold previously so Vahn felt more comforted by this simple gesture than any other complex display of affection. Back at the Manor, he even set down the tools he had been using to practice forging and decided to go seek out Fenrir, Hestia, Eina, or anyone that would provide him with meaningful companionship for the night...
As a result of Tiona's actions, Vahn quickly found himself embraced by both sisters as his tired mind was slowly revitalized by their presence. Without them having to ask, Vahn plainly stated, "You know, I really tried...even though there are so many things I don't agree with, I tried to be understanding and see things from the perspective of the Amazonesses. Even though there were so many cruel components of this society, I can still see the fervor and happiness that many of your kind find through the simple enjoyment of battle. The fact that a society can exist for so long without the need for a complex political and economic structure is genuinely amazing..." Vahn truly had found many positive components of Amazoness society but, knowing there were innocent victims that were consumed by it, combined with the fact that the object of their worship simply didn't care about their was too much for him.
Unable to finish his words, Vahn just shook his head and enjoyed the feeling of the wintery air against his skin while the warmth of the two girls flowed into his body. Neither said anything but Vahn could feel their support through their actions, slowly strengthening his own resolution to do what was necessary. In truth, the answer had been in front of him the entire time and, just as Kali had stated, Vahn had been overthinking things out of consideration and respect. Neither of these things was wholly necessary, however, especially if the other side didn't afford you the same basic respects in turn...
Long after Vahn had left her chambers, Kali was still seething and anxious, having destroyed most of the furniture contained within and even going so far as to extinguish the fire that had been burning inside for more than five hundred years. He guards had come in to try and appease her but Kali had chased them all away with her Divinity and was currently curled up on the spot where Vahn had been sitting, the only undamaged part of the entire room. Though it had long faded, Kali felt like she could still feel a bit of his warmth coming from the cushion and couldn't help trying to seek comfort from it, even as the simple thought of her own weakness and reliance was driving her mad...
In all her long existence, Kali had never felt like this before and, knowing that she had chased away the one thing that could give her a reprieve, she couldn't help but curse, "You blasted brat, I can't believe you would just leave me here like this again. If you were so upset, you could have put an end to the entire situation with just a few words! Why do you have to be an idiot that lets people hurt him just to try and appease them...!?" Kali simply couldn't wrap her head around why Vahn would let her get away with so much, especially if it was going to do so much harm. She knew it was his greatest weakness but couldn't fathom why someone with so much power, to the point that even gods nearly treated him as their equal, would give others so much leniency and influence over him...
With a torrent of thoughts racing through her mind, Kali tightly hugged her knees while curling up into the smallest shape she could manage. Just thinking about the situation was causing an intense pain in her chest and a buzzing feeling at her temples so she wanted nothing more than to simply stop thinking about it. For a brief moment, she even regretted setting her petty revenge into motion and, after squeezing her own legs hard enough to form light bruises, Kali couldn't help but mutter, "You idiot, all you have to do is whatever you want...even I couldn't go against you if you just beat me in a fight...idiot...stupid..." Following these words, for one of the few times in her long existence, Kali buried her face into knees and began to cry silently...
After spending a long night with Hestia, as she had intercepted him on his way to find Fenrir, Vahn had recovered greatly by the time morning had come. He spent the morning talking things over with the goddesses residing with the Manor and received a large amount of support and advice for his next course of action. Vahn was often given a great deal of leniency in how he chose to act and this time wouldn't be an exception, even though the situation was arbitrarily complicated by his own sensibilities. Even so, with the support of so many people, Vahn believed that, even if his course of action wasn't 'correct', he simply had to deal with the fallout and do his best to ensure the outcome eventually became positive...
Currently, Vahn was once again returning to Kali's chambers, the day having already transitioned into the early afternoon. He knew she had been confining herself inside alone and had sent away anyone that had come to visit her while, within his system interface, Vahn could see that her Affection for him had fallen from 99 down to 83 in less than a day. He had never been able to get her Affection to 100 through his past actions and knew it would take defeating her in a battle to finally get her across that threshold. Now, however, Vahn wasn't sure what direction the future would take, only that his actions would have a direct influence on the outcome...
