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15.98% Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos / Chapter 373: Fall

Capítulo 373: Fall

---Tione PoV---

Not long after she jumped off Fafnir's back, Tione had spun through the air several times before stabilizing her body with her arms and legs spread wide in a free-falling posture. The waistcloth that had been tied around her hips had been caught by the wind and torn from her body and she cursed Vahn within her mind for not thinking about everyone's clothing. She did notice, however, after she fell for about twenty seconds she had stopped accelerating entirely. If anything, Tione felt like she was falling 'slowly' and the only way she could go faster was the change her posture to cut through the wind. She realized that Vahn's words had been true and, just based on her current speed, there wasn't any danger at all. This realization was a very liberating thing for Tione since she had a great fear of heights in the past.

After flipping over her body, Tione was falling towards the continent and staring upwards toward the sky as if she was looking for the others. Though the air was frigid, it didn't affect her much and it actually felt very pleasant against her skin. However, she had a strange desire for 'warmth' and wished she had pulled Vahn along with her when she took the 'leap of faith'. Her confession just before her jump had been a pretty big step forward for her since it was the point where she officially decided to give up on Finn. Even though they didn't spend too much time together, Vahn showed her far more care than Finn had ever shown. She was always his 'subordinate' and, other than the time they spent at the Twilight Manor and on expeditions, they didn't really do anything intimate at all. Now that she had overcome her fear of heights, she suddenly felt like it was much easier to overcome the other things that burdened her heart in the past...

---Godhand PoV---

Though he had only leaped down a few seconds after Tione, the actual distance between them was several hundred meters. Vahn had been slightly concerned about her, so he was trying to close the distance to make sure she hadn't passed out or something. Though she would still survive the fall, Vahn didn't want her to have a bad experience since he wanted to do this type of thing more often in the future. As for Fenrir, she was clinging to his body like a koala while doing her best not to dig her claws into his back. She wasn't afraid at all, especially since Vahn was holding onto her, but it was still 'strange' to be falling upside down toward the planet. Her instincts were screaming at her that, if she fell to the ground at this rate, she would definitely die. However, Fenrir had long stopped listening to her instincts and placed all of her trust in Vahn since she knew that he would always protect her, just like she would protect him...

Because they had been falling head-first towards the ground, Vahn saw a red speckle with his enhanced vision and recognized it to be Tione since his eyes literally zoomed in on her after he spotted her. She had turned face up and was falling toward the ground with her eyes closed, but Vahn could tell she was still awake by her body posture and stable aura. Tione looked to be at peace with the current situation and Vahn smiled knowing she had been able to overcome her fear. Since she was in a neutral posture, it wasn't too long before he was able to close the distance to her before realizing how 'difficult' it was to approach someone else in freefall.

Vahn overshot her by a large margin and passed by Tione like a bullet as he started laughing out loud which caused her to startle as she flipped over her body to stare at him with an incredulous look on her face. Because of the wind surrounding them, they couldn't actually speak to each other, but bits of Vahn's laughter carried through the air since he was lower than she was. He did his best to try and control his descent as Tione angled her body to slowly close the distance between them. Because they were both high levels, the control of their bodies was very high and it wasn't too long before they had closed the gap and stabilized by reaching out to each other.

When she grabbed his right hand, Tione had a big smile on her face as she tried to shout out words that couldn't bridge the short distance between them due to the wind whizzing by. Vahn shook his head with a smile and mouthed a few words of his own which allowed her to understand he couldn't hear her at all. With a somewhat 'frustrated' look on her face, Tione pulled Vahn closer to her and grabbed onto his body with Fenrir in between them as she shouted as loudly as she could in his ear, "I SAID I LOVE YOU, YOU IDIOOOOOOOT~!"

Because of the zero distance between her mouth and his ear, Vahn's eardrum rattled and his winced in pain before laughing at her confession. Before she misunderstood his response, Vahn leaned forward and tried to say something as her long hair whipped up into his face and smacked him in the eye. She had little metal ties on the ends of her braided sideburns and Vahn took one directly to the eye which made him wince as a bit of moisture built up at the edge of his closed eyelids.

Tione had an apologetic expression on her face but Vahn just shook his head before leaning forward quickly and giving her a kiss as the three of them rapidly fell towards the ground. Vahn was constantly being barraged by Tione's hair, but he just kept his eyes closed and accepted the 'assault' as he held Tione in his arms until he detected another group of presences closing in on them. When he pulled his face away from her's, Vahn saw the enamored blush and the fervent expression on her face before he shook his head and pushed away from her with a wink as he pointed upwards. Following his finger, Tione saw a flash of brown skin wearing nothing but a small white top and bottoms that she recognized as her own twin sister. Tiona had also lost her waistcloth and, perhaps due to the 'aerodynamic' nature of her body, she was quickly closing the distance like a Vahn-seeking missile.

Vahn could tell that she was approaching too quickly so he reached out his hand and simply 'chanted', "Raging winds, hear my call, slow Tiona's descent for me~!" Since the only thing that mattered when casting magic was your 'image' and the 'intention' behind your chant, it was actually possible to cast any kind of magic you 'believed' would work. Vahn 'genuinely' wanted to slow Tiona down and knew the most reliable method would be to increase the wind resistance of her body. Since she was within the range of his domain, he could perfectly track her trajectory and hit her with a light green bullet that shot out of his palm and slowed her bullet-like descent to a crawl right before she collided with him with open arms.

