After more than an hour, Vahn and Ryuu ended up laying down on the slightly damp picnic blanket as they both looked towards the crystal clear sky. Their hands were interlocked as they lay next to each other and enjoyed the peaceful reverie after their passionate engagement with each other. Throughout the entire seventy minute period, Vahn only ended up ejaculating a single time and had treated Ryuu more gently than he ever had in the past. There was no rush at all and they simply lost themselves in each other in a slow love-making session that made the 'bashful' Elf turn beet red. Ryuu wasn't as sensitive in her vagina as normal girls but, after he had released a large volume of life-giving essence into her sacred temple she had clung to his body for more than seven minutes straight as her body trembled from the reverberations of her climax.
Vahn had done his best to infuse as much of his mana as he thought she could handle when he probed her depths in an attempt to 'guarantee' pregnancy. Through that long seven minutes, Ryuu's body had absorbed as much of his source energy as it could contain and she was 'forced' to ovulate as a result. This was further proof that the infertility issues of Elves were related to the amount of 'nourishment' they could receive in their wombs and Ryuu's glowed like a rainbow with the swirling source energy that nourished her body and almost made her go crazy.
Ryuu couldn't actually absorb the source energy itself, but her body was siphoning parts of it and converting it into an ocean of natural energy that would normally never exist during such situations. As a result, unless Ryuu decided to take a pill later, Vahn speculated there was around a 98% chance she would remain pregnant. He had already seen the small egg eject from her ovaries and 'dive' into the swirling mass of source energy and vital essence to be further nourished. As long as it ended up sticking properly within her uterus, everything would be fine and there would be a tiny Elven child running around within the next 8-14 months.
The pregnancies of Elves and High Elves could last for much longer periods of time depending on how close they were to a source of natural energy like one of the Sacred Trees. The longer the pregnancy went on, the more complications that would typically arise but Vahn didn't think it would be an issue at all. Even if Ryuu just spent time within Terra's garden every day she would probably deliver her child on time. Vahn even suspected he would be able to 'accelerate' her pregnancy if he helped nourish her body with source energy every day.
One of the 'mistakes' the Elves had been making for millennia was the fact that, after an Elf got pregnant, they would focus on taking care of the female and would cease having sex entirely. This actually complicated matters further and 'forced' the females Elves to have to nourish the baby with their own vital energy to ensure it would develop safely. He could either infuse his energy directly into her body, or they could have sex periodically and Ryuu should be completely fine without burdening her vitality at all. This was all speculation, however, so Vahn would need to closely observe her throughout the pregnancy to make sure things were going smoothly...
From his side, Ryuu suddenly muttered in a very quiet tone that almost sounded like she was speaking to herself, "I'm a little feels like I'm in a dream..." Vahn squeezed Ryuu's hand in response before turning to his side and cuddling up against her in a warm embrace, saying, "It certainly feels like a dream for me as well...but I hope this is real since I would feel embarrassed the next time I see you if I had a dream like this...hahaha." Ryuu had been in a bit of a daze as she enjoyed Vahn's warmth but, realizing what he was saying, the redness that had yet to fade from her face returned with a vengeance. Ryuu couldn't stop herself from curling up into a small ball as Vahn hugged her tightly from behind and continued by saying, "I love you, Ryuu...lets make a happy family together." Though she was still incredibly embarrassed, Ryuu nodded her heard and muttered an 'Nn' as she squeezed Vahn's arms tightly.
In total, Vahn's date with Ryuu had gone on for a little over four hours before they eventually decided it was best to return to the Manor. During those four hours, excluding the seventy minutes they had taken to 'plan' for their future, they spent their time simply cuddling up together under the warm rays of the sun. Though they talked about a few things, the majority of the time was spent in silence as both Ryuu and Vahn had gotten wrapped up in the peaceful atmosphere and just wanted to enjoy it. She wouldn't know for 'certain' for around two weeks, but Ryuu was already acting like she was pregnant and Vahn 'humored' her by gently stroking her exposed stomach while infusing a gentle stream of energy into her body.
