After settling into their new home, the Hounds, Rasui, Chione, Nou, Maat, Nanu, Akil, and Ata, were now surrounding Vahn in the main dining room as Anubis stood behind him. Unlike Tsubaki's manor, Vahn's residence looked more western in design, very much like a small mansion. The total rooms ended up being eleven, with two bathrooms between the west and east sides of the residence. Vahn's room was located the further east, oriented in the direction of Tsubaki's manor, while most of the children actually occupied two rooms.
Though Vahn said they could have their own rooms, it seems they preferred to split between genders and stay in two rooms instead. Rasui, Nour, and the twins, Akil and Ata, were both staying in one of the smaller rooms, which Vahn was surprised about. The girls ended up occupying the third largest room in the house located next to the second bathroom. Vahn found it strange that everyone was staying somewhat far apart from each other.
The most notable features of the house were the workshop and the main bathroom. The entire residence was squarish in shape, with all the rooms surrounding the large workshop in the center of the house. Vahn was surprised to find a variety of materials already stocking the shelves, including some rather expensive things like mithril and magisteel. The bathroom wasn't an onsen like Tsubaki's, but it was still a very large shallow tub that was 5x5m and had marble tile flooring. Vahn thought the design of the bathroom looked expensive, even more so than everything else in the house. If he had to guess, the entire structure likely cost several tens of millions of Valis when it was constructed.
After investigating everything, Vahn had gathered everyone together and was now sitting in the main dining area which originally had a long rectangular table which Vahn stored into his inventory. Now he sat on the ground with all the 'kids' surrounding him and waiting for his words. Vahn felt it was somewhat strange to call them kids, as they were all only slightly younger than he was, but now his position was much higher, at least according to their 'hierarchy'. Anubis stood behind him at his side, overwatching the entire scene play out with a smile on her face.
Vahn was sitting cross-legged with his arms crossed in contemplation as he tried arranging everything he needed to say within his mind. After several minutes, he opened his eyes and in a firm tone said, "Rasui, as the eldest, you will still be required to look after your 'siblings'. You know them better than I do, and I trust you'll handle the responsibilities with care." As his words fell, the young boy bowed slighting before saying, "Yes, Master Vahn!"
Though Vahn was a bit off-put by the address, he let it be for now as he directed his gaze to the other children. Rasui had been in the center, while the boys flanked his right with the girls on his left. Maat was the oldest of the girls, at 13, so Vahn put her in charge of the matters within the girls 'den' as they called it. Maat seemed very excited and her tail was wagging to express her emotions as she too answered, "Yes, Master Vahn!"
Hearing a girl similar in age to him call him Master, Vahn felt a peculiar feeling in his mind. It wasn't the normal 'excitement' he had been experiencing lately, but it made him slightly concerned for some reason. Now that he had assigned 'leaders' to the two rooms, Vahn took a note out of Tsubaki's book and began trying to lay the foundation for their future.
"Though I still need to learn more about everyone and each of your capabilities, from now on you will all be undergoing training in the mornings. Though I am by no means a master, I think I can help improve your skills through sparring and other means. We will start early, every morning except for weekends, and you will be expected to continue your traning until 10 AM each day. From then on, you will have free time until 8 PM in the evening, though you can request an extension if you make any plans." Vahn slowly spoke the words, and he was satisfied to see that the 'kids' were listening attentively.
Nodding his head, Vahn continued, "As for your individual responsibilities, that can wait until I get a better understanding of each of you. You should, however, think of what you're capable of doing and try to develop your skills so that you are able to become capable adults. As my understanding goes, you will each be considered adults within two years and will need to be somewhat self-sufficient by then. As I am not the leader of your Familia, I will not force you to leave as Anubis told me was often the case back in your country."
Hearing they wouldn't be forced to 'leave' the Familia when they became adults, all the kids' tails began to wag and they seemed to struggle to keep their usual 'calm' expressions. Anubis had given Vahn a bit of information about her practices, and it turned out she treated her Familia very much like an orphanage back in the Southern Sands. Though she couldn't take in everyone, whenever she found children that seemed pitiable in her eyes, she would accept them into her Familia. Though she had almost no combat capabilities, she was very knowledgeable and gave them a general education while having them train and become stronger on their own. The primary thing she taught them was discipline, and she developed them into people that were very loyal and considerate of others. Whenever they weren't performing their duties, they would often be around the various Bazaars passing out food and rations to other orphans.