Though he only heard bits and pieces of it, Vahn could tell from Tiona's expression and the reverberations passing between their bodies that she was laughing jubilantly. She had probably seen him kissing Tione, so Tiona grabbed the sides of his face and started kissing him passionately as the spun around chaotically through the air without regard for their current situation. Vahn was enjoying the stimulus since he hadn't expected their freefall to suddenly turn into a make-out session and it made everything far more 'exciting'. Most 'fighters' were omnidirectional experts so, even though they were spinning about randomly, Vahn was able to keep his orientation without getting nauseous at all. He just spent a short while twining his tongue with the overeager Tiona before reaching his hand out and repeating, "Raging winds, hear my call, slow Ais's descent for me~!"

Ais had jumped down right after Tiona, so she wasn't far behind her and quickly closed the distance with the obvious intention of catching up with Vahn. Vahn's spell had no effect on her, however, as it broke against a green barrier that appeared around Ais's body. Though his eyes widened for a moment, Vahn calmed down quickly when Ais naturally decelerated to match their pace. With his [Eyes of Truth], Vahn could tell that Ais was manipulating the wind around her very skillfully and was even shielding herself from the wind resistance battering everyone else. With Ais's inclusion, their group became a strange three-way hug with Fenrir stuck between everyone else with a somewhat frustrated expression as she shouted loudly, "Don't squish Fenrir!"

Because Ais's wind barrier had wrapped around everyone else, they all heard Fenrir's shout and Vahn began to laugh as he said, "Let's just enjoy the fall, for now, I'll make sure to invite the two of you to my room later~." Vahn sent the girls a wink before pressing lightly against them and breaking free of Ais's barrier. Understanding the meaning behind his words, Tiona stopped controlling her fall and began to flip around acrobatically while laughing about. Vahn knew that, if they were on the ground, her actions would look closer to a happy dance and he found her falling figure to be rather beautiful since her skin-tight clothing didn't leave much to the imagination.

Ais also seemed somewhat happy, but her expression was also 'serious' as she began to accelerate downwards at a faster pace than the rest of the group. Vahn felt like she wanted to land 'first', probably because of her competitive nature that liked to turn arbitrary things into a competition. Her actions weren't missed by Tione and Tiona, but neither girl had magic to help them against the wind and quickly gave up thoughts of trying to win against Ais in a race toward the ground. They just enjoyed the fall until Vahn sent them a signal and decelerated his body which made him shoot high above them. He hadn't actually 'gone up', but they were falling much faster than he was and it was a strange sight to see.

---Ryuu PoV---

Ryuu, unknowingly, was going through much the same experience as Tione had when she made her earlier leap. After resolving herself to jump off Fafnir, she felt a little afraid at first but, after falling for a few seconds, she noticed that her speed had stopped increasing. If she pushed her limits, Ryuu was actually capable of 'running' faster than she was currently falling. Her fears vanished shortly after this realization and she began trying to experiment with controlling her descent. However, similar to Tione and Tiona, Ryuu quickly lost a bit of her clothing when she turned her feet toward the ground. She had been wearing casual clothes for the outing, which included a light blue skirt that got caught in the fierce winds and torn from her waist.

Her blouse also tried to ride up her body, but she managed to keep it down with her hands before flipping upside down with an embarrassed blush on her face. Though Vahn had profound insights at times, he also had a bad track record when it came to paying attention to the smaller details. Even if he didn't want to spoil the 'surprise', he should have told the girls to wear tighter clothing so they wouldn't lose the garments as they fell. Now, instead of 'enjoying' the fall, Ryuu had her thighs clenched together tightly to make sure her vanilla colored silk panties didn't get torn off her body as well...

---Aki PoV---

After mustering up what little courage she had, Aki leaped off of Fafnir's back and screamed in the manner characteristic of Cat Persons for about thirty seconds until she realized that she wasn't actually falling that fast. If not for the fact that her blouse was starting to peel down her stomach, she would have enjoyed the cool air passing through her long black hair and whizzing by her ears. Even when she wasn't adventuring, she always wore a similar black blouse that hugged around her chest without having any shoulder support at all.

There was a strip of leather-like material about two wide that acted to create friction between her blouse and skin to prevent it from falling even during intense maneuvers. It wasn't, however, resistant to constant wind pressure and, since she had been falling head first, the wind had coincidentally been catching the small gap in her cleavage which caused her blouse to expand from the intruding air and slowly inch its way further down her body. The only thing she could do was hold it with her hands to keep it from descending further since, when she tried flipping right side up, the air had caught in her skirt and the cold sensation against her thin black spats sent a chill up her spine.

The posture she decided upon was falling with her back toward the ground as she fixed her blouse as best she could before tightening the belts around her waist. After arranging her clothing better, she spun around and fell in a neutral position that caused her descent to slow, but also prevented the wind from trying to peel her clothing off her body. She had a wry smile as she imagined Vahn 'scheming' to have the girls lose their clothes, even though she knew it wasn't his nature to do such a thing. Aki wondered if any of the other girls had trouble and tried remembering what everyone was wearing. She knew, undoubtedly, that Tione and Tiona had probably lost their sashes and nearly burst out laughing after remembering that Ryuu had the 'misfortune' of wearing a skirt today. Her smile froze, however, when she recalled that Riveria was wearing her usual robe that went all the way down to her knees...