After they reached the Manor, Vahn and Ryuu shared a very long embrace with each other that ended up catching the attention of Naaza, who had been planning on picking up some herbs from the garden. She opened up the back door and had a wide-eyed expression on her face before trying to retreat back inside as Vahn laughed and Ryuu blushed. Naaza's presence brought his moment with Ryuu to temporary end as she 'escaped' into the Manor, likely to go talk with Syr or Riveria. As for Naaza, she had a slight blush on her face now, almost as if Ryuu's had been infectious and she had ended up catching it. With a slightly apologetic expression, Naaza muttered, "I'm sorry, Vahn...I didn't mean to interrupt..."
Vahn shook his head and just stepped forward before embracing Naaza tightly and stroking the back of her hair. Before she could collect her thoughts completely, Vahn whispered into her droopy dog-like ears, "Naaza, I know you're being patient for Lili's sake...but I'd like to spend some more time with you. Since you didn't put your name on the schedule, I'll come by your atelier and take a look at your research. There are a few things I'd like you to take a look at as well, so please make some time for me..." She didn't answer for a long time, but Vahn could see Naaza's bushy tail waggle back and forth happily before she eventually nodded her head and said, "I'd like that, Vahn..." However, before he could 'steal' a kiss from her, Naaza came to her senses and managed to free herself from his embrace as she ran off towards the forest with hurried steps.
For a few seconds, Vahn just watched her departing figure in confusion before squinting his eyes and transforming into his Báihǔ form. He immediately noticed that his body was 'drenched' with Ryuu's scent and he had probably disturbed Naaza a bit by hugging her so closely. She was definitely in the category of girls that wasn't that open to showing affection in public so Vahn gave himself a mild reprimand before making his way towards the onsen. He was going to be opening up his salon in a little more than an hour so it wouldn't be a bad idea to wash up normally before getting ready. Since the girls that would be coming for his services would likely clean their bodies beforehand, Vahn expected he might even get to spend some time with them beforehand.
Though he didn't check who they belonged to, Vahn could detect several presences within the bath including an aura fluctuation he didn't recognize. However, the 'rules' of the Manor had already been explained to the Guild girls so their use of the onsen was entirely voluntary. There was no need for him to show 'unnecessary' courtesy within his own home, especially when they were briefed on the situation beforehand. Syr had talked to him after the incident with Rose and gave him a small lecture on how he needed to act as the 'man of the house' and avoid making concessions for people 'borrowing' their amenities.
Upon entering the bath, Vahn saw a flash of pink and saw Misha crowding around Eina with a teasing smile on her face as she held a sponge in her hands. As he had expected, Preasia was already present as well but she was far away from the 'chaos' alongside Fenrir and Tina. Vahn was surprised to see them together before he remembered that Tina also had an hour-long massage prize to redeem. He wasn't sure if she intended to use it now or if she had just decided to tag along with Fenrir and Preasia to take an early bath before dinner.
Fenrir had noticed her Master's presence before anyone else in the onsen and had stood up from the water with a splash as she waved her paws excitedly, shouting, "Master, come take a bath with us! Fenrir will wash your body~!" Her outburst caused Misha to become 'alert' as the awkward smile on Eina's face relaxed with a sigh of relief. She wasn't that good at dealing with Misha and being in the bath together like this was always a little awkward since she had a tendency to get handsy. With Vahn's presence, however, Misha had frozen like a Needle Rabbit that accidentally wandered into the lair of a Wyvern. Vahn showed a casual smile, but the only thing Misha managed to do in response was to sink into the water and blow bubbles as she hid her figure from his gaze.
Eina laughed at the behavior of her best friend and colleague before saying, "Who was the one to say they didn't mind even if Vahn saw their naked body? I wonder if you'll be able to go through with the massage at this rate...ehehehe~." Misha seemed to have been 'awakened' by Eina's words as she stopped trying to conceal her body completely and splashed water in Eina's direction, saying, "Eina, don't say things that can be easily misunderstood! Geez, you senseless woman~!" Misha began to laugh in a somewhat bashful manner and Vahn was very aware she was doing her best to keep her back facing him. Even if she had a disposition towards women, there were few girls that were simply okay with being 'ogled' by men they weren't involved with.