The only Amazoness left to guard Kali's tent, at least for the time being, was Bache herself. Even then, she wasn't anywhere near the actual entrance and, after seeing Vahn appear, a mixture of emotions crossed her face before she eventually closed her eyes for a few seconds and said, "Kali-sama has always been good to us...even before she had descended into this world, it was her words of guidance that had helped the Amazonesses become what they are today. Her only requirement for us was to always strive for greater power and she even gave us the method to obtain it...Vahn, please don't hurt Kali-sama..." Knowing Vahn's character and also understanding that there was nothing she could do to stop him, Bache could only appeal to him while repressing her own emotions and instincts...
After giving Bache a curt nod, Vahn made his way into Kali's tent and found the diminutive goddess curled up in a ball, her blood-red eyes gazing back at him with a haggard look on her face. Vahn felt a tinge of guilt upon seeing her in this state but quickly dismissed it as he plopped down onto the ground without making any attempt to get closer. Her Affection dropped several points once again as Kali's brows furrowed into a deep frown. In response to this, Vahn plainly stated, "I have no come here to comfort and pander to you, Kali...not anymore. Up until last night, I could have easily forgiven how you've behaved but you knowing crossed my bottom line and now we both have to live with the consequences..."
Though she may not have intended it, Kali's Divinity had started to leak out a bit as her eyes became almost hollow in appearance. She was still hugging her own legs closely and Vahn could see her nails begin to dig into the side of her flesh as she waited for his next words. Resisting the urge to try and stop her, Vahn hardened his heart and stated, "You taught me a lot over the last three months and allowed me to see the world from a different perspective. Over time, I was even learning to love you, even if the form it had taken was somewhat abnormal and unhealthy at times...but now it is simply too late. You aren't aware of it, but the path I walk isn't something simple and straight forward. What I'm trying to accomplish is something that most would say is impossible and-."
Not allowing Vahn to continue his words, Kali let her Divinity spread out until it had nearly encompassed the entire Coliseum as she shouted, "Leave...!" Though she had been listening at first, Kali's mind blanked the moment Vahn said that it was too late. She had spent the entire night, and most of the morning, constantly thinking about what she could do to try and mend things between them. Even though she hated thinking about things excessively, Kali couldn't help trying to come up with a method that would make Vahn show her affection once again. But, much like the warmth she had sought from the long-inert cushion, everything had been a delusion, a false hope that caused her heart to twist painfully as tears began to pour from her eyes...
Vahn's instincts warned him of the impending danger but, seeing the state Kali was in, combined with his own convictions, he didn't move from his spot. Instead, Vahn looked directly into Kali's eyes and said, "I have tried doing things your we'll do them mine..." Kali, as angry and hurt as she was, hadn't actually made any attempt to try and attack or harm Vahn. Though she might not admit it, Vahn was very aware of the fact that Kali had become dependent on him after the time they had spent together. As a result, he knew she was instinctually restraining herself, creating a gap that he could exploit, even though it felt wrong to do so...
Kali's teary eyes widened into saucers as Vahn extended his hand toward her before nine golden chains spontaneously appeared within her chamber. She hadn't prepared herself at all and was caught unprepared when Vahn's domain contracted around her like the heavy and dense water at the bottom of the sea. Kali felt a suffocating feeling for a brief moment before the golden chains snaked around her body, holding her firmly in place and completely sealing away her Divinity. She was already aware of the existence of [Enkidu] but had never seen Vahn actually use it, believing it was more of a ceremonial tool instead of a weapon...
Before their battle could even begin, Vahn had brought it to a decisive conclusion as he looked towards Kali's bound body and asked, "You won't use the excuse that you were unprepared, right? Even sneak attacks are allowed within the laws and traditions of Telskyura, especially if the two sides are at odds with each other..." Though it was considered shameless and dishonorable, the only thing that truly mattered to most Amazonesses was the outcome of the battle. The victor was almost always considered 'right' while the loser, especially in death, was simply labeled as weak and complacent.