---Riveria PoV---

Riveria had the most inhibitions about jumping and she immediately regretted her actions soon after since, like all the other girls, she was completely 'unprepared' for the raging winds. Her typical attire consisted of a creamy beige cloak, which was now long lost, a light green sash, which she was desperately holding on to, and a green military-style robe known as the 'Elf Kings Holy Robe'. She also had on a pair of sleek looking black trousers and long brown boots, but that was a minor reprieve as she 'desperately' tried to rebutton her robe that had been torn open by the winds. If there were any onlookers, they would have gotten a clear view of her somewhat pale skin, that had turned lighter from the cold, and the lime-green lace brassier concealed her modest breasts.

She 'cursed' Vahn for his oversight, but also knew it was her fault for not properly considering the matter as well. Even when they first started their magic discussions, Vahn had a tendency to overlook things and had even gone into a 'Mind Down' state from his own overconfidence. He spent a lot of time thinking about things, but this also meant he was easily caught off guard when unexpected situations occurred. Because he was what could be considered an 'omnidirectional' fighter, Vahn wore clothing that hugged the body easily during intense movements. Riveria, however, wore somewhat loose robes and a cloak since she was a caster and didn't move around a lot during fights. The only thing she was grateful for at the moment was the fact that she always wore pants under her clothing instead of a skirt...

---Godhand PoV---

After slowing his descent, Vahn controlled his body with his target being Ryuu who he had detected above his current position. She was falling head-first toward the ground, so the distance between them was rapidly shrinking and Vahn was surprised when he noticed that she wasn't wearing her skirt anymore. Given the 'blaming' look he could see in her sky-blue eyes, Vahn knew he had made a mistake and suddenly recalled that both Tiona and Tione were also missing their waistcloths. After resolving himself for the lecture that would likely follow, Vahn altered his trajectory to try and match Ryuu's descent as they slowly closed the distance between each other. Because of his spatial awareness, which was nearly flawless due to his domain, Vahn was becoming adept at being able to control his body through the air.

With a bit of careful maneuvering, Vahn managed to reach Ryuu before grabbed her outstretched hand and pulling her closer to his body. She tried to say something, but Vahn couldn't hear her and just leaned forward and decided to push his luck by saying, "Vanilla really suits you, Ryuu..." as he gently pinched her slightly exposed butt. The 'blaming' look in her eyes turned slightly sharper but Ryuu wasn't able to hide the blush on her cheeks as she mimicked his actions and pulled close to his ear and said, "Vahn...I'm going to make you pay for this..." Vahn blinked rapidly a few times because he didn't know exactly what someone like Ryuu would do to make him 'pay'. Deciding to try and avoid the potential trouble, Vahn made an effort to appease Ryuu and pulled out a pair of dark blue spats from his inventory.

Without explaining what he was trying to do, Vahn pulled Ryuu 'up' towards the ground as he traced down her body slowly. Ryuu didn't understand what he was trying to do and grabbed his hair to prevent him from going any further 'down' since she thought he was going to tease her. Vahn realized from the fluctuations in Ryuu's aura what she was 'afraid' of, but her actions just urged him onwards as he began stroking the back of her exposed thighs with his palm while using [Hands of Nirvana] to 'shock' her a little. Her grip on his hair tightened, but Vahn didn't mind the pain much and continued to pull 'up' on her body until he could get the spats around one of her legs.

Ryuu felt the foreign cloth on her leg and realized what Vahn was trying to do so she released a sigh and helped him. After she got both of her legs into the fabric, Vahn 'shimmed' up her body as Ryuu pulled his tunic before pulling up his body from the shoulders. Vahn managed to get the thin, skin-tight, fabric around Ryuu's butt and recover a bit of her modesty before sneaking in a kiss and pinching her butt again before 'escaping'. Ryuu sent him a 'glare' but, after a few seconds past, mouthed the words, 'Thank you, Vahn.' as she slowly fell further away from him. Vahn waved at her with a casual smile on his face and said, "Ryuu, you're so adorable..." He knew she couldn't hear him, but his words seemed to have been conveyed as she turned her face away with a blush and accelerated toward the ground.

Vahn's next 'target' was Aki, who was surprisingly higher up than he had expected. Unlike the other girls, with the exception of Ais, Aki was still wearing all of her clothing but she still gave Vahn a subtle 'glare' with a smile on her face. After a bit of careful maneuvering, Vahn managed to close the distance with her in a similar manner as the previous girls. When he grabbed her, Vahn leaned forward and asked, "Are you enjoying the fall?" Aki held onto his shoulder while patting Fenrir's head and said, "It's very exhilarating, but you should have thought about everyone's clothing~! My blouse keeps trying to escape and my skirt isn't exactly suitable for this type of activity!"

