At this point, Bell, Line, and Plum had all noticed what was going on between Vahn and Alicia but they chose to keep to themselves since the latter two had gone out of their way to open up some distance for privacy. Bell kept trying to draw the [Pactio] circle, as he had failed to form the lines properly the first two attempts, and was doing his best to avoid having to ask for help. Line and Plum did their best to ignore the fact that they saw Alicia's hair fall out, only to be replaced by a very healthy head of green hair, and kept their focus on Bell. This didn't mean they were able to keep their curiosity completely in check, however, as their eyes would periodically wander towards the 'mysterious' event transpiring just 50m away from them...
Vahn was currently dazed after hearing Alicia essentially give him permission to do 'whatever' he wanted. He didn't really have anything in mind, but someone giving him that kind of power made him feel a little giddy. If he were being honest, he was actually very interested in the effects of this system functionality but didn't have the courage to proactively change things. He was certain he could have convinced someone like Lefiya to help him out and had already thought about what might happen if he gives someone a race that didn't exist in the record. His curiosity had been piqued and having someone so willingly offering themselves up to appease his curiosity was something that always affected him greatly in the past...
With various thoughts racing through his mind, Vahn swallowed hard before leaning a little close to Alicia. She became a little red in the face when he approached but didn't make any attempts to move away as Vahn asked, "Do you mind if I try to change your body...?" This question made Alicia's heart flutter but she was also a little saddened, thinking Vahn wasn't 'satisfied' with her appearance. However, this feeling faded away very quickly as she produced a smile and said, "If it pleases you, Vahn-sama..." As she gave her permission, Alicia also thought about the fact that she could 'request' changes of her own, making it marginally more acceptable that he made such a request of her.
Vahn had noticed Alicia's hesitation and it actually reflected in the system interface as well, causing the 'price' for the change to increase before it slowly started decreasing again. Eventually, it settled on a much lower number than it started so, after spending 815OP and 40AP, Vahn confirmed his selection and swallowed hard a second time as he waited for the changes to occur. At first, there were no obvious changes at all and it wasn't until Alicia furrowed her brows slightly and began to fidget that Vahn was able to confirm it had been effective. Alicia then asked in a low voice, "Vahn-sama...what did you do to my butt...?"
With a bit of an awkward smile on his face, Vahn stroked the back of his head and said, "Honestly, I'm able to see and understand the proportions of a person's body and I noticed that your butt was a little smaller than your bust size. I figured it would improve your balance if I gave you a fuller butt and, if I were being even more honest, I admit that I've always had a thing for girls with fuller hips and thighs...don't worry, I only increased the size from 84cm to 88cm, matching closely with your bust size..."
Thought he fluttering in her heart increased in intensity, Alicia did her best to keep calm as she remarked, "That is fine and all, Vahn-sama...but please keep in mind that many girls have their clothing fitted for comfort. Suddenly having my panties bite into me isn't exactly pleasant..." Even as she was saying this, Alicia actually wasn't that bothered by the situation, especially after hearing Vahn confess to liking fuller butts. She knew that, as an Elf, it would have been very difficult to exercise and shape her butt so this had saved her a lot of effort on something she would have tried to change naturally after learning of Vahn's preference.
Noticing that Alicia didn't seem upset, based on her body language and the fact her Allegiance had already recovered what he expended, Vahn returned a smile and asked, "If there is anything that has ever bothered you, I can help you change it. However, even without the small 'tweak' I made, know that I already find you to be an exceptionally beautiful girl." Since he genuinely meant it, Vahn's compliment seemed to get through to Alicia as a lovely smile spread across her face, accented by the light blush on her cheeks. Still, as happy as she was for the compliment, it didn't stop her from thinking about all the things she had wanted to change in the past...
As a woman, even though she had the natural beauty of an Elf, there were an endless number of small changes that Alicia would have liked to have made to her body. In fact, she would often wish her body appealed more physically fit than lean, as the image of her own 'frail' looking body would sometimes bother her. At the same time, having somewhat large breasts for an Elf, Alicia had always been a little self-conscious about them. There were even small cosmetic changes, like having more shapely eyebrows, fuller lips, and removing the slight curve at the end of her ears. She also had a mole on her back that was a top priority on the list of things she would want to change, each of which she detailed to the poker-faced Vahn.
