Although the Monster Feria had officially concluded, the town was still abuzz about the events that had taken place, especially during the final battle between Ottar, known as 'The King', and Vahn Mason, now being referred to by some as 'Emperor of Flames'. This was made easier by the fact that, much like the previous events, there were recordings of the flight being looped constantly in various regions of the city. People would gather together, even long after the sun went down, trying to glean insight from the fight between the two monstrously strong individuals. In the end, the one take away that almost everyone had was rather simple, 'Vahn Mason is the strongest Adventurer in the city now'.
Though the title of 'strongest' fluctuated with time, the reason it was so meaningful in this instance was that Vahn, according to general knowledge, was simply a boy of 15-16 years old. Ottar was nearly twice his age and was considered to be in his prime while Vahn, just a little more than a year ago, had only been around Level 2. In fact, there was a clear record of Vahn's growth at the Guild, allowing people to see just how quickly not only Vahn, and everyone in the Hearth Manor was growing. Before, though some 'knew' this through rumors, it wasn't that big a deal, just a bit of interesting gossip. Now, however, almost everyone knew that they had grossly underestimated the growth of the people around Vahn who, now, was understandably the 'heart' of the Alliance.
As for how that heart was currently spending his time, well, that likely would have made several people develop stomach ulcers, or perhaps even cough up blood. After his triumphant return to the Hearth Manor, Vahn had instantly been greeted at the door by Ina and Vana, with the later practically tackling him as she exclaimed, "Papa, that was so incredible! Please, teach me how to use fire like you!"
Picking up the two girls, Vahn laughed jovially and said, "Once you're a little older, I'll teach you all kinds of cool tricks with fire. For now, you need to continue developing your control so I can give you a special gift I've been holding onto, okay~?" Though not entirely satisfied, Vana eventually nodded with a vibrant smile and said, "Okay, Papa, thank you~!" before giving him a kiss on the cheek and tightly squeezing his neck. As for Ina, she was hugging him from the other side, a dreamy and star-stunned gaze in her eyes, almost like she was looking at her idol.
After things settled down a little while later, Vahn learned that, during the screening of the event, the girls had been watching it intently the entire time. Whenever he would 'seem' to be at a disadvantage, Vana and Ina would both be out of their seats, screaming at the projection and trying to cheer him on. Erika sat quietly at the side but, much to her chagrin, Loki kept making comments about how she would tense up, ball her fists, and get a fierce look in her eyes like someone contemplating 'vengeance'. It was in this matter that, for the first two hours of the broadcast, the girls watched with a mixture of excitement and tension as they prayed for his victory...
By the time his fight with Ottar had started, few people were able to stay seated and, much like Vana, several of the other girls had joined in as they practically screamed at the projection. Though there were quite a few details missing, as the orbs couldn't really capture everything going on, they were still able to see the moment when Vahn had transformed into his 'Imperatoris Ignis Mk 1' form. Vana, unable to contain herself, actually burst into flames of her own, fortunately avoiding setting any of the furniture on fire. Then, when they saw him almost immediately lose an arm after that, Ina had nearly fainted, fortunately with Hephaestus there to support her. In the end, she was glad she didn't as, much like everyone else, they were able to witness how 'invincible' her Papa truly was...
Now, the same evening after their reunion, Vahn, the man publically considered the 'Strongest', was dressed in an adult bear costume with three little bear cubs clinging to his body. Ever since the start of the Monster Feria, the girls had, understandably, had a bit of trouble going to sleep at night. They would periodically imagine themselves fighting against monsters, especially Vana, as she genuinely wanted to become a Hero in the future. However, as rambunctious as she was, Vana was a very kind-hearted girl and, even though she hadn't given up on her dream, it made her sad just thinking about killing anything, monster or otherwise.
Since then, Vahn had been sleeping in the same bed as the three girls, with Hephaestus and Loki often joining them. Tonight, as a form of parent-child bonding, Vahn had them all dress up in tiny bear pajamas and, being the Papa bear, he also wore a plush and comfortable costume as they all snuggled up together and went to sleep. Since they had been watching the entire broadcast, the girls were all very tired so, for tonight, Vahn had just been sleeping with them alone. Loki had a number of things to 'take care' of and, being the fiery and overprotective goddess she always had been, Hephaestus was helping out.