Vahn sent a small wave towards the smiling Eina and entered the water before gravitating towards Fenrir, Tina, and Preasia. He transformed into his Vanargandr form so Fenrir could actually wash his body and then sunk into the water to make it easier for her. Tina had averted her eyes as he walked over, which was her normal reaction, but Preasia had watched him like she was recording each of his movements with her eyes. Vahn felt like he would need to confront her about her tendency to stare at him in the future but had been putting it off since none of the other girls seemed to complain about it. He knew from Loki's guidance that Preasia was also a little 'broken' and needed his care and concern if she was going to stabilize in the future. During the massage session later, Vahn intended to 'comfort' her a bit more than usual to see if it helped ease the burdens in her heart.
Fenrir was happily humming away as she scrubbed Vahn's thick midnight-blue fur with awkward movements. This wasn't the first time he had been washed by her so Vahn had previously given Fenrir a type of sponge with an elastic strap that could be stretched around her paws to make it easier for her to wash him. She had been very fond of the items and, almost every day since then, Fenrir had 'taken' the right to wash his body as her own. Her reason was that he always washed her and now wanted to return the favor since he was the only person she could wash without endangering. Though she loved to be pampered, Fenrir wanted to return some of the treatment she often received. Vahn hadn't thought much about it previously but Syr had made a comment about how Fenrir had 'learned' that type of behavior from watching him...
Tina seemed to collect herself after a few minutes had passed and moved a bit closer to Vahn as she asked, "Vahnya, will you help wash me~?" Vahn nodded his head without thinking about it too much since he had washed Tina several times in the past without incident. This time, however, Vahn helped up his paws and smiled as he explained, "It might be a little difficult like this though, so you'll have to be patient for now. If you don't want to wait, you can get Preasia to wash you." Tina saw the claws on Vahn's paws and blanked momentarily before giving a brief glance at Preasia and making her decision. Turning back to Vahn, Tina nodded her head and said, "I Fenrir wash you...nyan?"
It wouldn't be the first time Tina washed his body, but Vahn noticed the subtle change in her behavior and compared it to how she had been acting throughout the week. They had been spending a lot of time together and it was obvious she had been opening up to him more and more. Her affection was permanently affixed at 99 right now, but her hidden parameters had probably been increasing a fair amount. Vahn tried expressing familial love for her, but her disposition had undergone a change ever since the day he gifted her the ribbon. Since it was made out of a material that was almost completely hydrophobic, Tina was even wearing her ribbon during the bath and Vahn could see her tail twitching around in the water with the vibrant red refracting under the somewhat hazy surface.
Before Vahn could answer her himself, Fenrir had started washing the side of his head and said, "Tina can wash Master's shoulders and back. Fenrir will take care of the front to avoid trouble, nyufufu~" Though she may not have intended to do it purposefully, Fenrir had emulated Milan's voice when she was speaking to Tina and even copied one of the characteristic laughs of a Cat Person. Tina startled slightly before a deep blush appeared on her face and she made her way around Vahn's back. She hadn't had any 'intentions' at all, but Fenrir's words made her realize it might have seemed like she was trying to wash Vahn's front since Fenrir was already scrubbing his head and back. Though she did her best to avoid staring, Tina's heart began beating rapidly as an image she knew she shouldn't recall came to the forefront of her mind.
Vahn released a sigh and closed his eyes while trying to block out Tina's chaotic aura from his mind as Fenrir began ardently scrubbing away at his chest with her oval-shaped paw sponges. She very unashamedly stayed close to his body and bounced up and down happily as a result of her exertions. However, even if his eyes had been open, Vahn wouldn't have seen too tantalizing a sight since Fenrir was an ally to Tiona and Loki. As for Tina, she awkwardly moved her hands around Vahn's back causing him to quickly realize she had 'forgotten' a sponge. After pulling one out of thin air, Vahn passed it over to the bashful girl who released a slight mewling sound of embarrassment...
Tina had been a bit distracted by Vahn's broad back and had hesitantly pressed her palm against it as she moved around the soapy suds sticking to his lean and muscular figure. When Vahn suddenly handed her a sponge, she felt like her heart had crept up into her throat and her stomach trembled like there were thousands of butterflies flying around inside. She plopped down into the hot water to cool off her head but encountered something neither she nor Vahn had expected. Because he was in his Vanargandr form, Vahn had a long bushy tail that was resting beneath the murky surface of the water. Tina had made sure to avoid stepping on it previously but, after her embarrassment overloaded her mental circuits, she sat down in the water and straddled against his tail with a plop. Vahn hadn't expected the sudden contact and it caused his tail to twitch once outside his control as Tina jumped up from the water with a 'Nyaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn~!?" sound and took off sprinting toward the changing room without even grabbing a towel to cover her naked body.