Even before Alicia had finished listing out all the changes she would like to make, Vahn had started to understand that it wasn't just himself that he needed to worry about. His exploitation of the system had a certain measure of 'awareness' associated with it, but the recipient of the benefits also needed to properly consider what they wanted to change. Vahn realized that, if he didn't refuse certain requests, it was even possible for his retainers and subordinates to make 'petty' requests every time they didn't like something about their body. However, there was a certain realization that also came from thinking about the potential requests that could be made...
Still listening to Alicia, Vahn asked, ("Sis, if I can change the race and appearance of people, isn't that essentially a way to grant them functional immortality? Since I've used my 'Nirvana' to make changes, my understanding of the internal structure of the body should allow me to even modify people to the point that they are able to have the same physique as someone that had undergone the process...right?") Affirming his suspicion, Sis immediately responded, (*That is correct, Vahn. The modifications you make are based on your comprehension of the changes so, if you were able to form an 'image, much like you do for your own transformations, it is not impossible to 'refine' certain features, or change them entirely...*)
Vahn was beginning to realize that this function was even more godly than he had initially expected, as it meant he could even make people into Progenitors or modify their race to be the 'purest' version of their original species. Since he had already observed the effects with his eyes, he would even be able to allow people to assume a similar race to someone like Lefiya, something that should have only been possible because of her heritage. Though he imagined the cost would be immense, which he confirmed by selected Alicia and imagining changing her into a Progenitor, it was a function with limitless possibilities. (A/N: Btw, it would take 500,000,000OP to change Alicia's race to a Progenitor. Don't look down on the 'origin' species~!)
Since he might have requests of his own later, Vahn acceded to the majority of Alicia's requests and spent around 94,000OP changing all of the small things that bothered her. In the end, she had strangely asked him to reduce her bust size by around 4cm, give her a slightly more athletic body, alter the shape of her ears, change the color of her eyes to an azure blue, and even altered her base complexion to have a more 'tender' and fair look. This made Alicia's lips slightly redder which meant that her nipples and vulva would likely reflect the change as well. Vahn felt he would know the answer to that question the moment he even hinted at wanting to sleep with Alicia, but he kept it to himself for the time being.
One of the most notable changes, other than her hair and eye color, was the fact that Alicia actually requested to have her height reduced from 169cm to 165cm. This made her look slightly more petite and also made the armor she was wearing look a little too big for her. It was fortunate that the majority of the fabric around her arms and legs was elastic or her stockings and arm warmers would have likely sagged off her body. Alicia observed all these changes in a large mirror, a contented smile on her face as Vahn watched her Allegiance continue to rise until he broke through the 1k mark and continued climbing.
Apparently satisfied with what she saw, Alicia turned around with a smile, giggle as she said, "I'll need to go shopping and buy some new clothing...thank you, Vahn-sama. It is a little hard to believe that this is me...I'm a little afraid of what people will say. How should I answer their questions...?" As he had already been thinking about the matter, Vahn quickly answered, "You can tell them I used a special technique and a rare Elixir to help make the changes. Most people know about the drastic change of Tsubaki, Eina, and Shizune, so the changes in your appearance aren't that difficult to explain away. If they ask for specifics, just tell them that its a secret that you don't wish to expose."
As she had also seen the drastic changes in Tsubaki and Eina, Alicia felt relieved with the excuse Vahn had prepared for her. If he had told her to just keep everything a secret, that is exactly what she would have done. However, since many of the members of the Loki Familia were her good friends, Alicia was happy that she had some freedom to explain the changes to her body. At the same time, she was also thinking about 'converting' some of the girls she knew fancied Vahn. He had explained her status as a 'retainer', a term she was both aware of and happily accepted, and knew it wouldn't be difficult to get some other girls to 'follow' Vahn...
