That night was an interesting one. Of all people, Halmut slept the best, having newfound confidence in his plans. Next, would be Zariff, who drank the entire night away with his pals and his new drinking buddy with incredible drinks. Jack slept fine as well, feeling calm alongside his wives.
But most others felt nervous in one way or another. The worst was Eedaj, whose mind was too turbulent to even attempt sleeping.
When the sun began to rise, Jack and Eliza were already knocking on Dragas's door. They quickly entered to find the couple sharing Moranti's small tub. Dragas sighed and climbed out while adorning herself in a new robe. "You're early…"
"Because we have stuff to talk about," Jack replied with an awkward smile.
"Then let's get the bath over with first. You wanted to see the new plants, right?"
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