After saying goodbye to his mother, Jack made his way back home. Breakfast should be hitting the table any moment so he decided to teleport instead.
"Where've you been?"Eliza immediately asked, noticing the serious look in Jack's eyes.
Jack took a seat and looked at Eliza. "Discussing what to do next with Sterfen, Lunara, and Eedaj… Things have gotten more complicated."
"How so?" Maura asked as she laid the platters of eggs, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns on the table.
"Remember how we said Skaryn was our uncle? Well… while discussing our knowledge about Kylon and how she has the final enchantment key, our collective knowledge led to something we weren't anticipating…"
Daliea spoke next, forcing out the truth, "Jack, speak up and spit it out. We're here to help too."
"Uncle Skaryn's woman is pregnant with another man's child."
"WHAT?!" collectively, all three girls shouted at the top of their lungs.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! I hope you enjoy this, cause I'm pumped for this arc!
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