The party trekked at a walking pace, struggling to push themselves too hard against the blizzard and the snow they sunk into with every step. When they weren't careful, they sunk to their waist and were forced to slowly climb back up with each step.
'Jack, what about my beast?' Argyle asked Jack telepathically. 'How am I supposed to find it?'
'That's your problem, not mine. With Kims unconscious, I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. Maybe we'll get lucky and find some jumpier creatures on this floor, so you can capture whatever attacks us,' joked Jack.
Nodding, Argyle sighed. The weather wasn't entirely unbearable for the high-leveled men, but having an unconscious member and two cripples complicated things. With that in mind, Argyle kept his eyes peeled for what would eventually attack them.
Only minutes after their mental conversation, the snow beneath the party's feet began to shift.
Sorry for the late release... Please don't flip out
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My new place is having power issues so I'm forced to go out of my way and write elsewhere. And since they won't come and fix it until tomorrow morning, I was late today. Regular release resumes tomorrow, and increased daily release starts in September. Since you're so awesome, I'll start releasing 4 daily chapters just for you. Sound good?