Of course, that didn't mean Vahn was just leaving everything to them, as he had also split his body into two in order to help track down some priority targets trying to flee the city. There was one group in particular that he had taken note of and, after conferring with Loki, he immediately set out to track them down before they missed the timing again. Thus, after moving through Daedalus Street, following a few twists and turns through various buildings, Vahn found his way into a rather gaudy 'throne room'. Before him, doing his best to appear nonplussed, Apollo sat on his golden throne while a rather handsome man nursed two broken arms and tried to protect him with his body.
Tightly gripping the armrests of his throne, Apollo glared towards Vahn with his golden eyes as an icy voice escaped his lips, "Vahn...Mason...why have you come here...? Why are you attacking my Familia!?" While speaking, a sun-like radiance began to shroud Apollo's body as his Divinity began to shine forth, ready to activate at a moment's notice. Vahn, being influenced by the inherent state of his [Magia Erebea] cells, felt like his skin was tingling but kept his composure as he said plainly, "You have harbored ill will towards myself, my family, and the have even tried to send assassins to kill me during the Monster Feria today and, most importantly, you are supposed to have already fled the city. The fact you're here, without reporting your activities to the Guild, shows that you're operating illegally...and this place...disgusting..."
Vahn hadn't come into Apollo's den on his own and, for the first time since he started proactively fighting his enemies, the 'combat' group of the Hearth Familia had come along with him. Though he had penetrated directly to the heart of Apollo's stronghold, Ais, Tiona, Tione, Lefiya, Chloe, Arnya, Lunoire, Haruhime, Mikoto, Emiru, and Maemi were all wreaking havoc on their own. With their current Levels, combined with their [Pactio] forms, there hadn't been any real opposition the entire time. Even the Captain of the Apollo Familia, the man with two broken arms trying to protect his errant god, was simply around the peak of Level 3...
While he had been dealing with Apollo, the girls had been raiding the stronghold, defeating the members that tried to fight back, and securing all of the people held captive by Apollo. The fact there had been more than fifty Elven slaves had been a great surprise to them and, after he had heard this through his shared telepathy with the girls, Vahn's visage had become icy. One of the things he hated the most was when people were forced to serve other people against there will, especially when that person was some arrogant god like Apollo. Some of the female Elves had even been found locked away in what was obviously a pleasure dungeon, chained and gagged as they awaited a fate some considered worse than death.
Apollo, now shining like the very sun in the sky, rose to his feet and said, "You pathetic you truly believe yourself the equal of a god...? That power you pride yourself for, do you believe it to be inviolable...?" Without holding anything back, Apollo allowed the aura of his Divinity to fill the hall as his eyes began to glow like flames. With a wrathful expression, he shouted out at the top of his voice, "You are just a brat that understands nothing of true power! How dare you try to usurp a right given to us gods!? YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL, VAHN MASON, YOU ARE A ABHORATION THAT THREATENS THE BALANCE OF THE WORLD!!! NOW, FACE MY DIVINE WRATH AND KNOW YOUR PLACE!!!"
Though he would get ejected and forced back to Heaven, Apollo 'needed' to destroy the boy in front of him completely. Vahn didn't just threaten his own 'right' as a god, but the rights of all gods that had been formed in Heaven. Apollo simply couldn't tolerate the idea of a mortal doing whatever he pleased, especially if it prevented him from doing what he wanted. The fact he had to act so cautiously, just because Vahn existed, had infuriated him to no end.
Unable to contain himself any longer, Apollo sent out a wave of energy, almost like a solar flare, that incinerated his own Captain, Hyakinthos Clio, and turned the latter's body into ashes in an instant. Though Apollo felt a bit of pain in his heart, he continued to glare towards Vahn with a vengeful expression and 'willed' the boy before him to get incinerated into nothingness. Even Vahn's soul wouldn't escape his wrath as, on his way back to Heaven, Apollo swore he would do everything in his power to tear apart and imprison it for as long as he could...
Vahn was a little stunned by the terrifying might of Apollo's Arcanum being fired towards him, even if it was much weaker than it would have been in Heaven. However, he wasn't remotely afraid of the attack and, surprising the proud Sun God, Vahn stepped 'into' the attack. Though it made every cell of his body feel like it was itching, Vahn didn't take any actual damage since, as a result of his bond with the 'eternal flame', Vahn was completely immune to all Yang based flames. Since the flames from the sun were exactly that, Vahn couldn't be damaged by Apollo's attack at all, even though it made him want to gouge his flesh with how absolutely irritating it was.
Seeing Vahn walk through his attack, something which should have completely annihilated the mortal boy before him, Apollo was completely awestruck. This was something that was simply 'impossible', so far outside the realm of probability that it would have never even crossed the minds of any god, including himself. However, he was forgetting that the vast majority of things that Vahn had accomplished over the last 21 months were supposedly impossible.