As Anubis only took care of the children until they were capable 'adults', whenever they reached the age of 14, she would 'release' them from the Familia and have them travel so they could spread the kindness they had received to others. She never wanted to keep a Familia to develop her own power, and even though many wanted to stay, it was Anubis's practice to have everyone leave when they reached adulthood. Because of her pride, she was unwilling to make any exceptions previously, but now that she had chosen to follow Vahn, Anubis left the decision to him. Anubis thought he would be a good influence on the kids and expected they could become a part of his own power and influence in the future.
After his 'speech', all of the kids were in high tension and went through a small ceremony where they each pledged allegiance to Vahn as their sword master. Though it was a nerve-wracking few minutes, Vahn was confused about why he didn't receive any notifications to accept any new subordinates. There was still a lot about his system that he needed to discover, but for now, Vahn just assumed it was because they didn't truly intend to follow him. Either that, or there was something different about them and Anubis which he didn't yet understand.
Vahn dismissed the kids and told them to familiarize themselves with the grounds as much as they were able. They nearly ran out of the room after his words ended, and Vahn felt like this should be their real selves, not the quiet and patient children that seemed to have very high discipline previously. Anubis giggled while staring at Vahn who was currently smiling due to his own internal dialogue.
Arranging her dress, she sat down slightly to his right and began speaking, "Master is more aware than I thought. The fact you moved the table, in the beginning, was a smart move, and you seem to be adapting to the mentality of an 'Alpha' quickly." Anubis had a gentle smile on her face as she spoke. Her tail gently swayed and lightly patted her own leg in a slow rhythm which distracted Vahn a bit. Continuing, Anubis said, "Ever since I descended three-hundred years ago, I felt like my methods weren't the most practical. Though I was able to make many children into independent and capable adults, there were very few instances where they seemed as happy as my current children. It always pained me seeing how their tired expressions from when I found them only turned into solemn and serious expressions with my teaching. When I first started accepting children into my Familia, the only thing I wanted for them at the time...was to see them smile and be happy."
Vahn could see a sadness in her eyes as Anubis recollected her long history. For Vahn, it was almost unimaginable living for three-hundred years and taking care of hundreds, or thousands of orphans in that time. He couldn't understand how someone could be so 'selfless' and dedicated to others, even when it seemed to make them sad in the process. Remembering the loneliness inside Hephaestus's vision, Vahn began to suspect it wasn't easy being a god in this world. They seemed bound to follow a strict set of regulations and always had to act based on those principles.
More than the children Vahn felt he owed a debt to, he genuinely began to take pity on the beautiful goddess looking at him with a melancholic expression. Even though she had a smile on her face and was still waving her tail, Vahn could see the sadness in her eyes and the aura slowly dispersing from her body. He even suspected that the smile and tail wagging were practiced habits of the goddess...
Anubis had become lost in her own thoughts as she recollected the past, and she was unprepared for what happened next due to her dazed state of mind. Suddenly, a hand was placed on her head between her two large ears and a gentle warmth began to pass from the palm into her mind as it gently stroked her hair. With surprised on her face, Anubis looked and saw that Vahn had spontaneously started petting her without saying anything.
Gently reaching her hand to intercept his, Anubis grabbed Vahn's hand and moved it away from her head. With a smile on her face, she softly spoke, "You don't have to worry about me, Master. The fact that you are taking care of my children is already more than I deserve. After all, I am meant to serve you, not the other way around." At the end of her sentence, she laughed but Vahn could see the sad aura was still hanging around her.
In a firm voice, Vahn said, "It is my choice to comfort you. Even if it is just to appease my own emotions, I don't want to see anyone around me with such a sad expression. Unless I am bothering you, I would like you to allow me to comfort you, even if just a bit." Since Anubis at least seemed to respect him as a 'Master', Vahn tried speaking honestly and with a resolute voice.
Hearing his words, Anubis's expression didn't actually change, but inside her mind, there were various thoughts running through her head. She was thinking to herself, 'Is this the actions of someone with such a powerful soul?'. She closed her eyes to ruminate for a moment before opening them and staring into Vahn's serious face. Even though a bit of time had passed, he continued to look at her without averting her eyes, so she just smiled and tilted her head forward. "If that is my Master's wish, I will gladly abide..."