Though she was wearing a skirt, Aki also had on a pair of moderately thick black shorts with white bands around them. There wasn't any 'danger' of her being exposed, but Vahn could understand how annoying it was to have her skirt flapping around and threatening to make her blouse ride up her body. Because there weren't any shoulder straps, Aki faced a problem no matter how she oriented herself and the solution she had found was to simply fall flat instead of angling her body up or down. Vahn thought about it for a moment before reaching out and placing her skirt into his inventory. He also started to place items like her belts and pouches into his inventory, just so they weren't lost later on.

Aki was surprised by Vahn's actions at first but realized it was probably 'better' than trying to prevent the clothing from being torn off. He also pulled out a different blouse that would be able to hug her shoulders and helped her shimmy into it with a great deal of effort before removing her old blouse by storing it away in an instant. The blouse he had given her was something that hugged the body tightly, so Aki was able to cut through the air smoothly now that she was just wearing the tight blouse in conjunction with her form-fitting shorts. Vahn then hugged her body close and spoke into her ears as he said, "You look cute in outfits like this, it really brings out your lithe figure! I'm gonna head up and see how Riveria is doing, so I'll see you in a bit~!"

Vahn's current mindset was 'might as well press my luck' so, before he separated from Aki, he gave her a quick kiss and a firm squeeze of her toned butt. She squirmed a bit from his touch and startled when, right before he pushed away from her, he grabbed her tail playfully and ran his hand along its length. Aki released a mewling cry and tried to grab him before he could get away, but Vahn changed his posture and immediately shot up away from Aki. Though she tried to reorient her body to slow her descent to match his, Vahn was always higher up since he generated more wind resistance and also had Fenrir attached to his body. She frowned for a short moment before sticking out her tongue playfully and heading downwards so Vahn could go 'help' Riveria.

It took Vahn nearly a full minute before he finally detected Riveria and understood she had probably jumped long after everyone else. When he got closer, Vahn saw her state and began to panic after noticing she was 'clutching' onto her sash and 'glaring' at him with a cold expression on her face. For a brief moment, Vahn considered descending and dealing with her later, but he eventually decided to try and help her if she was willing to accept his assistance. He knew that she would likely be angrier if she was embarrassed in front of the other girls so Vahn mustered up his resolve and slowly navigated toward her.

Unlike the previous instances, Vahn didn't reach out for her since she didn't extend her hands due to her current predicament. Vahn tried asking if she needed his assistance, but she didn't seem to be able to understand what he was trying to say as she mouthed the words, 'I can't hear you.' Thinking she might be able to hear him if he was underneath her, Vahn fell lower and changed his trajectory to try and match her descent. This turned out to be a mistake though as, the moment he entered the same path as Riveria, his body created a windshield that allowed her to descend faster and she collided into his body with an impact. Both of them were completely okay by the collision, but they still spun around in the air for a while 'hugging' each other to regain their orientation.

Fenrir seemed to be especially frustrated by the situation since Vahn could feel her claws digging into his back a little as she wiggled her body around in between him and Riveria. Vahn quickly controlled their orientation and managed to recover before trying to create a bit of distance between them since he could feel Riveria's breasts nearly pressing into him as she stared into his face with a stern expression. Instead of separating, however, Riveria grabbed Vahn's arms before leaning forward and saying, "Help me fix my robe, and never speak of this to anyone. You also owe me a new cloak..." Vahn nodded his head before leaning forward and whispering into Riveria's long ears, "Sorry, Riveria, I should have thought about this type of thing beforehand. I'll personally make you a cloak that is much better than your previous one..."

Riveria nodded her head and her expression became less serious as she patiently allowed Vahn to try and close up her robe. Vahn, however, was very distracted since it was difficult to fight against the tearing wind while trying to button up the robe. He was using his body as a shield, but Riveria's robe was simply too long and was trailing behind her body and exacerbating the situation. It didn't help that he was slightly distracted by her lime-green brassier and the light blush that was slowly appearing on her face as he continued to 'stare' at her chest while touching her body. Her affection wasn't changing at all, but Vahn was aware that Riveria's aura was turning slightly chaotic from their close proximity to each other.

After failing to button the robe for nearly five minutes, Vahn gave up continuing to use the same method when a gust of wind caught some of the buttons he had already closed and tore them open again. Fortunately, the robe itself was of an incredible quality and they weren't ripped off by the sudden tearing force. Though it was awkward to approach the slightly blushing Riveria, Vahn still pulled closer to her and spoke into her ear, "I'm going to try something...if anything goes wrong, please protect Fenrir." Riveria wasn't sure what he was going to do, but she knew it would probably be something 'ridiculous' and had a few misgivings about agreeing to his request. However, she decided it was better than maintaining their current state since her embarrassment had grown to near intolerable levels.

With Riveria's acknowledgment, Vahn focused his mind and compressed his domain to around 10m instead of the usual 455m. As the density increased through compression, Vahn's ability to manipulate the energy within his domain increased alongside it. He hadn't really had any use for this beforehand, but now that he had a greater understanding of magic, Vahn knew he would be able to make use of the elemental energies within his domain if he conveyed his intent properly. His goal was to manipulate the wind elements in the air and create a bubble to protect them from the chaotic wind flow, just like how Ais had been doing earlier. It was actually much easier than he expected since the density of his domain was already acting somewhat like a shield and had slowed their descent by a fair amount.