Now, Apollo was beginning to regret not treating Cassandra Ilion's 'prophecy' even more seriously. Time and again, she had told him that his actions would lead to their destruction but, no matter how he had 'tried' to change this, the prophecy never changed. Apollo was simply fed up with it all and, much like the Elves he had been trying to break, she had been chained up with them as punishment for her 'failed' divinations. One of the last thoughts that crossed his mind, as Vahn's fist tore through the void towards his face, was that he shouldn't have doubted her at all...
Though Apollo was getting ejected from the world for using his Divinity, Vahn wanted to make sure he wasn't able to return to the mortal world any time soon. Having your 'avatar' destroyed would require you to spend nearly a hundred years just to form a new one and that would earn them plenty of time to change the world before the arrogant god could even think about returning. He also had a lot of regrets about how Chloe had borne the weight of his indecision against Laverna, the small goddess he had confronted long ago in the escape tunnels beneath the city.
This time, Vahn would bear the weight on his own shoulders and, even if there was a backlash from the godly community, he was positive they could tide it over. After all, Apollo was undoubtedly in the wrong right now and, even if he tried to hide it, everyone in Heaven would be able to discern that he had already used his Divinity against a mortal. The fact he had failed, and had been attacked, as a result, would undoubtedly earn him even greater ridicule. Though some gods, especially those that already disliked him, might try to find trouble in the future, the Alliance had already reached a point where its momentum simply couldn't be halted anymore.
Thus, without any hesitation, Vahn buried his fist into Apollo's face, feeling the bones break beneath the force of his punch as the once-handsome god's face distorted around his fist. In the next instant, a shockwave began to transmit from the force of the blow and caused Apollo's head to disintegrate into red mist as his now headless body fell to the ground and started to dissipate into particles of light. Vahn, not entirely satisfied with the result, placed his palm against the Apollo's remnants and, much like he would store a monster's body, stowed it away in his Inventory. Even if he couldn't make use of the body for anything meaningful, Vahn knew it would at least make it more difficult for Apollo to recreate his avatar in the future...
With Apollo dead, Vahn turned his eyes to the human-shaped shadowy blotch on the ground where the Captain of the Apollo Familia had once stood. The fact the man had defended his god, even as the latter burned his body to a crisp, made Vahn respect his convictions. Even if they couldn't see eye-to-eye, on a fundamental level, Vahn knew there were some things in the world that simply deserved respect, especially in relation to the dead. Thus, bringing his palms together, Vahn prayed that the man would find happiness in his next incarnation. Hopefully, if his loyalty held true in the next life, Hyakinthos Clio would find a much better master to serve...
After finishing his prayer, Vahn focused his mind and sensed the stress levels of each of the girls he shared a [Pactio] with. None of them seemed to be in a heightened state of duress so he asked the person most likely to answer his questions clearly, ("Lefiya, can you explain the situation to me?") In response, Vahn felt the peculiar 'delay' once again, squinting his eyes slightly as Lefiya's voice sounded within his mind, ("Ah, Master, everything is under control here! We noticed that the slave crests on all the girls' bodies had deactivated and are now freeing them from their contracts~!")
If a slave's master had died, without any clauses within the contract to 'free' them, their contracts would become 'open' at that point. Generally, such slaves would immediately become the property of whoever found them next, an aspect of the system that Vahn thought was highly flawed. Fortunately, there were some benefits to it as, right now, the slaves had all fallen under the ownership of the girls and could easily be released as a result. This brought a small smile to his face until, shortly after Lefiya's voice faded, Chloe's sounded out in his mind, saying, ("Vahn, there are two girls here I think you should speak with. One of them says she has something very important to tell you and won't reveal any of the details until you show up...")
After sending an affirmation, Vahn quickly made his way over to where the girls were, not bothering to loot any of the items within the throne and adjacent treasure rooms. He would leave them for the Alliance to sort out later, as his own wealth and resources were nigh-infinite if he wanted to exploit his own body to the limits.
Ever since he became a Progenitor, that could also emulate the abilities of a Doppelganger, Vahn had been able to use his own body as a 'factory' to produce any material he had an understanding of. Though it would produce negative karma if he tried to use these materials to generate wealth, there were no consequences for creating materials that he could use in forging. He couldn't sell the materials, nor the resultant equipment, for OP, but he still earned a sizeable amount from creating the items themselves. (A/N: This means Vahn can't grow an Adamantine Ingot from his body and just feed it into the system for a few thousand OP. Items harvested from his own body, just like his blood, would sell for a whopping 0. Trying to sell those items to other people, for petty wealth, would lead to gaining negative karma.)