The atmosphere in the onsen became very awkward as silence overtook everyone that remained behind. Misha had a bit of incredulous look on her face and even Eina showed a complicated expression as she was able to piece together what had happened. She had been watching Vahn ever since he entered the bath and saw Tina plop down in the water suddenly before jumping nearly two meters in the air and running off. Though it was only for a brief moment, she saw the tip of Vahn's tail poke up out of the water and the shocked expression on his face as he watched Tina's 'escape'. It very clearly wasn't his fault but Eina intended to talk to Milan about her daughter's behavior since she was at a 'precarious' age right now...
Fenrir had been surprised by Tina's outburst and had completely stopped her hand movements before grabbing her Master's shoulders and pulling herself up to see over him. She saw his tail swirl about in the water and the conflicted expression on his face before a strangely exasperated look appeared on her face and she shook her head. Seeing her strange reaction, Vahn turned his head up at Fenrir as she said, "Master needs to learn to control his tail properly. Very naughty." Completely outside his expectations, Fenrir plopped her paws atop his head and said, "Don't worry, Master can be naughty all he wants to other girls, just not Tina. Be patient, okay~?"
For the first time in his life, at least as far as he could recall, Vahn felt an indescribable sense of shame and just hung his head as Fenrir 'happily' resumed washing his body. Though it was the result of a misunderstanding, Fenrir's words felt especially heavy and made Vahn unable to respond for a while until Eina appeared next to him and said, "Fenrir, Vahn didn't mean to do was an accident, so don't be so hard on him, okay?" Fenrir's ears flopped as she tilted her head to the side and said, "Fenrir isn't wrong...Master just needs to control his tail and accidents won't happen. Master can feel everything around him so he could have avoided the situation if he was prepared. Even Fenrir doesn't let people sit on her tail...Master is just inexperienced~?"
Eina was at a loss for how to respond to Fenrir's words because it was the longest stream of sentences she had ever heard from the typically curt wolf-girl. Vahn, however, completely understood what Fenrir was trying to say and he couldn't help but agree. Because he was so accustomed to being human, Vahn didn't really practice making proper use of the traits he obtained when transforming. He could still remember using his tail in Báihǔ form to fight against enemies, but he had stopped trying to adopt that kind of fighting style once he awakened Xuánwǔ. With [Shundo], Vahn's mobility was already very high so he had stopped relying on his Báihǔ form in combat, even though it used to be his preferred fighting style. Since it was an ability derived from an Innate, it was undoubtedly much stronger than magic he obtained after a few days of practice...he just stopped trying to get used to it and it was even more practical to become a Vanargandr that used Xuánwǔ instead...
After thinking this far, Vahn raised his head and showed a mixture of an apologetic expression and a resolute look as he said, "I need to start training properly..." He hadn't been putting much effort into his morning training and often spent the entire time meditating until the girls were ready to head off to the Dungeon. It seemed he needed to familiarize himself with his own forms more, or perhaps needed to spend more time in a transformed state so he had better awareness. Vahn already had near-perfect control over his own body, including sensations like touch, so it was nearly impossible to actually catch him off guard in a normal situation. This meant he could have easily avoided the 'mishap' with Tina but, after thinking this far, Vahn began to wonder why such mishaps always seemed to occur around Tina...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Seven Minutes In Heaven','Happy Pupper','Tina's Bad Luck...?')
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After the small fiasco in the bath, Vahn finished washing up his body before 'retreating' into his salon with Fenrir following close behind. He had a bit of time before people were supposed to show up so, even though she was one of the reasons why he took 'critical damage', Vahn relaxed against a sofa with Fenrir snuggled up on his chest. Vahn felt like she was becoming increasingly clever as time passed and wondered who she was spending time with to develop such habits. However, she was very cute with her sleeping face so Vahn just released a quiet sigh and let his mind wander until Misha knocked. She was scheduled for her massage at 4 PM and it was currently around 3:20 PM, so there was enough time to get in a short nap before she was supposed to arrive...