Though she felt an indignant rage after realizing what was happening, Kali's mind blanked out after [Enkidu] was snuggly wrapped around her body. She noticed that the chains weren't actually that hard and strangely made her feel comfortable, almost like the times she was with Vahn. At the same time, it was almost as if the world had come into focus as even the turbulent waves in her mind were slowly settling. It took her a while to even register Vahn's question but Kali eventually looked up at him with her face filled with confusion, at least until she looked directly into his eyes.
For a brief moment, Kali was going to proclaim his words to be true and, even though she knew this was the case, she still couldn't accept it so easily. She had wanted a hard-fought battle where both of them tried to determine who had the dominant role in their future relationship. This was far from the outcome she had imagined and, even though it was strangely calming to be held by [Enkidu], Kali refused to lower her head so easily. Instead, even though part of her screamed out to hold her words, Kali peered up at Vahn and venomously stated, " this the result of Loki's influence? You need to scheme against me, even with all the power you possess...!?" As the words left her mouth, Kali felt a great deal of hurt in her heart since she was very aware of the fact that Vahn always treated her well and in a forthright manner when they were together...
Since he had already expected similar words, Vahn was able to keep his mask from cracking but, deep inside, he knew this wasn't very fair for her. However, much like his early relationship with Freya, Vahn knew that Kali simply couldn't be compromised with early on. If he treated her as an equal, she would try to get away with all sorts of things, constantly distancing herself from him only to try and return to his side after the fact. This was an extremely unhealthy relationship and, if she were ever to truly reside in Orario, Vahn knew there needed to be an established hierarchy between them. Though he would one day open his heart to her again, Vahn knew that Kali wasn't in a state where she could reside inside without wreaking havoc and harming his existing relationships...
Swallowing his inhibitions, Vahn reached down and raised Kali's chin even further as he looked into her blood-red eyes and firmly stated, "We are not equals...I tried to treat you as an equal and you took advantage of it every chance you got. You expect respect and pandering yet can't give it out in kind, spoiled by the fact you are a goddess that has the reverence of an entire nation of proud warriors. Now, you are reduced to nothing more than a frail girl that is bound within my chains...if I wanted to, I could even seal you away and prevent your return to Heaven entirely. You may curse me all you want but we both know, deep down, this is your loss. Even if you try to hide it, your body and mind are already accepting this reality, are they not...?"
Even with all the rage and indignity that Kali was feeling, there was a painful and aching heat rising up in her body that was impossible to resist. The more overbearing Vahn was in this situation, the more her body was reacting, even though she tried to resist. It wouldn't have been that difficult if her Divinity wasn't bound but Kali was currently, as Vahn stated, just a frail mortal. Her soul may be immortal but, at least for the time being, she was just a normal Amazoness that was powerless against her opponent. Though part of her was stressing out from being bound in chains, it wasn't nearly as potent as the hormones wreaking havoc in her body...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Rage of a Goddess','Resolution of an Emperor','Fearsome [Enkidu]...') <-(p.atreon link)
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Though Kali fought hard to resist the changes in her body, there was little she could do after being stripped of her Divinity. It was the first time in her long existence that she had been truly vulnerable and, even though she shared the same racial traits as an Amazoness, Kali had never experienced the full effect of their body's natural response. In many ways, it was almost as if she were feeling their influence for the first time and, after only a few minutes had passed, Kali's breathing had become somewhat ragged as she glared back at Vahn. All the while this was going on, Vahn remained silent, staring down at the small figure of Kali with a stern expression as he ignored her barbs and insults...
Feeling as if her insides were itching, but unable to do anything about it, Kali's anger was quickly turning into a profound frustration, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She was unable to even rub her thighs together to relieve a bit of the discomfort since there were links of [Enkidu] wrapped around her legs that kept her immobile. Other than her head and neck, the rest of her body felt completely powerless, yet another thing she had never experienced before. As a result, Kali was beginning to feel extremely anxious and was focusing less on Vahn and more on trying to proactively resist the rising tensions in her body.
Once things reached a critical level, Vahn squinted his eyes and said, "There are Amazonesses who live their entire lives having to deal with the influence of their instincts and the hormonal imbalances in their bodies. You, as a goddess, haven't even been able to last twenty minutes before you look like you're about to give seems your understanding of what it means to truly be an Amazoness is lacking, Kali. But, you never really tried to truly understand them, did you? Though you may have led them on a path that allowed them to deal with their urges, most of your decisions were simply so you could be entertained and pampered without having to make much of an effort on your own part..."