After moving through a few corridors, heading down a few flights of stairs, and passing through a heavily reinforced gate, Vahn found himself inside of a foul-smelling dungeon. He knew exactly what purpose this place held and, before he even started talking with the girls Chloe wanted him to meet, Vahn turned to Ais, Tiona, and Lefiya, saying, "Get these girls out of this hell hole. You can free them on the surface after taking them to safety..." Just the smell alone annoyed Vahn and, considering they could have been here for months, he knew the girls probably wanted to get out of this dark place as soon as possible.
Without questioning his words, the three girls began escorting the former slaves to the surface while Vahn passed each of them cloaks to conceal their bodies. Many of them were shedding tears and, as the majority of the girls were Elves, Vahn felt like he had an exposed nerve that had been touched. The matter of Riveria's father still weighed heavily on his mind and, knowing the man was about to be heading off to his death, Vahn was sensitive to any matter concerning Elves. Seeing the girls like this, made slaves for the benefit of people who were supposed to protect them, he felt an icy sensation spreading through his mind...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Papa bear ʕ •́؈•̀)...','Pow, right in the kisser!','Rage Boi, Vahn Mason') <-(p.atreon link)
Discord Invite:
Once all the girls had been taken out of the room, Vahn sat down in an adjacent room with Chloe, Haruhime, and Mikoto as two unknown girls sat across from him, both wearing thick and comfortable blankets he had given them. They had previously been chained to walls, held up by their wrists and left to hang limply without a single shred of clothing to cover their bodies. Lefiya had already healed their physical wounds but Vahn knew it would probably take a while for their emotional and psychological states to recover. Fortunately, it seemed like one of the women was mentally strong and seemed to care deeply for the girl who had originally requested to meet him.
The woman, who had introduced herself as Cassandra Ilion, had long dark hair and eyes that seemed simultaneously dark blue and also very pale at the same time. She had a thin, almost emaciated, figure with modest breasts and a strange posture that made her back arch slightly, even though she was slouching forward. The woman supporting her, Daphne Lauros, had burgundy hair, styled in a short, almost boyish style, and light yellow eyes. Unlike Cassandra, who had droopy and sad eyes, Daphne's were sharp and angular, possessing a confident glimmer even though she had likely experienced great hardships. Though her figure was also very modest, she seemed like a strong girl at a glance, especially with how she appeared to be trying to protect the demure Cassandra to her right.
Once the introductions had completely, Cassandra, looking up with slightly glowing eyes, explained the reason why she had wanted to meet him. It wasn't the first time Vahn had seen such a glow, as it was very similar to Ina's, so he patiently listened as she said, "It may be difficult to believe...but I have the ability to see the future..." When Cassandra said this, her body tensed up and she even closed her eyes, almost as if she were waiting to be ridiculed. Seeing this, Vahn just blinked once before turning to Daphne with a questioning look before turning back to Cassandra and saying, "That is a powerful ability. I'm sorry you had to suffer at the hands of Apollo because of it..."
Opening her eyes, Cassandra had a face full of confusion as she asked, "You...believe me...?" Without any real thought on the matter, Vahn nodded his head and explained, "Sure. You wouldn't be the first person I've met with such an ability, after all. The only real questions are, how does your ability manifest, and how accurate are the visions...?" For the first time since they had met, which hadn't really been that long, Cassandra and Daphne both smiled as the former brought her hands together, as if she were praying, and said, "Thank you for believing me..."
After a small bout of crying, Cassandra eventually collected herself and said, "I don't understand my own ability that well, but I've been having a lot of visions about you, Vahn. It was me who had warned Apollo about the eventual destruction of his Familia and it is also my fault that so many people had to suffer..." At this point, Daphne comfortingly grasped Cassandra's shoulder, supporting the downtrodden girl who seemed to blame herself for everything that had happened. This was one of the pitfalls of having the ability of foresight, as it made people rationalize that everything they failed to prevent was somehow their responsibility...
Raising his hand, even though both girls flinched, Vahn began to pat their heads and diffused calming energy into their minds while using his [Grooming]. In a calm and soothing voice, he smiled and said, "One day, you will learn that these things are generally beyond your control. There are no absolute abilities and, even if you have the power of foresight, you should have noticed that the future is constantly changing. You cannot blame yourself in a situation where you were made into a victim, especially if that situation was something outside your control from the start...just the fact that you feel guilty about what had happened shows that you are not truly the one at fault. If you had the power, I'm certain you would have done everything you could to help them...right?"
