Outside the city walls, before the invasion began, dozens and dozens of armed warriors and mages waited in the dark Silk Woods outside of Gilga. They stayed to the southwest, the nearest area to their point of invasion. The advanced group of three syndicate regents had already set out to stealthy blow a hole in the city wall. All those forces had to do was wait for the hole to be made before they could charge through the open fields and into the Leisure Guild.
Leading that groups were all remaining syndicate regents and a couple of dozen syndicate chiefs over lv. 60.
Hidden outside of those forces were three people. Those three were the calmest of all invaders and the most confident in their abilities. They were fully equipped and waiting for the moment that they would enter the battlefield.
"How long do you think this will take?" one of those men asked.
"Vladdy, there's no need to assume it so easy," another replied.
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