Vahn knew that, though Telskyura was one of the more balanced and 'fair' societies he had ever seen, there were still a plethora of issues. However, as a result of the culture they had established, there were no proactive measures being made to address them. Instead, their focus was almost entirely on keeping things the same, vehemently resisting most changes. Since they were entirely reliant on other communities to even reproduce, Vahn knew this lifestyle would be an extreme detriment in the future he wanted to create. He needed to start laying a foundation for a new path, one where all Amazonesses could continue to thrive, both without being exploited and allowing them to reach their full potential.
With that in mind, Vahn lifted Kali's chin again, staring into her slightly glazed eyes as he said, "I will not allow you to keep steering the Amazonesses onto a path that restricts their growth, all while purporting that it is for their own good. I'm certain that I could create a community of Amazonesses that, within two generations, would completely overwhelm this entire society. You talk about Amazonesses constantly seeking power and doing their best to improve but, in all the thousands of years of their culture, have there been more than a handful of Level 7s? Have there been any Level 8s? The current methods keep them pacified and serve as a limiter, allowing only a few of the truly exceptional to shine as a result of the brutal methods that currently exist..."
Though he didn't have the full picture just yet, Vahn had noticed that the Amazonesses with the highest potential generally died earlier than those with less. This was because they were generally the 'unique' Amazonesses that possessed much higher mana reserves and special abilities. As a result, they were put through more rigorous training and, even though their society didn't really put a heavy focus on treating any individual special, it was easy to see that older Amazonesses had unfair expectations for these unique individuals. Without proper care, both physical and mental, these young girls would eventually break down, many times with their minds breaking long before their bodies...
As much as she wanted to refute what Vahn was saying, Kali wasn't in the state to talk back and, combined with her own observations, she had no means to contradict his claims. Her biggest concern at the moment was resisting the urge to beg for leniency, something her pride would never allow, even while her body and mind both desperately sought it. Vahn seemed to key in on this and, just as it felt like the fires were going to completely consume her, he did something that made Kali nearly tear up as she clenched her teeth in resentment...
Vahn noticed the sharp drop in Kali's Affection, causing his brows to twitch slightly. He still chose to ignore it, however, as he reached out his hand and began to stroke Kali's head. Though he had the option to take her by force, Vahn refused to become the type of person that would take someone against their will, even if he 'forced' them into a situation where they wanted it. Even if Kali came to hate him because of his supposed indecisiveness, Vahn would tolerate her hatred since he knew she would eventually come around. This memory would become something deeply embedded in her mind and, even if Kali never openly admitted it, Vahn knew she would never be able to escape from the memory and the subtle influence of her own instincts...
It didn't take long for Kali, fully restrained by [Enkidu], to begin to calm down and relax under the influence of Vahn's [Hands of Nirvana: SSS] and [Grooming: A]. She was completely helpless and, even though Tiona and Tione would show a fair amount of resistance if he tried to forcibly relax their bodies, Kali was simply denied the opportunity. Vahn very rarely went all out against the girls that resided in the Manor since it could potentially traumatize or even cause them to develop a dependence on his touch. Kali wasn't afforded this luxury and, with Vahn's understanding of the physiology of Amazonesses, it didn't take him too much effort to slow the release of chemicals in her body while simultaneously causing her extreme comfort.
After a few minutes had passed, Kali's body had become completely limp and, without the support of [Enkidu], she would have fallen to the ground. She didn't even have enough strength to raise her head and continue glaring at Vahn, resulting in the once proud goddess to hang her head as a slight dribble of saliva would periodically find its way to the floor. With her in this state, Vahn gently supported Kali's head, still lightly caressing her neck and cheeks as he stared into her dazed eyes and said, "Stop trying to antagonize me. We can both see how much pain it causes you so just stop it. What is the point of having so much pride when you know it will cause you to experience regrets...?"