Around 3:50 PM, Vahn sensed several presences arriving in the waiting area outside his salon and could recognize them to be Eina, Misha, and Preasia. Dinner was supposed to be around 6 PM so the only people he was scheduled to massage were Misha and Preasia. Eina had probably accompanied the former to either make sure nothing happened or simply to allay any concerns Misha may have. Fenrir was already awake as soon as he began investigating the presences so she hopped off his chest and stretched her body before saying, "Fenrir will go watch everyone cook~!" and dashing out of the salon.
Soon after Fenrir left, Misha came through the thin curtains leading into the salon and peeked her head in curiously before making eye contact with Vahn. Since she was a paying customer, Vahn kept a calm expression on his face using [Will of the Emperor] and asked in a polite tone, "Is Eina not going to accompany you?" Misha laughed before walking through the curtain and saying, "She told me it would take away from the experience if other people watched. Apparently, you're supposed to be pretty skilled with your hands~?" Misha always had a curious nature and this wouldn't be the first time it had gotten her into a bit of trouble. She was a bit on the ditzy side and was accident prone, which had been one of the reasons she had been 'allowed' to come to the Hearth Manor by the Guild.
Vahn nodded his head with a confident expression and said, "There are differences in the treatment for everyone that comes into the salon, but I can guarantee my skills are without equal. Even gods have complimented my ability, so I have a fair amount of confidence." Misha issued an awkward laughter and said, "Scary, scary..." as she peeled away her bathrobe and revealed a matching yellow bra and panty. She had been told the massage was better without having clothes in the way but wearing lingerie was around the limit when she was alone with a boy. Misha had a fair amount of trust for Vahn, as she had seen his interactions with the other girls over the last two months, but that didn't mean she completely trusted him. If not for Eina's drastic change and her insistence that Vahn wouldn't do anything 'inappropriate', Misha wouldn't have been able to come into the salon like this.
Though he had an instinctive urge to compliment Misha's figure, Vahn simply nodded his head and gestured toward the massage table as he asked, "What kind of treatments would you like today, Misha? Know that some of the complex procedures take more than thirty minutes, so let me know if you have any quick questions before we get started." Seeing how 'calm' Vahn was, Misha arched her brows in curiosity and had been tempted to ask if he didn't find her attractive. She wasn't really interested in him but the fact he didn't show any 'appreciation' for her figure when she was wearing nothing but undergarments hurt her pride a little. Deciding he was simply acting professionally, Misha walked over to the strangely designed table before realizing she was supposed to lay on top of it with her back facing upward.
As she contemplated the strange design of the table, Misha felt a little hesitant to entrust her backside to Vahn so easily. She didn't really understand how 'serious' Vahn's massages could get but she had been cautioned by Eina several times that things could get very 'intense'. Though she had prepared herself a little, Misha was still worried about what might happen so she asked, "I heard your massage can enhance and prolong beauty? I'm still a young and beautiful young woman, so what other benefits can you provide other than that~? Also, how much would it cost to get 'transformed' like what happened to Eina?"
Vahn held his hand to his chin in a thoughtful manner before saying, "Depending on the intensity of the massage, I can probably prolong someone's beauty almost indefinitely as they age. I actually have to be 'careful' not to push the other girls too hard since they are still developing. It also has the benefit of easing the tensions in your body, removing knots that might occur from stress, and loosing up your joints so you don't have any lingering aches or pains. As for the procedure Eina underwent, that is a closely guarded secret of the Alliance and isn't something that can be obtained with money...sorry."
Misha stared at Vahn with saucer-like eyes and he could see a great amount of incredulity contained within her pink irises. He knew it was difficult to believe but his description was honestly what could be expected if he pushed his [Hands of Nirvana] to the limit. When he remembered how youthful Haruhime appeared during the Divination, Vahn was certain there were many long-term benefits to the massage that he hadn't been able to understand yet. For those that had undergone 'Nirvana', such as Tsubaki and Eina, Vahn was even confident in halting the signs of aging until they were near the end of their lifespans. His source energy could nourish their bodies a lot more than the other girls and it was very likely they would live two, or even three, times longer than normal. For Tsubaki, this meant she could very well live upwards of five-hundred years...