Cassandra tightly gripped the blanket around her while even Daphne began to crinkle her nose slightly, moisture building in her eyes. In truth, they had actually tried, time and again, to oppose the decisions made by Apollo. Unfortunately, the contract he bound the members of his Familia to were almost inviolable, essentially making them slaves from the very moment they had been forced to join. Hearing someone tell them it wasn't their fault, while comforting them at the same time, was a little overwhelming for the traumatized girls...especially since Vahn was very different from the men they had interacted with in the past...he was calm, gentle, and seemed to empathize with their plight...almost like he truly understood the pain they had experienced...
It took a little longer this time, but Cassandra managed to calm down enough to explain, "I had a vision where giant plant-like monsters were wreaking havoc within the City. In my vision, I saw you leading many of the girls that had come here to save us, fighting back against these monsters..." Vahn nodded his head, urging Cassandra to continue, leading her to hesitantly explain, "You must not kill those monsters within the city. If you do, the number of deaths that will come about, as a result, is unfathomable...I don't know the details, but I've seen so many people dying right after the vision of you fighting against those monsters...please, you have to think of a way...please...I don't want to see so many people dying...!"
Letting go of the blanket covering her body, Cassandra clung to Vahn's hand with the expression of someone that had seen far too much tragedy in one lifetime. Considering that she was only around seventeen years old, while also possessing an almost Pure Light Affinity, it couldn't have been easy for her to bear such a heavy burden, especially while suffering under the hands of Apollo. Though there wasn't much strength in her grip, Cassandra still tightly grasped Vahn's hand as if she were afraid that letting it go would be the end of everything.
Seeing the blue glimmer in her eyes, Vahn kept his calm and simply asked, "Tell me...can you see it right now...?" The moment his words fell, Vahn noticed that Cassandra's look became distant, as though she were viewing something far beyond the perception of normal human beings. At the same time, Vahn ruminated over her words and wondered what could have happened for so much death to occur, even though the enemies shouldn't have been that powerful. The most probably causes should be related to poison, disease, or curses...considering it was the fight that resulted in the deaths, Vahn figured it could potentially even be all three. If the monsters released some kind of chemical that could contaminate the air, or get into the water supply, it wasn't that difficult to imagine a great many people dying. However, if that were the case, there were numerous countermeasures that could be implemented...
Cassandra's distant look turned into one of confusion as she muttered an 'Eh?' while still lost in her vision. Through this, Vahn could confirm several things, including that Cassandra's ability was actually very strong. As an experiment, Vahn 'decided' that he would burn the city down to quarantine it if things got out of hand faster than they could be contained. At the same time, Cassandra's face became pale and Vahn immediately dashed the thought from his mind before she saw something truly terrifying. The only reason he could even harbor such thoughts is that he 'knew' what kind of person he could become if he stopped caring about the means and focused entirely on the results.
When the image of the city burning was instead replaced by a pristine city, where people were walking around with happy smiles on their faces, Cassandra released a heavy sigh of relief and slumped even further. Vahn suspected that her issues with posture were actually related to the 'burdens' that she had been bearing, weighing down her physical body along with her mind. He knew that Preasia would probably be able to help her, and most of the other girls, and planned to ask if she would provide therapy for them in the future. Having similar experiences, Preasia would undoubtedly be able to help all the girls that had become victims slowly move forward...
It seemed like it would take Cassandra a while to collect herself, so Vahn calmly stated, "I won't put either of you into a dangerous situation, but I think you should consider joining one of the Alliance's Familia. I know some people that will be able to help you and, as long as you are within the Alliance's territory, we can protect you. This will also allow you to inform me if there is something in a vision you think could be important. My dream is to create a world where people can be happy, so your gift will be very helpful...though, even if you choose not to use it, I will never give up trying to make the world a better place." To punctuate his words, Vahn gave the most heartfelt smile he could manage, hearing notifications within his mind informing him that his Affection with both girls had increased marginally.