After nearly a minute had passed, the air around their bodies had turned completely stagnant and Vahn could feel the air outside pressing against the semi-solid boundaries of his domain as it bore the brunt of the wind pressure. It was almost like he had created a physical barrier against a wind cannon, and it was very taxing on his mind to keep the domain stable as he quickly helped arrange Riveria's robe using his dexterous fingers. Riveria had been somewhat distracted by the phenomenon around Vahn but was stirred awake when he started closing up her robe with strangely practiced motions. For a moment, Riveria thought about helping him, or even doing it herself, but she just let him do as he pleased as she tried to make sense of what was going on within his domain.

Once he had helped button up all sixteen buttons, Vahn released a relieved sigh before slowly releasing his control of the wind elemental energy in his domain. He knew releasing it all at once would cause a large amount of turbulence, so he eased them back into the fall instead. Riveria noticed the change and leaned forward as she said, "You were able to isolate the wind elements within the area of your aura. That is an incredible feat, Vahn, I'd like to discuss it more in the future. Elemental control is something that is generally only possible for spirits, so I think it could be the key to future breakthroughs..."

Vahn nodded his head lazily before pulling out a [Senzu Bean] to recover his diminishing stamina. He then did his best to down a mana recovery potion but discovered it was very awkward to drink things in free fall. Even though he had put the lip of the bottle in his mouth, a small amount got caught by the wind and ended up flying toward Riveria's face and coincidentally hitting her lips. Vahn furrowed his brows slightly before swallowing, both saliva and the mana potion, as Riveria licked off the slight moisture with her red tongue. Her affection increased by one point, up to 80(Trust) and Vahn felt Riveria's aura fluctuate slightly, even though she didn't say anything.

To prevent her from having any other wardrobe malfunctions, Vahn and Rivera descended together for more than an hour until the ground was fast approaching in their sights. Vahn had his back to the earth and Riveria was the one to tell him, "We'll probably touch down in around a minute..." Vahn nodded his head and contracted his domain again and seized control over the wind elemental energy, not to slow their descent, but to allow Riveria to separate from his body and land without her robe getting torn open again. The hour-long fall, where they shared a few awkward conversations, had given Vahn enough time to recover his energy and regain some clarity with the assistance of [Will of the Emperor]. Riveria's affection had increased by an additional point, but Vahn was more concerned with their landing for the time being.

The wind around them stopped battering against their clothes and Vahn gently separated from Riveria as they fell 'weightlessly' in the bubble he had created. Vahn quickly transformed into his Xuánwǔ and hugged Fenrir, who had actually fallen asleep from boredom, before orienting his feet toward the ground. Around fifteen seconds later, Vahn collided with the grassy terrain and planted his feet firmly against the ground as time seemed to stop for a brief moment before a large crater emerged around his feet. Since he could redirect the shockwave up through his body while holding Fenrir, Vahn had 'countered' it and sent the entire wave into the ground around him.

Riveria landed nearby and appeared to 'gently' touch the ground as a wave of energy passed up through her legs and dissipated. The only sign that she had landed from her long descent was a slight indentation in the undersoil beneath the grass. She walked over and inspected the crater around Vahn before asking, "You redirected the shockwave into the ground?" Vahn nodded his head as he transformed back into a human and set the now awake Fenrir on the ground. She yawned in an adorable manner before rubbing her sleepy eyes with her paws and asking, "Is it over? Fenrir was having a nice nap, fuuuu~" Vahn laughed at her reaction and began affectionately rubbing her head as he and Riveria waited for the others to come to them.

They were the last three to land, but it didn't mean everyone landed near each other. Because of the influence of winds, their trajectories could easily be off by several kilometers unless the group had stayed together. Fortunately, everyone wasn't too far apart from each other and were able to reunite quickly after Fafnir showed up and acted as a massive landmark by hovering in the sky overhead. A 17-meter long black dragon was quite the contrast against the bluish-white backdrop of the sky overhead. Once they were all together, Vahn got to share a happy embrace with the jubilant Tiona, earned a kiss from the 'victorious' Ais, experienced some awkwardness with the blushing Tione, received some false ire from Ryuu, teased the coy Aki with her own skirt, and then, once everything had calmed down, he got a long lecture from the entire group about proper preparations before going on outings as he consoled himself by brushing the happy Fenrir's hair...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Wardrobe Malfunctions','Happenstance','Reunion : Lessons Learned')

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Level 1 Vahn:

Courtesy of

Capítulo 374: Intrigue : Cooperation

During the hour-long lecture, Vahn's mind had wandered a bit as he started thinking about possible outfit designs that would be viable for most situations. Though he thought they looked cute, Vahn didn't understand why so many girls wore skirts when they entered the dungeon. There was also a number that wore tight shorts, or things that could be removed easily and Vahn began to wonder about a practical solution. He wanted to do more things like this in the future, and it would spoil a bit of the surprise if he always had to tell the girls what kind of clothes to prepare. There was the option of simply packing a bunch of clothes for them in his inventory, but Vahn wanted a better solution that would also be able to protect their bodies.