Unaware of the ripples his actions had caused, Vahn had a smile on his face as he said, "Well, let's go ahead and get your [Pactio] taken care of. It looks like I might need to help Bell out as well..." This caused Alicia to laugh, covering her mouth with one hand as she looked over at the 'fiasco' occurring between Bell, Line, and Plum. She found their interactions amusing but was glad that Vahn had shown up today, lest she somehow end up falling victim to Bell's nature. Though she didn't have a bad impression of the boy, it was very difficult to imagine falling in love with least, that is what her reasoning told her. Strangely, she could see it happening and, if not for Vahn's 'warning', Alicia realized it might not have even taken that long before she was 'accepting' of the boy's behavior...
Deciding she would have to 'educate' Bell about how he should behave around women in the future, Alicia nodded her head and watched as Vahn quickly created a complex magic circle in under three seconds. This caused Bell, who had been working hard to draw his own, make another mistake as he looked over with a 'defeated' look on his face. Line and Plum also watched with bated breath as Vahn and Alicia shared a kiss, causing magical light to shroud their bodies before a strange card emerged. Alicia, having intuitive knowledge on how to use it, activated her [Pactio] and gained a rather unique appearance that nobody had expected.
Alicia's raiment took on the form of an ornate sleeveless top that had white as a base color and was covered in green embroidery that looked like leaves and vines. Instead of her dress and stockings, she now had on a pair of green shorts that were frayed on the edges, looking like something Loki would have worn with how small they were. At the same time, she also had a green vest that ended around her ribs and had the motif of a tree etched upon the back with golden embossing. She also had a pair of muted green boots and gloves that extended to her knees and elbows. In her hand, which was undoubtedly her artifact, Alicia had a dark red rapier that was covered with a subtle purple sheen and had thorn-ridden vines wrapping around the guard and handle.
Observing her changes in the mirror, Alicia had a slight blush on her face as she tried to pull at the edges of her shorts so her butt wasn't poking out. She would have never worn such an outfit under normal circumstances and, though it certainly suited her figure, Alicia was embarrassed that this 'raiment' was supposed to be based on her personality. If not for the fact that her 'artifact' seemed very interesting, Alicia would have inquired about trying to change her raiment somehow. It was fortunate she could summon her artifact out without using her raiment, or it would have been very difficult to show her face around her Familia mates...
Vahn had also noticed the slightly exposed cheeks of Alicia and couldn't help smiling slightly as he said, "It suits you..." This earned him a small look of blame from Alicia who, failing to pull the shorts down to cover the exposed skin, gave up trying. She figured she could just buy a waistcloth or something to wear around her hips in the future. There was also the option of removing her vest and wearing an overcoat or something that would easily prevent people from gawking at her butt. She didn't mind if Vahn saw it, but the thought of someone like Raul eyeing her gave Alicia the urge to poke the innocent man with her artifact, [Reginae Spinam]. It had the effect of allowing her to convert mana into toxins that had a variety of effects ranging from sleep induction, paralysis, or even necrosis.
Since she didn't have to go change her clothes, as staying in her raiment was good enough for now, Alicia joined Vahn as they made their way over to where Bell, Line, and Plum were located. Line, unable to restrain her curiosity, immediately asked, "Alicia, you've changed so" To this, Alicia chuckled lightly before remarking, "Would we have moved to the side if I could answer questions like that, Line~?" This caused Line to blush, earning her even more laughter from Alicia who then clarified, "Don't worry, I'll explain it for everyone later. For now, there are other pressing matters to resolve and I'm certain Vahn-sama has other things to tend to. Please, be considerate of the circumstances~."
Line nodded her head in understanding and bowed slightly as she said, "My apologies, Vahn-sama. I didn't mean to pry into your matters..." Vahn just waved his hand dismissively and kept his focus on Bell as he said, "It seems like you're having a bit of trouble drawing the circle..." Bell gave a wry smile in response, causing Vahn to laugh lightly as he said, "Don't worry, it actually took me a lot of practice to reach the point where I'm at. If not for the fact that I was already a [Master Smith], it would have taken me even longer. As your Dexterity increases, and you practice the skill further, you will become more adept at its usage. Just make sure you practice in private and always erase the circle when you're finished, even if it is a failure..."