Cassandra seemed more than willing but, before she could agree, Daphne suddenly asked in a stern tone, "What happened to Apollo...?" Without missing a beat, Vahn plainly stated, "He used his Divinity to try and kill me, taking the life of his own Captain in the process. At this point, I imagine he is in Heaven raging about in his temple..." Daphne's sharp eyes widened slightly as she asked with an incredulous tone, "You...survived against a god burning his Divinity...!?" To this, Vahn just laughed in a light-hearted manner and explained, "You'll understand later, but I'm not so easily burned, Divinity or not. Just consider it an unfortunate matchup for Apollo that will remove him from the mortal world for a good hundred years, at the earliest."
Hearing this, it was Daphne's turn to release a sigh of relief before she nodded her head and said, "Cassandra is my best friend, and I've promised to protect her as best I can. I'll follow her wherever she chooses to go. Thanks for saving us, by the way..." Vahn was a little surprised by how calm and collected Daphne was, even though her appearance made her seem like a bit of a hot head. Still, he smiled in response to her before turning his eyes to Cassandra, awaiting her decision. When the latter saw him look over, she brought her index fingers up and began pressing them together as she sheepishly asked, "Can I...I mean we...join your...Familia...?"
Feeling his brain buzz a little at Cassandra's behavior, Vahn continued to smile before breaking the bashful girl's heart when he said, "The situation within the Hearth Manor makes it almost impossible to accept new members into the Hestia Familia..." These words caused Cassandra to slump even more than before, making Vahn avert his eyes to avoid the pale white flesh that was on full display. His reaction caused Daphne to pay closer attention to Cassandra's state and, seeing that the latter never covered herself since earlier, a blush covered her face and she tightly pulled the blanket shut while saying, "Pay better attention...haaaa..."
This time, Cassandra's face turned beet red and she tightly clung to the blanket while sneaking peeks at Vahn through the gap in her bangs. Her hair was long and sleek, with long bangs that covered her left eye, even though Vahn could clearly make it out with his own [Eyes of Truth]. He was starting to feel that she was somewhat similar to Preasia, especially with how her pale dark-blue eyes were firmly affixed to his face, almost imploring him without saying anything. Even so, Vahn calmly explained, "You'll understand in the future...just know that there are too many factors that prevent people from joining the Hestia Familia, chief among them being that it is the heart of the Alliance..."
Seeing that Cassandra wasn't entirely convinced, falling into a deeper melancholy, Vahn released a sigh and decided to bit the bullet as he honestly admitted, "Listen, I'll be as frank as I can out of consideration for the two of you...honestly...I can't really be trusted around women that have tragic pasts and begin showing affection for me. Though I wouldn't actually do anything, I'm weak against girls that fall in love with me after I start taking care of them...I can't let the two of you stay in the Hearth Manor because you're both attractive young women that I would probably become romantically involved with at some point...I'm a father now, and there are already numerous women around me that I please, forgive me this time...I will do my best to help you find happiness, but I can't be the one to give it to you..."
Vahn bowed low to both girls, causing Chloe and Haruhime to snicker and giggle since they were very aware of the 'truth' behind Vahn's words. As for Cassandra and Daphne, the former seemed to be lost in a vision while the latter had a flushed face as she pulled the blanket covering her body securely around her shoulders. Even so, Vahn was aware that her Affection had increased again, nearly causing him to sigh while he kept his head bowed. At least this way, even though it was very embarrassing and borderline shameless, he would have a 'reason' to refuse their advances if they genuinely started falling in love with him. He couldn't just take in every attractive girl with a tragic past into his home and eventually knock them up...with the standards of beauty in this world, there would never be an end to things if he didn't show more restraint...
Ultimately, it was decided that Cassandra and Daphne would both join the Loki Familia, which seemed to be the 'go to' Familia that Vahn kept 'throwing' people into. However, unlike normal Familia members, Cassandra would have a unique 'protected' status and Daphne would simply be assigned as her personal caretaker. Though Cassandra was a very skilled healer, making her an incredible asset on Expeditions, her prophetic powers were simply too useful to endanger her life. She also disliked fighting and, though Daphne looked like the type that would pummel monsters with her bare hands, she actually confessed that she hated fighting and was more suited to the role of a bodyguard. She had several support-class magics and skills that allowed her to increase her Agility and Endurance, especially in a pinch.
Once that had been decided, the Alliance started helping the Elven women get situated within the Elven Settlement and, after making a few other preparations, Vahn ended up in a room with Cassandra, Daphne, and Loki. The two girls had been informed about his ability to discern more from a Status Board than even gods but, even without being told that, neither had seemed to mind too much if he was in the room. They had already been given a change of clothes and it wasn't a big deal to expose their backs, especially after everything else they had already experienced. It was also a simple truth that both girls considered Vahn a 'safe' person to be around, even after his earlier 'admission'.