With her permission, Vahn reached his hand out and began petting the top of her head again. He noticed her aura fluctuated slightly at his contact, and he continued to observe it as he moved his hand around her head. Whenever he came into contact with her ears, they would twitch which made Vahn feel like his heart did the same. Curious, Vahn tried stroking the ears directly and noticed that Anubis had an immediate reaction. She had her eyes closed since he had begun, but Vahn noticed they flickered slightly as her tail began to beat at a faster rhythm against her legs.
When his hand moved to the back of her ears, Anubis seemed to try and pull away from his hand, but prevented herself from doing so at the last second. Her reaction seemed to awaken something in Vahn, so he began channeling his [Hands of Nirvana] with a soothing effect as he stroked the area around her ears and behind her head. Slowly, Anubis's face began to scrunch up a bit and Vahn noticed she began to blush a bit. Vahn was incredibly fascinated by her reaction and wanted to laugh after hearing the loud 'smacking' sound her tail was making as it struck her legs now.
Suddenly, a notification sounded in his head, and Vahn realized Anubis's Loyalty had dropped to 83 which made him pull his hand away. He wasn't sure why the value had dropped but assumed it was likely due to his excessive 'petting'. After he stopped his actions, Anubis opened her eyes and Vahn noticed they were somewhat watery as she said, "Has nobody ever told you that, if you pet the ears of a chienthrope, you have to be prepared to take responsibility? I may be a goddess, but I still abide by the culture and traditions of the Southern Tribe."
Vahn listened to her words carefully and recalled a similar saying from both cat people and chienthropes previously. Lili, Naaza, and even the mother-daughter pair of Milan and Tina had said something similar before. Anubis, seeing that Vahn was listening attentively, continued, "I don't mind receiving your affections, but remember to keep it in moderation. If you go too far, I can't be held responsible for the consequences you'll have to Master." Vahn felt like he could see a light pass through her pale golden eyes, and he suddenly noticed a clammy feeling coming from his palms.
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'The Godhand Strikes','Household Management','Foreshadowing?')
It begins...
After settling matters at his own residence, Vahn left his own house as if he was fleeing a scene. The 'warning' Anubis had given him was still on his mind, and he began to worry about his past actions a bit. He wasn't sure when, but he had developed the habit of patting/petting girls whenever they seemed sad. Vahn always thought it helped placate them and improve their mood, but now he began to worry that his actions had been improper.
Making his way alongside the walls of Tsubaki's manor, he eventually arrived at the main road before turning into the entrance of Tsubaki's courtyard. The front door was almost perpetually open, and Vahn entered to see Tsubaki performing maintenance on some equipment. The moment she saw him enter, Tsubaki smiled widely before saying, "I heard from Hephaestus-sama, you'll be staying at the house behind my manor from now on?"
Vahn nodded and began explaining, "I ended up accepting...something a bit troublesome. For now, I'll be helping Anubis's children increase their strength while I try to improve my forging abilities. There are many things I need to do..." The more Vahn spoke, the less energy he seemed to have.
In response to his worries, Tsubaki seemed to find his 'suffering' to be interesting as she began to laugh loudly.
Vahn looked at her with a begrudging look, but she just furrowed her brows with a 'predatory' smile. "You've changed a lot since I last saw you Vahn, how about a spar?" Hearing her words, Vahn was slightly surprised and wanted to refuse. However, before he was able to respond, Tsubaki had already started leading the way to the training area while saying, "Let's go." Vahn didn't hear any room for argument in her tone, and he followed behind her while feeling even worse than he had previously.
Much like their previous spars, Tsubaki stopped at an appropriate distance before waiting for Vahn to make his preparations. Vahn sighed before getting into a defensive stance and preparing for the thrashing that he would likely receive. However, no matter how long he waited, Tsubaki just continued to look at him as if she was waiting for something. Vahn began to get worried, so he asked, "Tsubaki?" The moment he spoke, he prepared his defense as he had expected her to attack the moment he 'dropped' his guard.
Tsubaki had a serious expression instead of her usual playful and smiling look. She frowned a bit while creasing her brows as she asked, "Are you taking this seriously, Vahn?" Vahn had rarely seen Tsubaki angry, so he was a bit concerned seeing her current appearance. After a while, he responded, "I am ready to spar...even though I don't really want to." Tsubaki continued to stare at him with her fierce look and he began to sweat a bit as an apprehensiveness began to build inside him.