Kali didn't have an answer to Vahn's question but, in her current state of mind, she was extremely receptive to his words. Her body felt so 'fluffy' and warm that it was almost as if she were stuck in an endless dream that brought a profound level of comfort. Vahn's voice seemed to promise even more comfort, causing Kali to listen closely to everything he was saying. She immediately recalled all of the times when she had tried to 'get even' with Vahn, often pushing his limits in a petty and unreasonable fashion. In truth, she actually wanted him to stop letting her get away with such things and had hoped he would 'snap' at some point before directly challenging her to a duel. This would have settled things from the very beginning and, even if she lost, Kali wouldn't have minded too much since she would still receive plenty of benefits...
From the look in Kali's eyes, combined with her drooping blue aura, Vahn knew she was experiencing sadness and remorse. This whole event was to give Kali a deep mental impression, but it was also to allow her to reflect without the influence of her Divinity. She already proactively sought him out for comfort before this so Vahn knew she wouldn't be able to take action that would endanger her chances of receiving it again. Since this was also a way in which he had defeated her, Kali would have plenty of 'excuses' to change her behavior and, in time, it was possible that the two would have a positive and healthy relationship in the future. Now, however, Vahn simply couldn't treat Kali as his equal since she simply didn't care enough before...
After nearly two hours had passed, Vahn began to loosen [Enkidu] before picking up Kali's limp body into his arms. He sat on the undestroyed cushion where she had been curled up before settling her into his lap, allowing the small goddess to straddle his hips. She didn't wear anything to cover her bottom so this would usually be a precarious position to be in but Vahn ignored it for the time being and just hugged her body tightly. Like this, he let Kali continue to experience comfort, now under the influence of her Divinity. A bit of her awareness had come back but, instead of lashing out at him, Kali simply wrapped her arms around Vahn's body and buried her face into his chest without looking up at him...
Throughout the entire evening, Vahn continued to embrace Kali while gently running his fingers through her long hair and along her back. He didn't allow her 'instincts' to trigger at all, keeping her pacified on his lap instead of allowing the tensions in her body to increase. By the time morning had come, signifying that he would have to duel with Hippolyta, Kali's Affection had increased back to 95 from the startlingly low 41 it had dropped to. It would take her some time to adapt to the change in their relationship but, without proactively defeating him, something Vahn would never allow, Kali wouldn't easily be able to go against his words. He was the only person in the world that could allow her to experience the liberating feeling of being free from her Divinity while also providing her a level of comfort that was simply impossible by any normal means.
Since they both needed to make a few preparations for what was to come, Vahn put less strength into his embrace before gently pulling Kali away from him. Her arms had resisted for a brief moment, clearly wanting to stay together, but she quickly relented when Vahn put even a small amount of strength into his actions. She was still sitting on his lap but, now that there was a bit of distance between their faces, Vahn could easily see Kali's expression. There was the shadow of a pout on her face as her eyes were averted to the side, avoiding looking directly at him. Vahn's own expression softened a bit when he saw this, causing Kali to give him a quick glance before her mouth formed a tiny frown.
Knowing what was on her mind, Vahn brought his hands up, framing Kali's face and turning her to look directly at him as he said, "When we are alone like this, you are mine. I don't mind if you act a little brazenly on the outside, so long as you are proactively helping to fulfill my dream. From now on, we will work together to create a better future for all Amazonesses, even if it takes several long years to do so. You might not have had much of a vested interest in them before, but I'll have you take responsibility for the respect and adulation they have shown you. In exchange, I will still do my best to learn to love you until, one day, we can truly be equals. For now, you will have to be satisfied with the small comforts I can bring least until you are ready for something more."
Vahn knew that there was a fair chance that his 'melding' with Kali could have fixed everything from the very beginning, but it could have also had disastrous consequences. With Kali's previous behavior, Vahn didn't really want to understand her perspective completely and, as powerful as Death and Time were, he didn't particularly need her help to develop them. With his Qinglong transformation, he was already beginning to understand the Laws of Space and Time while the concept of Death wasn't exactly difficult to comprehend. He wanted to avoid experiencing them from Kali's perspective for a short while, at least until she was a more stable existence that actually cared about what was taking place in the mortal world...
