"SKARYN… What have you done, Jack?"
12-13 mumbled to himself, startled to see his assumptions shattered by the plans of a lowly one-star cosmician. The shadowy man sighed, glancing at his wincing captive, "Why can't you just side with us? How come the best ones won't be swayed? First Skaryn and Sterfen, but you too?"
Jack's second body was unable to hear anything at the moment. The connection between Jack's shared minds was currently closed off to keep his other self from feeling the repercussions of mental torture. And that same mental torture kept Jack from thinking about anything apart from his own survival. It felt as if his mental existence was trying to be exterminated as if his mind could be wiped the moment he surrendered to the pain. He could either suffer more and more with each passing second or accept blissful relief in the extinguishing of his own consciousness.
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