Three days passed by casually. Gilga was livelier than ever as rumors of Frostburn City's appearance spread. Also, stories and rumors about the two largest of recent wars shocked the continent, in particular, the story of Maldor vs. Aazoon.
The tale of dragons fighting on the Reinolt border and the imprisonment of King Leodoro was international news but it couldn't compare to the end result of the Maldor-Aazoon War. Three dragons had been killed, not two. A god was killed and fell from the sky, stunning the soldiers below. And an entire capital city had vanished from the map, along with nearly all of Aazoon's population.
Many felt that though Maldor technically won the war they didn't win any benefit from it. All they received was a frozen wasteland and a few empty cities. They weren't able to loot Frostburn City or its royal palace. The entire travel system across the tundra had disappeared along with the populace. It was a very hollow victory, indeed.
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