Because his 'imaging' ability within his mind was nearly perfect, Vahn could visualize any of the girls he had seen naked within his mind. He could even find out the specifics of their body have Sis analyze the memories and this allowed him to perfectly estimate their 'dimensions' for the purpose of creating clothing. Of course, he still used the taping method just to verify things since many of the girls were still in their growth phase and changed marginally over time. Vahn figured the best solution was to try and crack the method about how godly raiments were formed since, when he asked Hestia about it, she didn't actually know the answer.

According to Hestia, and Vahn verified this with other goddesses, they each had a specialized outfit they could simply 'create' out of nowhere. It was self-repairing, always conformed perfectly with their body, and even ensured they were comfortable regardless of temperature and humidity. Hestia's was the flower-like white dress that she wore most of the time, but Vahn also learned that Loki and Hephaestus had outfits of their own. Loki's looked like a black one-piece swimsuit with a strange red and blue pattern that looked somewhat 'tacky'. As for Hephaestus, her raiment was a long-sleeved white top that only covered her arms, shoulders, and breasts, while keeping her abdomen and back exposed. She also had a pair of frayed blue shorts that barely hugged her rather plump butt. Part of the cheek still poked out under the shorts and Hephaestus didn't like to wear it because it was way more revealing than she'd like. Vahn had also asked about Anubis's raiment, but she, against his expectations, refused to talk about it...

Vahn had 'inspected' Hestia's raiment several times, but he had been unable to actually understand the principles behind it. It seemed to siphon for the god's divine power, but Vahn was unable to sense the flow of energy for divine power at his current Soul Tier. He could see the obvious effects when it was 'active', but Vahn couldn't see through the energy itself and hadn't found a way to replicate the effects. When he tried to analyze one of the petals from Hestia's dress by inserting it into his inventory, Vahn was unable to do so because it was a 'soulbound' item. It was one of the few things he couldn't store into his inventory, and it was the final indicator that there would be no 'shortcuts' to discovering the secrets contained by the raiment.

The lecture finally came to an end and the group started making their way back to Orario while Vahn was still ruminating over the matter. Since Tiona was sticking to his body, Vahn had actually been visualizing her in his mind and was 'trying on' various outfits and designs he thought were suitable for her. It wasn't nearly as interesting as seeing someone dress up in reality, but it was very helpful to conceptualize basic designs and Vahn thought it was pretty fun. From his side, Vahn felt Tiona poke his cheek as she asked, "What are you thinking about so serious~?" Since he didn't consider it an actual secret, Vahn smiled and answered honestly, "I was thinking about you..." Hearing his words, Tiona began to laugh happily as she hugged his body closer and drew a few glances from some of the other girls.

Vahn knew it was probably a good idea to explain things more clearly, so he said in a tone that was easily heard by everyone, "I'm trying to come up with outfits designs that I think would be suitable...something like an 'all-purpose' outfit that could potentially be worn under normal clothing. I am curious though, and since everyone here is a girl I wanted to ask why most female Adventurer's wear skirts and shorts instead of pants and trousers?" There were various reactions from the girls, but the one who answered his question was Aki as she explained somewhat bashfully, "'s because we're girls, Vahn. We don't have the same 'capabilities' as a man when it comes to relieving ourselves, so it's more convenient to wear a skirt or something that can be removed's also less restrictive and allows for ease of moment..."

Hearing Aki's explanation, Vahn's mind blanked for a moment as he looked at the somewhat awkward expressions of some of the other girls. Things connected in his mind and a vivid image of Haruhime 'relieving' herself appeared in his mind and he suddenly understood what Aki meant by the differences between males and females. Though he rarely had to use the bathroom, Vahn just had to loosen up his pants and everything after that was relatively easy. For girls, the 'mechanics' were a bit different and Vahn had never taken it into consideration even though it was very obvious.

Vahn wore somewhat loose clothing because, if he wore something tighter, it would feel very uncomfortable given his 'anatomy'. Girls didn't have that same problem and wore form-fitting clothing because it was actually more comfortable than wearing loose clothing that would rub against them uncomfortably...Even Riveria and Hephaestus, some of the few women Vahn saw wearing trousers, always wore very form fitting pants instead of the somewhat loose garments he often wore...

Though it caused a bit of awkwardness in the atmosphere, Vahn was happy for Aki's honest response and he felt as though he had a minor epiphany. He had never really considered the factor of making clothes 'easy to remove' for such purposes, and it seemed like a very important thing he would have to account for in the future. Vahn needed to design something that was form-fitting, comfortable, breathable, good at regulating temperatures and was very easy to remove in the event of an 'emergency'. He had been experimenting with the idea of making a one-piece bodysuit to go under their clothing, but that seemed impractical since it would be hard to remove. There was the option of installing a zipper, or something similar, but there was a possibility it could break or tear, compromising the girls 'dignity' in the process. Vahn suddenly had the thought of Tiona's outfit tearing open at the crotch from her intense movement and it made his brain buzz a little.


By the time they made their way back to the Manor, Vahn had come up with what he thought might be a solution. When Aki had been having difficulties with her outfit, Vahn had given her a somewhat form-fitting blouse that hugged her body closely. She also had on tight shorts, so her body was able to cut through the air without difficulty. This inspired Vahn to think about creating a form-fitting undershirt and a pair of shorts that would be able to layer together to make a seal. It would be functionally similar to a bodysuit, but it wouldn't prevent the girls from being able to find relief in an emergency. He could make it, at the very minimum, two layers so that the interior fabric would be absorbent while the exterior would be watertight. There were several things he wanted to try now, and Vahn was very tempted to head directly to his workshop and begin working immediately.

