With the two most powerful dragons dueling in the sky, no one dared to look away. This was especially true when Moranti suddenly reappeared high above Halmut with a newfound level of strength.
Watching the incredible scythe attack take on Halmut's most powerful breath attack was beyond belief. Even for the spectating gods, they were blinded momentarily by the ensuing explosion. Then, the two dragons did it again at close range to startle them all the more.
It was at that moment that Naparn disappeared.
While watching the battle overhead, Naparn was furious. He knew there was a gap between himself and Moranti but Naparn didn't want to believe the difference was so vast. And the harsh truth was now in front of the whole world to witness.
To Naparn, seeing those colliding attacks was enough to wound his heart and pride. It was something that could fuel his training and growth, giving him a definite target to aim for.
Sorry for the delays recently. Some things have come up in my life and I won't be able to write as much as I normally would like. Starting tomorrow, I'll be limited to 18 chapters a week, or 3 chapters a day, Monday-Saturday. That's the most time I can dedicate to writing Webnovels at the current moment. If the story starts performing better, then maybe I'll be able to make more time but that's all I can do for now.
Anyway, THANK YOU for your support! You're a spectacular person, no matter what anyone else says.