"I can make them gods?"
Daruun nodded and then shrugged. "Given time, yes. That will be very possible."
"But I thought--"
"Just know that there is a way for you to make them gods, but to do so, you must first become a god," stated Daruun. "As for how they can become gods, just know that it involves killing a god, which means you should become a god first. If you get hung up on anything else, then you'll get distracted from what needs to be done now."
"Then that means… I'll need to become a god within a year?"
"If you're trying to extend Tralon's life, then yes. But don't lose your cool, Jack. I'm not saying it's impossible to do so, but the probability of that path intersects with a different path involving Sterfen," Daruun added, grabbing the attention of the entire room.
Thanks for the constant votes and support!
I've been revisiting my plot lines and story map and realized something. We're maybe 30% through the story... maybe. With that in mind, I'll be releasing either 3 or 4 chapters every day. I want to keep giving as much as possible, but I also want to develop a steady schedule so that I don't burn out. Again, thanks for everything! Stay awesome my friends!
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