Suddenly, Tsubaki's expression changed from anger to one of condescension. She lifted her head like she was looking down on Vahn and had a snide smile on her face as she said, "I thought you were growing up, but it looks like you have actually become more immature." Her words were sharp, and they even angered the usually calm Vahn. As he had been making efforts to improve, hearing someone say he was actually getting worse made him upset.
Dropping his defensive posture, Vahn balled his fists as he said in an aggrieved manner, "What do you mean, Tsubaki? I'm trying my best!" In response to Vahn's shout, Tsubaki just laughed with a single loud 'HA!' as she looked at him coldly and said, "Tried your best, so what? What are you doing right now, is this YOUR BEST!?" Almost if challenging Vahn's tone from earlier, Tsubaki shouted her words this time. From the corridor on the side, both Naaza and Lili had appeared and watched the scene with concern on their faces.
Once again, Tsubaki's words weighed heavily on Vahn's heart as he couldn't think of a way to refute her. He had shown up at her residence in somewhat low spirits, and she immediately challenged him to a spar even though he wasn't in the mood for it. Now that he joined her, instead of beginning the spar she started to berate him instead. Vahn began to feel a frustration in his mind and he wanted to shout, so he did. "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THEN!?"
Tsubaki waited for a few seconds after his shout, and just started into Vahn's eyes as he began to grit his teeth in frustration. The moment it seemed like he was about to explode, she said plainly, "Do whatever you want, Vahn, but never get so caught up in the moment you stop moving forward. Seeing you lost in your thoughts and worrying about matters within your control is pathetic. You're acting like a spoiled child and actually lamenting that so many things are going on around you? Well, who is the person driving those events, have you thought about that? Is this the same conviction you had when you confessed to Hephaestus-sama!?"
For the third time, Tsubaki's words struck at his mind, but this time they were like an explosion that cleared away all of Vahn's emotions. He had just, this very morning, spoken so confidently to Hephaestus. But, now that only a few hours had passed, because of events he had set in motion himself, he was now losing confidence in himself. He began to realize why Tsubaki seemed to upset with him...he really was acting like a spoiled child. Everyone around seemed to be responding to his actions and desires, but for some reason, he had started treating it like a problem he had no control over.
Vahn lifted his hands and stared blankly at his palms as he muttered in a low voice, "I...don't know what to do. So much is changing around me, and I feel like I can't keep up with it all..." Vahn just wanted to do what he liked, and he wanted to make those around him happy at the same time. But, his actions were also increasing the tensions that were building up inside of him, and it made him feel incredibly tired the moment he removed himself from the 'problem' he had created.
Just from a general recollection, there were now nearly twenty people that he had to pay attention to, and it was rapidly developing to a point beyond his control. Though he put the matters to the back of his mind, for now, Vahn knew there would likely be a lot of issues that would arise in the future because of his actions. Hearing Tsubaki's words, Vahn began to feel very lost...
Breaking his reflection, Tsubaki said plainly in a firm tone, "Fight, Vahn. No matter what you choose to do, fight for it. The moment you stop and get caught up worrying about things, the less you'll be able to act when you're required. So, win or lose, you need to fight. That is the only way to live without regrets." Tsubaki got into a combat stance like she was about to attack.
Vahn kept repeating her words in his mind like a mantra. She said he should fight, regardless of if he wins or loses. It was almost like she was implying it was okay to make mistakes, but Vahn couldn't accept that so easily. He felt he needed to take responsibility for his actions...and that is when it hit him. He already knew what he wanted, but for some reason, he was ignoring his own intentions. Vahn...wanted to win. He didn't want to escape the responsibility, but instead, he wanted to meet their expectations as best he could.
Seeing Tsubaki standing before him patiently, Vahn realized what she had been trying to tell him. She wanted Vahn to move forward confidently, and not forget his own reasons for why he chose the path he was walking. With a smile and a 'confident' look, Vahn began to transform into his Báihǔ form while spreading his domain throughout the entire training area. Unlike the times where he held back the repressive aura of his domain, Vahn now concentrated it on the surroundings and it felt like the pressure in the air had greatly increased.
Tsubaki saw the renewed confidence in Vahn's fierce blue eyes and smiled at him as she said, "Seems you are beginning to grow up..." She tightened her fists and lowered her waist. Vahn assumed a crouching stance as he said in a confident manner, "I have a lot of great people that have been helping me. If I stay a kid forever, they'll be disappointed." Vahn and Tsubaki both smiled at each other as their figures vanished from the sights of Naaza and Lili.