After making sure Bell understood the precautions he would have to take, something Vahn also imposed on Line and Plum, he then helped Bell create the [Pactio] circle. Who made it didn't matter as, even in Eva's world, there was often a skilled Mage that would act as an intermediary for the process. After all, there were few people that could actually master using the skill and it wasn't uncommon for people to spend years just learning how to perform it adequately. Thus, after drawing a circle in a whopping three seconds, Vahn watched as Bell, with a face redder than a tomato, took nearly a minute before Plum got fed up and initiated the kiss.
Plum's [Pactio] took on the form of a yellow one-piece that extended past her knees and had a variety of pockets located all over it. She also had what looked like a brown miner's helmet that had a set of goggles and a large light on the front. Her artifact was something that took Vahn by surprise, at it had the appearance of a large pickax with a shiny white top. It was actually 'taller' than Plum herself was and looked much heavier than someone her size should be capable of lifting.
Contrary to this, Plum was able to easily wave the pickax around, explaining that it had the ability to ignore defense and gave her an ability to detect mineral veins. Vahn found it somewhat strange that Plum, who had been a slave used in wine production, ended up getting a raiment and artifact that made her look like a Miner. However, so as not to trigger any trauma that might exist within her, Vahn kept his opinion to himself and just smiled as he watched the small girl create a few large holes in the training area...
When it came time for Bell to perform a [Pactio] with Line, she didn't beat around the bush at all and, as soon as Bell began to hesitate, she grabbed his face in a death grip and gave him a somewhat forceful kiss. Vahn couldn't help but shake his head at Bell's behavior and wondered if he should 'mentor' the boy so that he would be able to handle women better. Though Vahn knew his own actions were heavily influenced by the women in his life, he was far more decisive and resolute than someone like Bell. He also knew how to handle each of his women, including the best methods to tease and appease them...
Line's raiment was, once again, something completely outside of Vahn's expectations. The glasses on her face were replaced by rounded spectacles and her clothes hadn't actually changed all that much, instead, looking like a slightly modified and more armored version of her basic attire. This showed that Line's personality already accounted for her clothing preferences, making the massive artifact she had in her possession stand out even more. She had what looked like a 'canon', a massive ivory canon that was 220cm long and had a strap so that she could sling it across her shoulder. It looked like it weighed more than a hundred kilograms, but Line didn't show any difficulty supporting it at all, instead, showing a face full of excitement as she inspected her gigantic artifact, [Carmina Librator].
Line's 'canon' had the ability to pull in mana from the atmosphere based on whichever element she selected from a dial located on the side. There was a blue 'turbine' located at the core of the canon that would rapidly spin as it absorbed this energy and condensed it into a devastatingly powerful projectile. Though it wasn't exactly practical in a fight, as the fastest charge took around four seconds, there didn't seem to be an upper limit on how much energy it could contain. The only restriction was Line's ability to keep the shape of the projectile, as it used her own magic power as a 'container'. Still, even if she failed to keep it condensed, the canon would instead spew out the energy in a wide arc over a much short distance, making it incredibly useful for large groups of enemies located near her position.
Bell, seeing the 'awesome' raiments and artifacts of Line and Plum had glittering eyes as he suddenly asked, "Is it possible for me to get a [Pactio] as well!? I can't believe something like a canon can just be pulled out of thin air! So cool!" Before Bell had even finished, speaking, Vahn created a bit of distance with him and said, "You know the answer to your question from the information that should have been embedded in your brain with the grimoire. As the Magister, you should focus on your personal development and come up with other ways to grow strong. They, as your Ministra, are now your allies that will both serve as your protectors but also rely on your mana to protect themselves. If you don't focus on becoming stronger on your own, they won't even be able to keep their [Pactio] forms active, nor will they be able to benefit from the advantages hard, Bell..."
