Apart from his boosted regeneration abilities and the powerful potion that Lunara had given him, Jack also used a mythic-tier healing spell to speed up his recovery. It was still the first time to have used such items and spells that day so he wanted to heal quickly while he was able.
Given directions, Moranti reached the next and final section of Glacier Keep in record time.
As they exited the maze, the party was in awe of what they found. They had entered an enormous room that spanned multiple floors that no one knew had existed. In the center was a tower of sorts, going from floor to ceiling with hundreds of payable barriers guarding troves of treasure. Dozens of teams were spotted all around the tower, each fighting either another team or more commonly facing a horde constructs guarding the treasures within their troves.
Jack's party came out of the second floor and they were lined up to see a familiar team at work.
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