Instead, Vahn chose to keep his promise to the group that stayed at the Manor and ended up, somewhat ironically, teaching the girls various beauty treatments while pampering them a bit. Vahn helped manicure and pedicure the girls' hands and feet while also massaging their faces, necks, and shoulders as he helped brush their hair and style it up in a manner he thought suited each girl. His actions inspired the girls to get proactively involved and Vahn walked them through various methods to not only retain their beauty but also treat their skin and enhance their natural qualities. The more complex stuff needed 'professional' care, but there were various things they could do for each other that were very relaxing and also helped cement the bonds between everyone.

Haruhime ended up being Vahn's 'assistant' for many of his demonstrations since she had the longest hair, fairest complexion, and was already emblematic of natural beauty and elegance within the Manor. Syr also put in a great deal of effort, not 'assisting' him, but following his teaching and helping some of the other girls try it out. Vahn got a bit carried away by the momentum and even started treating her like his 'student' and trusting her to take care of the smaller details while he performed the majority of treatments himself. Most of the girls didn't mind helping each other, but they still wanted Vahn's personal care moreso than that of another.

Haruhime was especially pleased by the turn of events and, even though she retained her reasoning, her eyes had turned a beautiful golden color that earned her a few compliments from the group. Vahn learned from Ais that Haruhime's 'transformation' didn't seem to occur when they were in the Dungeon, yet she was still able to make use of her 'dance' and 'illusions' to deal with enemies. This allowed Vahn to understand that her eyes, and the aura permeating from her body, were something exclusively directed toward him. Unless they were her 'targets', Haruhime's allies weren't susceptible to her illusions, but she seemed to have an instinctive focus on him due to her heightened emotions. Fortunately, as long as he used [Will of the Emperor], Haruhime's ability wouldn't work on him and Vahn could simply treat her the same as Syr, someone that had a natural 'charm' that he had to be cautious of.

Because of time constraints, not everyone had the opportunity to receive Vahn's care which resulted in him giving a cursory wash of their bodies in the bath. Vahn was beginning to feel like the girls' personal attendant, but tending to them like this actually made him feel happy, excited, and somewhat 'proud'. Though they had various qualities, each of the girls were attractive in their own way and Vahn felt a strong sense of accomplishment knowing they had all gathered together because of his efforts. He couldn't be with them always, so for times like this, Vahn ensured that he put in as much care as he could manage in order to assure them. Because he had the ability to see auras and affection, Vahn's attentiveness was appreciated by the girls and was a very popular topic on the network after the fact.


Almost every girl liked to be pampered, and Vahn's ways of pampering were unlike anything most of them had ever experienced before. He always came up with new and exciting things to do, treated them with care an affection, and showed an interest in their concerns and needs. Though his attention was constantly split between them, most of the girls understood he was putting in what could only be described as a superhuman level of effort. He even spent a great deal of wealth on purchasing cute clothes and, as if that weren't enough, he even designed outfits for their future use and was also a [Master Smith] that was capable of making powerful equipment for their benefit.

Vahn's ability to multi-task would break most people, and this was why a small number of girls were stepping up to cover Vahn's 'weaknesses', chief among them being that he was just one person. Heading this was the proactive Syr and she was slowly converting several other girls to her line of thought in order to ease Vahn's burdens in the future. The network was already self-managing, and many of the things that could be dealt with by the women were already taken care of without Vahn even knowing about it. However, this wasn't enough since, when Vahn was 'treating' a large number of girls, he needed people to act as support. Spending several hours of his 'recreational' time dedicated to the girls would definitely be taxing with time, no matter how powerful his feelings for them were.

Syr's intent was the 'unify' the group more and was making use of the list that had been given to Vahn in order to connect the girls together through their shared acquaintances and who they were 'comfortable' with. She didn't have the intention of turning any of the girls into lesbians, but her experience with Ryuu showed that it would enhance the experience for many of the girls since it was a surefire way to break down their mental barriers and the defenses of their hearts. Just like they shared information, they should also share their thoughts, emotions, and burdens, all so that Vahn wouldn't be the only person carrying everything himself. To ensure success, she communicated her intent with Hephaestus, Loki, and Eina in order to clear the idea with them before putting forth the girls from the Hostess of Fertility as candidates.

Each of the girls at the Hostess of Fertility had a trauma related to men and they had several years of experience working alongside other troubled girls to support each other. Since they were all unified through Vahn, it put them in the best position to help unify the other girls because they were all relatively intelligent girls with a lot of power and experience. Chloe was assigned to get closer to Naaza, Lili, and Preasia. Chloe was very experienced at dealing with Lili and had even become one of her emotional anchors in the past. They weren't friends, but they had a much closer relationship than Lili had with the majority of the other girls. Chloe could also work alongside Naaza and Preasia because, though she wasn't a pharmacist by trade, she was actually far more experienced than the two girls.