Vahn had his [Eyes of Truth] active when he was observing the girls use their [Pactio]s so he was very aware of the fact that Bell's internal reserves were quickly being consumed. By the time he had finished his words, Bell had gone a little pale and collapsed around the same time that Plum's and Line's raiments and artifacts vanished. This caused Plum to fluster as she quickly ran over, shouting, "Bell-sama...!" while Line also had a concerned expression on her face. Being the more experienced of the two, she quickly determined that Bell was in a state of Mind Down and began treating him by giving him a sip of mana potion and letting his head rest on her thighs as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Seeing this, Vahn shook his head and marveled at Bell's [Luck] as he gave the girls a parting farewell, explained to Alicia that she didn't have to worry about consuming his mana, and then went to seek out Loki...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Godhand, Sage Aldrnari, Flame Emperor, Butt Aficionado','Does Alicia's artifact mean she has a toxic mentality...?','*Bell furiously staring at Vahn's lips*...!?') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
With battles raging around him, Vahn remained relatively unperturbed as he gently stroked Alexa's hair and contemplated how best to use his new ability. There were many unknowns about the function thus far and he would need to conduct several tests to discover the limitations, if any, that his 'Modify' function possessed. Vahn believed that, in the future, it would undoubtedly be without limit but, considering his experience with The Path thus far, Vahn didn't think it gave him nearly as much power as he assumed. If that were the case, he could slowly 'upgrade' his subordinates and retainers until he had acquired a group of allies that were simply beyond anything within the record...
Since he was able to access their information through the system interface, Vahn could see all of his current subordinates and retainers, testing a variety of different options without finalizing anything. The only exceptions to this were the 'eternal flame' and Anubis, whose parameters could be observed but couldn't be influenced. This, as explained by Sis, was the first proof that there were limitations to the function, this time being that his Soul Tier was simply too low. Though the functions of the system seemed incredibly powerful, they were still restricted by the level of existence he was currently at. Even so, by inputting various options under Lefiya, Vahn could see the costs of modifications, including things like turning her into a True Dragon for 390,000,000OP.
Though the prices were exorbitant, especially since he was currently trying to save up 10-100 billion OP, Vahn knew it wouldn't be that difficult to harvest a large amount of OP in higher Tier worlds. By the time he linked the records, he would have a veritable ocean of OP to make use of, something that would undoubtedly help him promote the strength of the girls for whatever dangers would present themselves. After all, they would only be Tier 3 Souls at best by the time he left, with some having the potential of reaching Tier 4. Since the record would be Tier 7 by then, Vahn knew he wouldn't be able to fight against the balancing component of karma entirely on his own, making the girls a major weakness of his that he was trying to lay the foundation to prevent being exploited...
After sorting through a variety of options for Lefiya, Vahn then looked through Fenrir's information and frowned slightly when he saw she was still only a Tier 1 Soul. Her Innate, [Insatiable Hunger], was also very unique in that she couldn't actually train it any further. It simply didn't have the capacity to be developed as, without any exceptions whatsoever, it was entirely associated with her hunger, stress, and emotions. If she decided to cut loose and make use of her Innate to its full potential, Fenrir would eventually become strong enough to even [Devour] the entire record, all while being a Tier 1 entity...
Thus far, Fenrir had been trying to walk the path of a Cultivator so that she could increase her Soul Tier but, without any Innate to promote her strength through mastery, it was exceedingly difficult for her to do so. Vahn speculated he would be able to [Rename] her through the system function and help promote her Soul Tier further, allowing her to overcome this limitation. If this was true, the power of his 'Modify' function would be truly immense as he could simply 'upgrade' his subordinates, even if it required a monstrous amount of OP. However, as he toyed around with modifying Fenrir's name, it surprisingly didn't cost nearly as much as he expected, prompting Sis to explain, (*Though the [Rename] ability works by allowing you to assign a name of power to an entity, it isn't on the same level as your [Keeper of the Akashic Tome]. Since Fenrir already has a fate assigned the first time you gave her a name, she is no longer an applicable target for your [Keeper of the Akashic Tome]...sorry, Vahn.*)
Though this was a minor setback, Vahn just took a slow breath through his nose and kept calm as he said, ("It isn't your fault, Sis. Thank you for clarifying that for me..."). This prompted her to give him a quiet, 'Nn', with an apologetic undertone, but Vahn had already started thinking of ways around the issue. He could still use the [Rename] ability to change Fenrir's name or, more specifically, give her a secondary name that would enhance her power. It might not be at the same level as a name derived from the [Keeper of the Akashic Tome] but Vahn knew there were plenty of skills or abilities associated with names that Fenrir would benefit from. At the same time, though it was a strange way to look at the situation, Vahn knew he could potentially modify Fenrir's physique so that she simply didn't have a hymen from the start...