After a few seconds of silence, Misha saw that Vahn's expression didn't change and it was very obvious he wasn't trying to fool her. If what he described was true, much less 20,000 Valis, his massages could cost more than a million Valis and there would still be a line of Adventurers signing up to receive his 'godhand'. Deciding to forgo caution, Misha made the mistake of nodding her head confidently and saying, "Okay, I want to see the limits of your massage technique. If I'm not satisfied with the result, I'll bug Eina until she gives me a refund~." Though she was just teasing him, Misha underestimated how serious Vahn could get and, as he was using [Will of the Emperor] to maintain his expression, she didn't notice the subtle change in his disposition.
Vahn nodded his head and gestured to the table once again, this time causing Misha to climb onto it and rest her somewhat modest breasts into the indentation toward the end. She immediately noticed the table was far more comfortable than she had expected and, as she rested her face into the circular opening, Misha felt very relaxed even though her body was tense. Vahn watched her actions and, after she was nice and comfortable, said, "Many of the pressure points I'll be targetting are on your back, so I'm going to unfasten your bra. Also, I'll need your permission to touch your butt unless you would like me to avoid sensitive areas." Misha surprisingly laughed when she heard his words and remarked, "I heard you were into butts, ehehehe. Sure, as long as you don't do anything strange I'll trust you this time. I'll tattle on you if you get fresh though, so be careful with those hands Mr. Mason~."
Though he was a bit caught off guard by Misha's words, Vahn quickly recovered and said, "I won't do anything untoward...Ms. Flott..." Vahn cast a glance over at Misha's butt as he spoke and saw it was somewhat small, though the shape wasn't that bad. She was only 150cm tall and had a very thin figure without any discernable fat on her body, including her butt. Her muscles were also a bit unbalanced so it was easy for Vahn to see that she didn't exercise properly and most likely lazed about when she was off duty. If she decided to make this a recurring appointment, Vahn would draw up a nutritional plan for her and list out some easy exercises that would help restore the balance to her body.
Before he began, Vahn explained, "The others should have warned you, but you need to be aware that your body won't respond to you properly until I'm finished with the massage. You may not have much trust for me, Ms. Flott, but please believe in Eina and know that I will not do anything to bring harm to you." Misha removed her face from the circular opening and gave Vahn an appraising look before saying, "You're a very serious boy, aren't you?" and then returning her face back into the hole. After a short period of silence, Misha said, "Eina wouldn't fall in love with a boy unless they were trustworthy. Besides, I've been warned plenty of times so stop dallying...I spent a good portion of my paycheck to get this massage, so you better not have started the time yet~!"
With Misha's 'consent', Vahn rubbed his hands together and began infusing calming energy into his domain so she wouldn't panic after losing functionality of her limbs. Even Mama Mia had panicked a bit when he gave her a massage in the past so a normal girl like Misha would probably have an adverse reaction even though she was putting on a strong front. It would fade away very quickly, but it always made Vahn feel a little worried whenever he started massaging a new girl. Misha didn't seem to notice the subtle change in the atmosphere and Vahn was amazed by how quickly she relaxed her body given the situation.
Shaking his head with a wry smile on his face, Vahn said, "I'm beginning..." and began pressing into the pressure points around Misha's neck and shoulders. He had learned from experience that it was always better to start from the neck since it would dull the connection with the rest of the body and make them feel less scared. In the past, he used to start around the lower back and it was always terrifying to suddenly lose functionality of your legs when the rest of your body was still active. By starting from the neck, Vahn could move to the other parts of the body and help them relax much faster. Surprisingly, Misha didn't seem to mind the sudden change in her body and, other than her aura fluctuating a bit she remained very calm.
Vahn felt like he may have underestimated Misha's mental fortitude a bit...either that, or she was lacking a bit of awareness and a sense of danger. It was nice to know she was showing her trust for him, but it was still very strange to see such a reaction for a first time 'client'. Without minding it too much, Vahn began working his way down Misha's somewhat boney back and infused energy into her pressure points to relax the surrounding muscle groups. She really was very thin, not much different from Fenrir if not for the variations in their bust size. However, Vahn noticed that Misha had the characteristic softness of a young woman regardless of how thin she was and it was a very curious matter.