Ryuu was already close with Haruhime and Mikoto, but now her responsibilities extended to Ais and Lefiya as well. Ais had taken an interest in Haruhime's rampant growth and had become something of a mentor to the young Renard, but her mentality was somewhat skewed and she wasn't always the best person to explain things. Ryuu was very intelligent and could advise both of them while Lefiya acted as the 'relief' of the group since she was very attentive and supportive of others. Mikoto was somewhat anti-social, but she got close to anyone that was friendly with Haruhime rather quickly, so her inclusion was very natural and she could also benefit greatly from Ais's guidance in swordsmanship.

Arnya was chosen as the mentor for both sets of twins which included, Tiona, Tione, Emiru, and Maemi. Though she acted ditzy most of the time, Arnya was a very perceptive girl and could easily get close to other people with her amiable personality. She and Tiona had a natural synergy with each other and she would be a capable mentor for the twins because of her battle instincts and the fact that she was a Cat Person, similar to the two girls. They hadn't actually started training together yet, but Arnya would likely help the two grow much stronger in the future while Tiona and Tione also looked after them. Since they were also twins, the Amazon pair had taken an immediate interest in the two girls even though they were somewhat 'competitive' about it. Being two years older than Tione and Tiona, Emiru and Maemi felt a strong desire to grow stronger so they aren't swept aside after having lost their 'novelty'.

As for Lunoire, and Syr herself, they simply got along with everyone in the group and tried to pay attention to the needs of everyone. Lunoire was very good with children and had already gotten close to Tina and Milan after they started working at the Hostess of Fertility in the past. She had a good relationship with Milan and was one of the few people that 'understood' Fenrir and was 'allowed' to brush her. Because she had grown up as an orphan, Lunoire had a soft spot for children and those that had suffered emotional burdens and trauma. She was highly empathetic and proactively listened to the girls, almost as though she had taken the position of surrogate mother and counselor in the group.

Though it had never been brought up on the network, it turned out that, among the 24 girls residing there, 20 of them had grown up without one, or both, parents. The only exception to this were the twins, who had been sold by their parents, Riveria, and Ryuu, who had fled from her family when she was very young. Ironically, this shared trait, actually brought the entire group together since they were all looking for a 'family' of sorts. Vahn was the unifying force for them all since his tragic past was something they could all empathize with and, since he was very empathetic to them, they developed a strong bond in a very short period of time.


(A/N: Not really NSFW, but I'll put in a warning all the same...)

Dinner within the Manor had become a lively event every single day and Vahn enjoyed the atmosphere of everyone getting along happily with each other. They all shared what they had done during the day, talked about things they'd like to do in the future, and also spoke of any concerns they had without worry of being judged. Vahn learned that there was actually a 'schedule' among the girls which allowed them to sit with him during meals. Tonight, he had Naaza sitting to his left quietly while Syr sat to his right and proactively guided the conversations between the other diners. Knowing that he wasn't the only one with a 'schedule' made Vahn feel a bit of relief because he knew the network was likely working together to sort things out on their own.

Vahn knew this was the main reason why he wasn't allowed access to it, as there was a very high probability that he would try to be involved with any, and everything, the girls were trying to do to make his life easier. Knowing they were making just as much effort, if not more, than him made Vahn feel very warm inside and he decided to keep his earlier promise by inviting Tiona and Ais to his bedroom. Since neither girl had any 'preference' for others being involved, Vahn also extended an invitation to Aki, Ryuu, and Syr. He wanted to 'apologize' to Aki and Ryuu for his earlier oversight and Syr would ensure that the experience was greater for everyone present. She and Aki were very 'capable' of dealing with other girls and Vahn was curious how Ais would react to the foreign stimulus.

Though he had to wake up early the next morning to accompany the twins to the Dungeon, Vahn spent the hours between 8 PM and 1 AM tending to the five girls that had accepted his invitation. Things got off to a somewhat 'sad' start when Tiona took the 'Fallen' again, but Vahn made sure to take special care of her first before advancing to the other girls. Syr's inclusion ended up being the correct decision since her aura spread to the other girls and increased their tensions greatly. She also helped tend to Tiona after the fact and ended up supporting her back while massaging Tiona's diminutive breasts as they both watched Vahn tend to Ryuu, Aki, and Ais at the same time. Ais was a bit overwhelmed by everything that was happening, but she had opened up a bit by the end of the session and had even started making out with, strangest of all considering the situation, Ryuu...

By the time everything had come to an end, Vahn had cycled through the girls more than three times each and still had stamina to spare before finally bringing things to a conclusion while embracing Tiona with the assistance of Ais hugging her body from behind and holding up her arms that had been bound at the wrists. Tiona had a somewhat 'fierce' look on her face as she firmly held Vahn's hips against her body with her tyrannical strength. Vahn's solution had been to hold his palms on Tiona's butt and stimulating the muscles with [Hands of Nirvana]. Since she wouldn't let him move freely, Vahn made her muscles spasm rhythmically and she moved her own hips under his guidance with somewhat scary moans resonating through the room. During this time, Aki was off to the side 'educating' Syr further in how to treat women as Ryuu watched the two attentively with her sky blue eyes...

(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fashionista Vahn','Syr's Influence','RIP Lefiya, being Tione's hug pillow...)

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