The three men remained seated in silence for another five minutes. Jack was about to ask the others to return to the room, but Eedaj spoke up.
"Gwendon, I know it goes against everything the elves have done up to this point, but I hope that you'll side with us in the end. I don't want to you go through the same thing I did. And though you may not consider me as one of you, I still consider you as my people too," stated Eedaj, startling both Gwendon and Jack. "Please, consider this carefully. I hope that you'll be willing to join our cause and seek our protection when the time comes."
"I… I'll consider it carefully," replied Gwendon, shook beyond belief.
Jack added, "How about we at least enter a trading pact to begin the relationship of the Leisure Guild and Korten. That way you'll understand that we don't hold any ill will against Korten. As for our future relationship… that will be determined by you. What do you say?"
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