As that thought crossed his mind, an equally strange thought appeared, along with an image of Lili within his mind. Vahn suddenly felt incredibly flustered but, after using the [Grimoire of Guidance] on Bell, he realized there had been a solution to Fenrir's 'problem' this entire time. Now, having Fenrir sitting next to him with a concerned look on her face, Vahn felt like the biggest fool in the whole record. He had been helping her try to overcome her 'problem' for so long but kept running down tangents that would require her to work hard and seemingly do the impossible. This was all while the 'solution' had been in front of him the entire time...
Sending a telepathic message to Lili, as she was currently standing on the back of a cart and watching the battles, Vahn then turned to Fenrir and explained, "Fenrir...your Master has been an idiot...haaaaa..." This caused Fenrir's eyes to widen as Alexa also stirred in his lap, curious about what her Papa had done wrong to call himself an idiot. At this time, Lili had already arrived at the cart and asked, "You called me, Vahn?" To this, Vahn nodded his head and pulled out the second [Grimoire of Guidance], saying, "Can you please imbue your [Cinder*Ella] into this book and give it to Fenrir...? I promise to help you de-" Before he even finished, Lili snatched over the book and stuck out her tongue, saying, "Don't worry about it. Even if we don't get along that well all the time, Fenrir is still my friend, you know~?"
When she heard Lili's words, Fenrir snorted but didn't refute the claim as her tail thumped against the reinforced wood of the cart with a loud thud. Vahn felt a bit of warmth in his heart at Lili's words while also feeling as though he hadn't 'truly' been an idiot. If this ended up working, he could always make it up to Fenrir plentily later on...
It didn't take long for the grimoire in Lili's hand to have the title '[Cinder*Ella] by Liliruca Arde' on the cover. She then handed it over to Fenrir who, at this point, seemed to understand what was going on as she somewhat shakily accepted the heavy book. Similar to the phenomenon he had seen with Bell, the book began to dissolve into magical energy that flowed into Fenrir's body, carrying with it the knowledge and comprehension that Lili had of her unique magic.
Since Fenrir already had a great deal of knowledge in transformation magic, she was quickly able to make sense of the new information. Even without being prompted to do so, Fenrir's body suddenly emitted a magical light as her fair white skin became a healthy brown while the fur on her paws, arms, and legs simply retreated, replaced by adorable fingers and toes. Her midnight blue hair became dark brown as the large floppy ears atop her head vanished, replaced by two human-looking ears at the sides of her head. Even the tail on her backside seemed to be 'sucked' into her body, with the only 'constant' carrying over from her previous form being her two scarlet red eyes...
From the moment she heard her Master mention Lili giving [Cinder*Ella] to her, Fenrir understood what he had in mind and it made her feel extremely anxious and excited. She had seen Lili transform into a variety of different species without any issues at all, including one that Fenrir had even wished she could be at times. As a result, the moment the information for [Cinder*Ella] entered her mind, Fenrir immediately transformed into an Amazoness and now sat, blankly staring at the backs of her brown hands before turning them over and seeing they were slightly pale on the inside. She could also tell that her senses had dulled greatly, but there was also an eagerness welling up inside of her as she turned to her Master with teary eyes, on the verge of crying wholeheartedly for the first time in her life.
Lili also understood the 'implications' behind Fenrir being able to use her magic and couldn't help smiling, feeling very happy for this troublesome companion of her's. At the same time, she felt like teasing Fenrir a little to prevent the mood from souring, commenting, "This is great, Fenrir. I'll teach you a lot of my more unique transformations later...or do you already have them inside your head? Either way, now we can team up against your Master and prevent him from straying away from the Manor, ehehehehehe~."