Daphne, being the more confident of the two, had volunteered to go first and, after covering her front with a cloth, exposed her back that currently had the Apollo Familia emblem on it. The most notable thing, however, was the fact that Daphne's body was covered in scars and clear indications of torture though, fortunately, not as badly as Preasia's had been. When he saw this, Vahn released a heavy sigh and said, "If you want, I can help you get rid of all those scars will be a little embarrassing, but I can promise you that there won't be a single mark left when I'm finished..."
When she heard this, Daphne looked back with an unperturbed expression, remaining silent for a few seconds before she said, "I'll leave it to you..." After that, she turned her face away and Vahn did his best to ignore the jump in her Affection as he watched Loki modify the crest until there was a strange clown on Daphne's back, indicating she was now a member of the Loki Familia. Finished with this, Loki looked up with an uncharacteristically serious expression and asked, "See anything I missed?" Though she was a mischevious trickster by nature, Loki knew the girls had already gone through a lot and now wasn't the best time to mess around. Vahn gave her an appreciative nod in turn and looked at the hieroglyphs on Daphne's back, more than a little surprised at what he saw...
Name: Daphne Lauros
LV. 2
POW: F348
END: G288
DEX: D506
AGI: E492
MAG: H189
Skills: [Endeavor:Innate(sealed)], [Elios Passion:C], [Laurus Wreath:E], [Riposte:D]
Magic: [Guardian Eos:Innate(sealed)], [Raumure:D], [Faerie Healing:E]
Development Abilities: [Abnormal Resistance:D], [Mind Fortification:(sealed)], [Escape:(sealed)]
[Elios Passion]
Rank: C
Use: Raises Agility, especially when fleeing from an enemy.
[Laurus Wreath]
Rank: E
Use: Heavily increased Endurance when exhausted or in a near-death state. Efficacy of skill based on the mental state of the user. Modifies physical appearance slightly.
(Active and Passive Trigger)
Rank: D
Use: Allows the user to deliver a precise counterattack after deflecting a blow.
Rank: D
Use: Self-Enhance Magic that raises Endurance and largely increased Agility based on Magic.
Chant: Follow the sky of the sky. Everything is to escape from the haze-blooms, laurel bushes, Raumure~!
[Faerie Healing]
Rank: E
Use: Provides light healing effect to target, allowing minor wounds to be treated. Also cures weak poisons.
Chant: Faerie light, gentle breeze, recover, cleanse, purify~!
After reading her Status, Vahn had no doubt that Daphne was definitely 'suitable' to being a protector, especially considering that almost all of her abilities modified her Endurance and allowed her to help others. He could even imagine her wearing one of the black suits worn by the guards in the high-class shopping district within Babel Tower. However, when this thought crossed his mind, so too did another thought. Vahn began to wonder what form Daphne's [Pactio] would take and if it would be beneficial for the two girls if he broached the subject. Unfortunately, as a result of his earlier admission, Vahn knew it would be an exceptionally awkward and misleading situation...
At this moment, Cassandra, who had been lost in her own little world, released an 'Eh!?' and began to blush deeply as focus was restored to her eyes. She looked directly at Vahn with her one revealed eye and began pressing her fingers together as she said, "I...I don't mind..." Both Daphne and Loki were confused by Cassandra's words but Loki quickly picked up on what was going on. The mischevious grin she had been keeping at bay appeared on her face as she lightly elbowed Vahn's ribs and asked, "What, not satisfied with the flower garden you've already gathered~?"
Loki's words caused Daphne to misunderstand and, though she hadn't cared that Vahn was observing her bare back previously, she hung her head and shrunk into the chair while closely protecting her front. Seeing this, Vahn pinched the bridge of his nose and simply stated, "I was thinking that a [Pactio] would help guarantee their safety. It would enhance their capabilities and allow Cassandra to inform me if she had any important revelations..." As she had already been thinking about it previously, Loki nodded her head and said, "Yes, it is undoubtedly a good idea. However, I heard about your little 'confession' earlier...seems like you're inadvertently bullying these girls~?"
Before Vahn answered, Daphne, who had been listening closely, keyed in on how Vahn said it would help protect them. Judging by Loki's words, she would have to do something embarrassing, she doubted it would be as embarrassing as having Vahn treat her body later. Considering that Vahn would talk himself out of it, even though it could potentially guarantee their safety, Daphne looked up and plainly stated, "This thing, [Pactio], I want one...if it can help me protect Cassandra, I don't want to pass on the opportunity..." Jumping in, even though it didn't look like she would ever be able to muster that much energy from her frail body, Cassandra shouted, "Yes, me too, please!"