Upon hearing Vahn's words, Kali had felt a longing in her heart but it was overwhelmed by the sense of comfort that she had experienced over the last few hours. It almost felt like an extremely short period of time and, from a certain perspective, it truly was. That 'brief' moment still left a deep impression on her, however, so Kali nodded her head in response to Vahn's words before saying, "Fine...I have already lived for a very long time. Since I can experience so many new things through you, I will try to be more thoughtful in the future. You can't abandon me though...and even if I make mistakes, you have to help me..."
With a natural smile, Vahn gently stroked Kali's cheek with his thumbs before saying, "I already told you before, Kali, you're already mine...unless you give me a reason to, I will never abandon you. You were already on thin ice before but I believe everyone has the potential for change, even the gods who have become stagnant and complacent. Time is constantly moving forward and, as long as we never give up trying, it is possible to create a better future for everyone. There are other ways to keep the balance of the world without simply allowing tragedies to continue when we have the power to prevent it..."
There was a lot more Vahn could say but he allowed his words to trail off since he knew Kali still wasn't at the point where such things would matter to her. She might nod her head in agreement with him but it would only be because she didn't want to upset him. The only thing that really mattered to her was the fact that he said he would never abandon her, so long as she didn't do anything that would justify him doing so. This clearly established their relationship as being one where Kali was a dependent that was being 'kept' by Vahn, meaning they were no longer on equal footing. If he took advantage of the situation, it wouldn't be that difficult to even turn Kali completely submissive, though Vahn didn't really need another goddess with such character traits under his umbrella. He already had Anubis and, to a lesser extent, Nanu, Naaza, and even Lefiya...
Instead of continuing his unnecessary speech, Vahn leaned forward and stunned Kali by giving her a brief kiss on the lips before smiling as he said, "Today is the first day of our new lives. Come, Kali, let's go create a new path for our people to walk..." Though it wasn't accurate to call them 'his' people, Vahn was already accepting responsibility for the future of all Amazonesses. After his battle with Hippolyta, the nation of Telskyura would fall under his influence and, with things like sports and other cultural phenomena, Vahn knew he could bring about real and lasting change. He would also come up with a more humane method to help the Amazonesses reach their full potential without having them undergo such brutal training from such a young age...
Putting significantly less thought into things, compared to Vahn, Kali gave an almost demure smile in response before nodding her head and saying, "I'll do my best...make sure to treat me well in the future." This response was something that Vahn hadn't fully prepared himself for, as it was a stark contrast to Kali's behavior over the last three months. He experienced a sense of incongruity that caused his smile to turn awkward before he lightly stroked the confused Kali's head and explained, "You don't have to restrain yourself that much. I know you have a certain amount of intellect and wisdom so find a common ground between the goddess you were, and the goddess you will become. Even if you make a few mistakes, I can be pretty long as you never even get near my bottom line again..."
With these words, Kali showed visible relief before releasing a long and heavy sigh. She had been worried about doing something to offend Vahn but, hearing his reassurance, Kali suddenly felt like a heavy weight had been removed from her heart and mind. Then, for the first time since they had started to interact with each other, Kali raised her head and showed a genuine smile as she exclaimed, "Make sure you teach that brat a lesson. I'll support you to the best of my ability, but I'm not really suited for such delicate things. The other goddesses in the Alliance can worry about such things while you can leave the establishment of the Amazoness settlement to me. If you want to try and bring change without conflict, the best way would be to show the other Amazonesses proof of a path that is better than their current way of life. Creating a community where they can thrive and grow beyond the restrictions of their current culture will be the best path forward."
Vahn was genuinely taken aback by Kali's words, as they were in line with the very things he had discussed with Loki previously. She seemed to key in on the fact he was 'shocked', causing a small frown to appear on her face as she muttered, "Don't think you can get away with bullying me too easily...I'll really try my best, so you have to treat me well from now on..." There was a mixture of anger and anxiety in Kali's words as she looked towards Vahn with a plea in her eyes. In truth, she didn't know how to comprise well so this was all relatively new to her. Vahn was well aware of this, causing him to give a comforting and supportive smile before gently embracing Kali as he said, "Don't worry, Kali, I will also do my best...we'll slowly figure this out, together..."
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Commence the Petting into Oblivion strat...!','The Embrace of Death...','Plz, no bulli (T^T)...!') <-(p.atreon link)
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