Vahn froze up a little when he heard Lili's words, thoughts of Lulune and Alicia running through his mind as a cold sweat beaded on his back. Fortunately, Fenrir produced a rare laugh at Lili's comment, wiping the budding tears from her eyes as she said, "Thank you, Lili...*sniff*...I'd like that..." Then, annoying Alexa a little, Fenrir tightly hugged Vahn's arm and began rubbing her cheek against him with a happy smile on her face, accompanied by an encroaching blush. Vahn knew that things would get dangerous if she didn't change back so, after stroking her somewhat shaggy brown hair, he gently said, "Once we reach the 50th Floor, I'll do my best to make up for lost time...for now, we have to stay on high alert to prevent the expedition from getting overwhelmed..."
As these words left his lips, Vahn knew the truth of the matter was actually slightly different, at least for Fenrir herself. He was really starting to feel like an idiot now, even going to far as to facepalm as he said, "Actually, I can call you to my other body, or even transfer you through my storage magic if you want to spend the night at the Manor...we can also go into the orb and have some privacy...or perhaps stay in your room...?" If he didn't know any better, Vahn felt like Fenrir was, quite literally, about to attack him after hearing his words. The mild blush on her face had deepened considerably as a hot voice escaped her lips as she said, "Master...I don't want to wait anymore..."
Back on the surface, Vahn had been drinking tea with Loki as she sent out dozens of messages through her information networks and compiled anything pertinent to the investigation in a logbook. With Fenrir showing her 'impatience', not that he could blame her after she had waited for such a long period of time, Vahn knew he needed to tend to her immediately. Startling Loki a little, he picked her up from his lap and said, "I need to enter into the sub-space orb and tend to Fenrir. Using the [Grimoire of Guidance], Lili was able to teach Fenrir her [Cinder*Ella] magic spell..."
Without any other explanation required, Loki's eyes opened to an almost normal degree as she began shooing him out of the room, saying, "Hurry up then~! Make sure you take care of her properly, you hear!?" Though Fenrir had never been that fond of her, that didn't mean Loki wasn't fond of the young Vanargandr. Just the thought of an existence that could become powerful enough to even devour Heaven made her feel giddy and excited. She had tried on several occasions to get Fenrir to open up to her, with the vast majority of them ending in failure. Even so, she knew how important such an event was for Fenrir and wanted the ravenous little wolf to be happy...
For the first time, Vahn found himself skulking through the Manor and evading any of his wandering children, knowing they would essentially be a landmine at this point. He swore in his heart to make it up to them later and quickly made his way to the room containing the sub-space orb. Since there could be complications if he tried to call her while in the orb, Vahn used the [Summon] function of Unit Management to bring a somewhat confused and almost 'pained' Fenrir next to him. She quickly trained her glowing red eyes on him and, noticing the nearby orb, placed her palm against it around the same time as Vahn himself.
When they entered into the orb, Fenrir practically tackled Vahn and began pulling at his durable clothing with enough force to tear the fibers apart in an instant. Since it might cause problems to do the deed in the middle of where other people entered into the orb, Vahn bearhugged the voracious little Amazoness and quickly carried her into one of the side rooms before kicking the door closed behind him. A powerful ward emerged on the door, preventing entry to anyone while blocking all sounds from traveling to the outside. Then, after a small battle to assert dominance and inhibit Fenrir's budding Amazonian instincts, Vahn pinned the sweaty girl to the bed and, after years of waiting, the two finally became one...
Fenrir had been more than ready to receive him and, though her body couldn't 'adapt' completely from the very beginning, her actions carried an almost scary carnal intensity. It was fortunate that her nails weren't that long or, after she buried them into his back, Vahn was certain he would have been ripped apart. Even so, blood continued to trickle down his back throughout the very long session of lovemaking before it would retract and heal moments later. Fenrir only seemed to get more riled up and violent the longer they continued, but Vahn eventually managed to get her to settle down by getting 'serious' with her...
After Vahn loosened his restraints, Fenrir became like putty in his hands and, with a deeply enamored blush, sought him out for the better part of three days before she was finally satisfied. This was a combination of the fact that, even though she was an Amazoness, Fenrir's body still reverted back to the 'default' state she was in during her transformation. Since she was filled with energy from his [Hands of Nirvana] and [Grooming], Fenrir had been a tireless machine that eagerly sought her Master's touch, and much, much more. By the time the climactic event had come to an end, the barriers protecting the room had even started to crack under the intense 'battle' that had taken place...
