All ears were tuned in to Jack's speech, stunned to think of how the dragon's appearance could be seen as a negative. It wasn't what they had expected but the logic was also hard to dispute outright.
"I have no reason to use such force," stated Halmut.
"Really? Then what happened to the Spectral Dragons in the past?" Jack refuted. "And if the Sun Dragons are the mightiest of all beasts, then how was it that your entire race was killed? Would you mind explaining that to me, Halmut?"
Narrowing his gaze, Halmut reevaluated Jack. "That was an ancient incident in the past, where--"
"Shut up!" shouted Moranti. "As the sole Spectral Dragon you failed to kill in the past, I stand as a witness that what Jack inferred is correct. Halmut was the one responsible for my race's disappearance, as well as the extinction of his own race, the Sun Dragons."
"You have no proof, or--"