"Have we now?"
A new voice quietly sounded out from behind Eedaj and Rikko, near the fallen Pestro. The far-off crowds couldn't hear the voice, but the three gods could.
Eedaj ceased his speaking and jolted around. Rikko did the same while retrieving both of his daggers. The expressions on both of their faces could only be described as utter disbelief.
Hovering over Pestro was a man in an extravagant black and gold cloak. In one hand was an intricate black and gold staff that winded all the way up the shaft until it merged into a glistening diamond the size of a fist, already glowing with a massive amount of energy. In his other hand was a silver and purple scythe, simply designed but covered in feint purple scales, much like those of Karronteel. The very tip of that scythe, however, was stabbed into the man's foot, dripping blood onto Pestro.
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