Moranti was focused on detaining Halmut but failed to directly evade the Sun God's heated, multi-colored breath at point-blank. Halmut showed no care for the people self-destructing for his safety, solely focused on his survival at any cost.
The Sun Dragon forced Skaryn to back off while evading the Skaryn's swiping scythe, thanks to Skaryn's hesitation to delay the kamikaze cosmician. But Halmut was unable to escape Skaryn's death-defying charge, which showed no regard for the next wave of self-destructing cosmicians.
"HE'S MINE, MORANTI!" Skaryn only showed anger at his old friend, who dared step into the lopsided fight. "TRUST ME!"
Sighing, Moranti teleported away and gave in to Skaryn's demands. Considering how Skaryn was alive and well despite the many people overwhelming him, Moranti didn't bother arguing further. He understood the other reason why Skaryn hated having help.
Heads up to everyone, I'm tweaking my publishing schedule. Now, I'll be releasing 3 chapters a day but I'll also be publishing on Sundays now, so 21 chapters total. Don't expect to receive responses to comments or anything on Sundays, though, as I won't be writing those days or even touching webnovel. My mind is already swirling about webnovel six days a week, so I want to keep from ruining my one mental day off. This is also the release schedule I'll be continuing upon the transition to Divine Beast Ascension.
As always, YOU'RE AWESOME! Don't ever forget that