Halmut immediately gathered his stimulants and fled the conference room in a hurry. The remaining gods each stood up and either left alone or began chatting within their own social circles.
As The Storm Goddess was about to leave alongside her divine attendants, she turned around to bow her head. "Perchet, what can I do for you?"
"Would you mind if I joined you?" asked the Nocturnal Dragon. "Given our shared circumstances, I wondered if we could gather our candidates together? It would offer another layer of protection for us and give us a person to chat with. Would you mind?"
"That's fine. I would enjoy the rare company," replied Kylon, motioning for Perchet to step beside her.
The two gods left the conference room and began walking through a vast hallway. Kylon's attendant Flood Dragon gods kept close behind them but not so close as to impose on their master's conversation.
Sorry about yesterday... Don't worry, I'll be more than making up for it
(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
Also, THANK YOU for the support and votes! Have a spectacular day!