Unlike all their previous fights, with Vahn's increased parameters and the improvement in his Innate abilities, he could now match Tsubaki's speed. Noticing this, Tsubaki had an excited expression on her face as their fists collided mid-air. Vahn could feel a shockwave emanate from the point of contact, and with his enhanced senses he even saw the transition of the shockwave through both of their arms.
The strike knocked them away from each other, and Tsubaki immediately dashed forward in a blink and tried to strike Vahn in his kidneys the moment he landed. Vahn, using his increased flexibility, turned his body in a bow and evaded the hit as he flipped over the top of Tsubaki. The entire fight felt like it was playing out in slow motion, and while he was upside down he could see her head turning slowly toward him. Kicking off from the ground with her foot, Tsubaki performed a front-flip and tried to intercept Vahn's head with her foot while he was still in the air.
Vahn received the blow with his hands and used the force to vault away from Tsubaki before landing firmly on the ground 10m away. Tsubaki stood away from him with her back facing his direction as she gazed over her shoulder with a 'mad' look. Vahn too was feeling excited by the fight and, before she reassumed her stance, he kicked off from the ground with an explosive force that caused winds to disperse through the surroundings.
Aiming his palms at her lower back, Vahn prepared to strike her unprotected body with his full strength. He felt a powerful desire for victory building inside of him, and there was no hesitation in his strike that could rival the strength and speed of a Level 4. The expression of Tsubaki changed slightly as her smile grew wider at seeing Vahn's decisiveness. Unfortunately, that was the last thing Vahn saw as his hands passed through the image of Tsubaki without any feeling of resistance on his palms.
With his body extended forward with both palms striking out, Vahn was completely defenseless as he heard a voice coming from his left ear. "Good effort...Vahn." The instant the voice sounded, he felt a powerful force grip his legs and his forward momentum was immediately brought to a halt as he crashed face-first into the ground. Before he was able to recover, he felt a heavy, but somewhat pleasant sensation on his back as Tsubaki sat on top of him.
Tsubaki sat on his back with her legs and arms crossed while she laughed loudly and said, "I believe that makes our total score 6,148 to 24. Looks like it will be a while before you start catching up!" Vahn, hearing her words, exhaled his breath and just collapsed onto the ground with his arms spread out helplessly. This wasn't even the second time Tsubaki had sat on him, as she seemed inclined to do so whenever he got 'overconfident'. However, unlike all the previous times, Vahn was now vaguely aware of the sensation on his back and it made him feel strange.
Noticing his silence, Tsubaki look sideways and saw his expression which made her brows raise. "What, don't tell me I'm in your strike zone too!? Hahahaha, I think you'll have to grow up a bit if you want to 'conquer' me, Vahn! I'm not lovey-dovey like the other girls around you." As she laughed, Tsubaki began slapping his lower back with her palms. Vahn felt aggrieved at her actions because he didn't think of her in that way. To Vahn, Tsubaki was more like an older sister, or even a mother figure. He was even feeling guilty about enjoying the sensation, but now he began to feel frustrated at her teasing.
Vahn swore in his mind, one day he would even the score between them. He didn't know how long it would take, but as long as there was an opportunity, he would slowly close the gap between them and make her recognize his efforts. Every strike that she was currently landing on him would be paid back in time. With that thought, Vahn waited patiently for Tsubaki to get bored and finally get off of his back. Tsubaki offered her hand and helped him up from the ground, but the moment Vahn rose, he reached his free hand forward and, using [Hands of Nirvana], traced his index finger up the line from her navel to below her breasts.
Tsubaki's eyes widened at the sensation that sent a shock up her back, and she gripped Vahn's hand and powerfully slammed his body over her shoulder. When his body impacted the ground, it actually made a large crater which spread out like a spider web. Surprised by her own actions, Tsubaki stared down at Vahn who was looking at her like a child that just succeeded in a prank. Even though he was coughing blood, Vahn smiled and said, "6,148 to 25." Immediately after, he passed out and left the blushing Tsubaki dumbfounded on the spot.
Tracing her hand along her own stomach, she looked down at the mischievous boy in a contemplative manner before turning her eyes to the two girls that had been watching the events play out. "Take this idiot inside and get him cleaned up." She then walked away as Naaza and Lili quickly ran over to dig Vahn out of the ground.
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Nothing escapes the hand of God','Problems? Suck it up!','What it means to be a man')
It continues...
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