'Where did you hide it! It's got to be somewhere!' Argyle's shouts filled Jack's, Tralon's, and Bowzer's heads.
'15... 16… 17…' Jack continued to quietly count as he laughed at Argyle.
'Jack! What did you hide in here? Is it in the basement? No… Is it in the attic?'
'Tralon, why can't I go in too?' asked Bowzer.
'Just wait and see. I'm sure Jack will say something soon,' answered Tralon.
'Jack, speak up!' Argyle shouted.
With a growing smile, Jack replied, '28… 29… 30! Alright, Argyle, get out of there!'
'But I haven't--'
'Get out now before it's too late!'
'I… Okay.' Hurrying down the stairs, Argyle rushed to the front door with a heavy frown on his face.
Argyle slowed down as he leaned on the front door. 'Jack, what's up? I almost found it didn't--'
'Get out of there already! Now!'
'Fine…' sighed Argyle.
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