Since she had given him permission, Vahn also pressed into the pressure points around Misha's butt and noticed her aura fluctuated quite a bit before turning somewhat chaotic when he moved to her thighs. Vahn expected this would happen but continued his efforts regardless and moved further down Misha's legs as her aura slowly stabilized. The yellow-orange and purple colors began to fade away in her aura and were slowly replaced by a gentle yellow glow and a subtle pink as the tensions in Misha's body slowly released. Vahn was surprised to discover that Misha actually wasn't a virgin, even though he knew she was supposedly more into girls than boys. He wondered if she had experimented at some point in the past but put the matter to the back of his mind as he watched the pink aura slowly increase in intensity.
Because she wasn't a 'maiden', at least as far as Vahn's understanding was concerned, this meant that Misha's massage was going to be far more intense than Vahn had intended. However, Misha said she wanted to experience the full extent of his massage technique and Vahn knew it was actually much better for the girl to experience 'release' during the massage as it greatly enhanced the effects. He may end up having to apologize to her later, but Vahn began to massage around Misha's lower back and traced his hands up her sides very slowly as he infused energy into her body and began to link together the various nerve centers with his source energy.
Misha's somewhat pale skin began to turn ruddy as small droplets of sweat began to appear on her skin. The most noticeable change, however, was the subtle vibrations that had started reverberating throughout her body. They were only four minutes into the massage at this point and Vahn knew things were going to get increasingly 'harder' for Misha as he progressed further. Deciding not to cut corners, Vahn tried not to mind the vibrations too much and just focused on the task at hand as Misha's body quickly turned to putty under his movements. She was already soft before, but Vahn felt like he could sink his palms into her back a little and it was like there was a thin layer of unbelievable softness covering her whole body. This was something he experienced with all the girls, goddesses included, so Vahn wasn't distracted by the strange sensation and just transitioned to Misha's thighs to continue his progress.
Even with their functionality almost entirely removed, Misha's legs trembled a great deal when Vahn massaged her thighs but he didn't stop for a single moment as he pressed his thumbs deep into her muscle tissue and massaged the areas until they became 'soft' to the touch. He was very aware of the womanly fragrance coming from her body but maintained a focused expression with the assistance of his [Will of the Emperor] as he escaped the humid area and moved further down her legs until he reached her toes. Pressing into the pressure points at the bottoms of her feet, Misha's body turned somewhat rigid and 'pulsed' slightly every time Vahn rotated his finger against the three delicate nerve centers. Once he was finished, Vahn moved on to her other foot and watched curiously as Misha's body almost imperceptibly leaned toward the stimulus instead of 'away' from it.
With her feet finished, Vahn moved back up Misha's legs before pausing slightly and pressing into the pressure points around her butt while trying to avoid direct contact with it. It would be far more effective to massage the area, but Vahn didn't want to be accused of taking advantage of her even though she had already passed out. Afterward, he lifted up her hips slightly and pressed into the pressure points at the connecting point between the Gluteus Medius and Iliopsoas so that she would be able to walk properly when she woke up. After letting her hips rest against the massage table again, Vahn refreshed some of the points on her back before working his way up Misha's shoulders and continuing down her arms and fingers. He was moving a little fast, but Vahn had already 'mastered' this type of massage and could perform the entire thing in around twenty-seven minutes.
After around twenty-five minutes, Vahn began the final massage and pressed into the muscles around Misha's neck before gently massaging her scalp while inserting a gentle stream of energy to help her wake back up. It wasn't his first time having someone pass out during his massage so Vahn was accustomed to helping the girls return to their senses without scaring them. It could be very terrifying to suddenly wake up to the echoes of pleasure wracking your body and still be unable to move. He had already partially restored the functionality of her limbs and was now restoring the connection while helping promote proper blood flow to her brain. This would make her feel very relaxed and, once she managed to recover, Misha would probably be very focused and alert for the rest of the day. She would probably have a bit of trouble sleeping tonight, but that was a common side effect that Vahn had learned about from the girls...
Almost precisely around the twenty-seven-minute mark, the trembling in Misha's body became somewhat more pronounced and she sucked in air like her body was very cold even though it was actually the opposite. With the ability to speak restored, Misha muttered, "T-T-That w-was a l-l-little more i-i-intense than I ex-expected...ha....haaaa...nn..." Misha realized now that she had severely underestimated Vahn's massage and should have paid more attention to the several dozen warnings she had received. It was a little scary, but Misha felt like she would never be able to attain such a degree of pleasure for the rest of her life and it made her feel strangely lonely. Anything she had experienced before this massage seemed amateurish and she was certain her efforts wouldn't bring her close to the same degree of pleasure Vahn had given her body.
