"Wait! I still--"
"Calm down, Auntie. We'll get through this together," Jack added, calmly grabbing Kylon by her shoulders. "The control of your mind will be much more difficult now that you know the truth of your situation, but we can't rule out that Halmut can simply learn what you've experienced recently. I've got a plan for that, but I'll explain after I'm done inspecting the seal. That's when I'll know for certain what we'll do next."
"... Okay… Then… follow me."
Kylon opened her bedroom doors, startling the attendants passing through the hallway. "Perchet and Sillo have come to inspect the seal. Something may be wrong with it, but they'll fix it should there be any problems. No questions shall be asked."
"Understood, Mistress." The passing servants bowed to the two guests and went about their chores.
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