With Loki's laughter as the background music, Vahn had released a long sigh and began explaining the specifics of a [Pactio], including how it was a closely guarded secret. Both girls had already accepted contracts to protect Familia secrets when they agreed to join the Loki Familia, so it was 'relatively' safe to disclose the information to them. Neither seemed like the type to release such information anyways, so Vahn was open and honest with them, even though it earned him a 'glare' from Daphne. Even so, she still agreed after Loki asked Ais to come in and demonstrate her own [Pactio].
Following that, Vahn drew two [Pactio] circles and shared a kiss with Daphne and Cassandra, putting both of their Affections for him firmly at 84 and 92 respectively. It had been a very 'transformative' day for the two girls, especially after they literally transformed into their raiments. Cassandra ended up have a one-piece purple dress that had a 'very' high slit on the left side. She also had a pointed-purple hat that made her look like a witch out of a fairy tale. As for her artifact, it happened to take on the form of a crystal ball which, unsurprisingly, enhanced her foresight and made it closer to actual Divination.
Daphne's outfit wasn't quite what he expected, as she didn't end up with a black bodyguard outfit and instead ended up looking more like a knight. She had an ornate metal cuirass that covered her torso, matching pauldrons on her shoulders, and gauntlets that completely covered her arms with plating, leaving on the joints exposed. She also had sabatons, covering her feet, calves, knees, and the lower half of her thighs. However, somewhat embarrassingly, earning him Daphne's ire, there was no armor protecting her 'bottom' at all. Instead, she had what looked like a pair of small red shorts that were barely larger than underwear protecting what remained of her dignity. As for her weapon, it took on the appearance of a straight silver rapier with a rose-shaped guard. It's effect allowed it to pierce almost anything and, based on how much power she put into the thrust, the length of the blade could increase greatly.
After suffering under the stink eye of Daphne for a short while, Vahn explained the other benefits of the [Pactio], demonstrating his ability to buff them, call him to his side, and telepathically communicate. Though she was a little bothered by the fact he could 'summon' them whenever he wanted, Daphne could understand how useful the abilities were. If they were ever in any danger, they could just send a message to Vahn and he would be able to immediately save them. Truthfully, it was one of the best protective measures she had ever heard of, making the fact that she had to kiss Vahn more tolerable. Besides, as she melancholically reminded herself, it wasn't as if he had taken her first kiss...
Once the matter of the [Pactio]s was settled, Loki finished converting Cassandra into her Familia before allowing Vahn to inspect her Status. Like Daphne, Cassandra also had two Innates, meaning she was capable of reaching the peak of Tier 2, including the one related to her foresight. Also, as she had professed before, Cassandra had numerous support skills and possessed a high talent for healing. Given the fact that she had a Pure Light affinity, this was easily justifiable and, as she wouldn't be entering into the Dungeon, Vahn had suggested she begin studying medicine. He would also be giving them both some basic study manuals for advancing their Magic skills, which would be the same as the ones used by future students...
Name: Cassandra Ilion
LV. 2
POW: I65
END: H101
DEX: H154
AGI: G228
MAG: F362
Skills: [Five Dimension Troia:Innate:D], [Healing Palm:E]
Magic: [Soullight:C], [Cure Ephialtes:D]
Development Abilities: [Midnight Harlot:Innate:(sealed)], [Treatment:E]
[Healing Palm]
Rank: E
Use: Accelerates natural regeneration and stamina recovery when applied to a region.
(Active Trigger)
Rank: C
Use: Area healing spell that increases in both efficacy and range based on mana consumed.
Chant: Cleansing light of purification. Extend a hand to the drowning. Hear my words and grant me the power to save those experience misfortune. Please, return the light of the Sun to this land. Soullight~!
[Cure Ephialtes]
Rank: D
Use: Purification magic that can cure any ailment if the user has enough mana. Cleanses the body of poisons, abnormal status effects, curses, and other impurities.
Chant: Light of Purification, Cure Ephialtes~!
Rank: E
Use: Increases the efficacy of all healing and support abilities, skills, and magic.
(A/N: This chapter felt like it took 37 days to complete xD. I actually had to re-read it towards the end just to remember what the hell I wrote!)
(A/N: Alternate Titles: '*Pats away the sadness*','Vahn tries to deflect...','Vahn fails to deflect...') <-(p.atreon link)
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