Contrary to Vahn's expectations, Misha was still 'technically' a virgin since she had never had sex with a man before. Her only experiences had been with other girls, as she had played around a bit during her School days in the girls' dormitory, and the reason for her damaged hymen was just a matter of her curiosity getting the better of her. She had purchased a women's sex toy that was a bit bigger than she should have and ended up breaking her own hymen and experiencing a bit of trauma as a result. After that, she felt like being with men would just bring her pain so Misha's disposition shifted from curiosity in the opposite sex to experimentation with the same sex. When she saw Vahn's 'member' in the bath, Misha felt like her decision in the past had been the 'correct' one because she couldn't imagine anything other than pain coming from such a monstrous entity...
Misha took several long and labored breaths and just enjoyed the 'numb' sensation in her body as Vahn restored complete functionality to her limbs. She didn't even care when he poked around her butt with his surprisingly hot and firm fingers and, though she was aware of the 'dangerous' state of her body, Misha felt strangely secure since Vahn didn't even do anything when she passed out. The only thing going through her mind right now was what she would do for the future since there was no way she could accept this was the last time. Even though there was a small basin below her filled with a thin layer of her own saliva, Misha didn't mind it too much and it actually made her feel a little excited imagining what Vahn might do with it when she left the salon...
After the thirty minutes had transpired, Vahn gently ran his finger from the line of Misha's panties to the base of Misha's neck to make sure all of her nerves were firing properly. As was the case with the other girls, Misha's back arched slightly as a result of the stimulus. She seemed to have forgotten her bra strap had been undone earlier and continued to hold up her body with a somewhat blank expression on her face before sitting upright a few moments later. Vahn 'politely' turned his head and calmly stated, "Misha, your bra..." to remind her of the matter. However, other than looking down at her exposed little buns, Misha didn't take any action to wear her bra and just asked, "Do frontside massages...?"
Vahn continued to stare off into the void as he nodded his head and said, "Yes, I'm skilled at all kinds of massages, both backside and frontside..." It was an awkward admission, but Vahn felt he should take pride in his 'accomplishments' with [Hands of Nirvana] since he had already pushed the skill to mastery and continued to make strides towards greater heights. Misha released a somewhat hot sigh before trying to scoot off the massage table and stand on her feet. Her whole body felt very pleasant and light and, even though functionality had already been restored to them, Misha's legs felt very wobbly and she nearly fell over before Vahn caught her with a bathrobe that had magically appeared in his hands. He made sure to avoid any delicate spots and just let Misha lean into the thick robe while using his body as a support.
Misha laughed awkwardly and accepted the robe as she began to right herself while wearing it in as natural a manner as she could manage. It made her feel strangely vexed to see Vahn putting in so much effort to avoid looking at her body, even though she understood he was just trying to be polite. After releasing another sigh, Misha surprised Vahn a bit by slapping both of her cheeks as if she was trying to wake herself up from a daze. She gave him a thoughtful look before sticking out her tongue playfully and saying, "Thanks for the massage, Vahn. You can be sure I won't be asking for a refund...hahaha..." Misha began to walk out of the salon before Vahn called out, "Misha, wait!" and made her heart tremble a bit as she looked back to see what he wanted to say.
She didn't understand it well herself, but Misha felt a bit of expectation when Vahn called out to her until she saw him pointing at the yellow braw that was resting in the small indentation where her breasts had been. A fierce blush touched her already ruddy cheeks as she moved over quickly and snatched up the bra before fleeing from the salon. Vahn watched her retreating figure and saw the fluctuations in her aura before releasing a long sigh and remarking, "Why does it always seem like the girls are running away from my salon whenever I finish recently...?" Vahn tilted his head to the side and held his hand to his chin as he contemplated if it was related to the [Petting] Development Ability. However, soon after he brought his hands near his face Vahn smelled a very womanly fragrance and instinctually sniffed his hand before startling slightly and pulling out a towel to wipe his hands clean before Preasia showed up...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Challenging the Godhand...?','RIP Misha-chan...','Breaking Down Barriers','Fragrant Aroma...')
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