Jack, Bowzer, Tralon, and Argyle soon left the beaten path and started to walk through the thickest, jungle-like forests of Trodar. Any ordinary citizen would steer clear of the area since it was filled with beasts over lv. 20 and sometimes lv. 30. However, these men weren't ordinary in the slightest.
With the flick of a wrist, both Argyle and Tralon would swat away any beast who dared approach them.
After another twenty minutes of walking and shooing away wild beasts, the party came to a halt. Argyle looked in awe. Tralon was beaming with pride. Jack had nostalgia oozing off of him. They were all looking at the sealed entrance of the Leisure Guild's storehouse, their private, artificial dungeon.
"This is it… I finally get to crack open its doors…" Argyle couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Hey Tralon, did you know that the whole reason I fell in love with raiding dungeons was because of this place?"
Tomorrow we reach chapter 300!!! Thanks for following along and supporting the story!
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