"Skaryn was stronger?"
Duorda nodded and continued, "Most definitely. If the duo was allowed to fight me together, they would've won without any questions but that's not allowed when challenging the temple. Halmut fought well but Skaryn was the reason why Halmut escaped with his life. He stepped in to challenge me before I could kill Halmut and claim him as a summon, even killing each of my bodies a few times, while Halmut only killed me once or twice."
"The difference is that wide?" Jack asked rhetorically, trying to grasp that concept.
"So, tell me, Jack. How has Halmut managed to pass Skaryn after becoming cosmicians?"
Looking back to Duorda, Jack shrugged. "I have no clue. All of my knowledge about Kartonia comes from either well after they each created their own godly factions or after Halmut defeated Skaryn during the godly war."
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