When all was said and done, Fenrir had returned to her Vanargandr state with Vahn assuming his own, hugging her sweating body from behind as a thin shroud of mist rose from their naked figures. Her tail was tucked between his legs, wrapped around his own while Vahn was nuzzling into her hair and enjoying the rich fragrance wafting from her body. For the first time since she had assumed this form of existence, Fenrir's scarlet eyes had a natural coloration to them, possessing of a deep darkness that seemed like it could swallow galaxies. Normally, there would always be a very subtle glow to them but now, against any expectations she had harbored, Fenrir felt incredibly contented as her Master's warmth still lingered in her lower body, even though they had long since separated...
Back in the real world, Vahn was hovering above the expedition encampment with his fingertips against each other as he held his hands in an inverted position while meditating. There was only half the normal number of tents and they had all been brought close together as nearly a hundred Adventurers were guarding near the perimeter of a massive barrier that covered the entire encampment.
Though his own ability to cast external magic was severely lacking, Vahn hadn't been slouching around for the last couple of years, especially with Terra constantly advancing her own magical power further. She had developed an artifact that had her barrier magic infused into it, comprised of eleven interrelated magic circles that had been shrunk down using Space magic. By channeling his energy into it, without having to manifest it into the real world, Vahn was able to use Terra's nigh-indestructible barrier without any great expenditure of his own internal reserves.
Since his avatar was also in the orb, Vahn experienced his energy recouping at six times the normal rate and this was more than enough to keep the barrier up indefinitely, all whilst thousands of monsters slammed against the outside. Even though this was the case, there was still a guard rotation to make sure none of those strange flowers popped up within the encampment and, to prepare themselves for another surprise attack, most people had gone to sleep still fully geared up for battle.
Sensing the change in her Papa, as he had just finished having sex with Fenrir a short while ago, Alexa lifted her head as if she wanted to ask something but ultimately remained silent. She then tightened her grip around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder once again; she had been clinging to him as if he had been giving her a piggyback ride. It looked a little strange to anyone observing from a distance, but most people knew that Alexa was Vahn's 'daughter' at this point and just figured she was a little clingy. Many had been so awed by the performance of the girls, and Vahn himself, that any 'negative' thoughts were buried deep within their hearts. Nobody wanted to earn his ire by saying something that might offend him and, after witnessing the almost unfathomable power of the girls keeping them safe, these feelings were compounded greatly...
(A/N: I am not afraid to admit that, until I used the [Grimoire of Guidance] on Bell, I hadn't even thought about Lili giving her [Cinder*Ella] to Fenrir. I feel like I have failed the Murder Floof...please forgive me (T^T)...Also, to all the people complaining about Bell getting [Pactio], you're ignoring the whole reason Vahn had given for helping Bell in the first place. He wants to observe Bell in a 'controlled' environment so he can have a better understanding of how fate can influence people in records he had no foreknowledge of. At the same time, he is helping to groom Bell into a capable ally that will ease his own burdens in the future. If Bell becomes strong enough to maintain the frontline with his own party, Vahn is freed up to deal with other issues on the surface, specifically those related to other countries and organizations. Vahn could have very easily just made the [Pactio] circles for Bell each and every time, but this current method guarantees that the girls around Bell have a higher chance of survival while also stimulating Bell's growth. Those that point out that Bell will just get used to having everything handed to him have a fundamental lack of understanding about Bell's character. The more you give him, the more effort Bell will put into his own training since he doesn't want to be the type of person that takes advantage of and relies on other people one-sidedly. If the girls were actually stronger than him, this would bolster his desire to grow stronger and, at the same time, increase their ability to protect themselves. I don't really like making huge walls of text trying to explain my reasoning, clarifying things that have already been mentioned in the context of the novel, so this will be one of the last times I do so. Just know that I read almost every comment and take into consideration what the readers want to see, so trust that I will always try to give you some form of vindication in the future. Remember, I even told you from the very beginning that most people would probably hate Bell...this is intentional xD...)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Not as OP as expected...for now (UwU)...','Vahn is a big dumb dumb','Fenrir setting records from the start xD...') <-(p.atreon link)
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