"Let Wilheim in," Sterfen commented, turning to Rydel.
The hunter nodded and left the room while he finished gathering himself. More than a minute later, Rydel returned with a grateful king in tow.
King Wilheim immediately dropped to his knees and bowed his head before the various deities. "Thank you!"
"Stand up… There's no need for that right now." Sterfen continued, "King Wilheim, thank you for agreeing to our proposal and trusting us to win you and your people the land that you deserve. Before anything, you should know that such a crusade could take a month or two, depending on how Sadros reacts to our invasion."
"I'm not worried at all. Given that I don't think even half of the people will join me so suddenly, I doubt we'll need much room for us," reasoned Wilheim.
Eedaj smiled and joined the conversation, "King Wilheim, I think you're underestimating your people and their respect for you."
"There's no way that I'm--'
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