'If… you give me so much food… and… protect me… then…'
"If you want, we can even become friends."
The Dark Beholder hesitated and floated nearer to Jack. 'What… are friends?'
Jack smiled warmly and hid a sigh among laughter. "Two or more people become friends when they work together and feed each other. And when there's a chance, they can have fun together, like how we were both laughing together."
Hoping to take advantage of the beholder's frazzled psyche, Jack chose his words carefully.
'Friends… We're friends now?' Mooldrat asked, tilting his head and body to the side in thought.
"Sure, why not? Don't you want a friend that can have fun with you and feed you? Then you'll never have to each your own kind again."
'That… sounds nice… I… won't run out of food anymore…'
"So, will you let your friend protect you from the beast on the other side of the circle? Then, I'll give you all the food we can."
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