The morning sun didn't waste any time, quickly rising in the sky to wake up the rest of the world.
Members of the party trickled out of their bedrooms without any kind of order. They would all go downstairs and gravitate around a large table until the took a seat and ordered a meal to start the day.
Eliza made sure that she, Daliea, and Lina would be the first two at breakfast. She wouldn't let herself miss the chance to tease Jack about the previous night. Also, she brought Daliea along almost instinctively. Without Keela, who was always going with her to places, Eliza sought someone else's company. And though she didn't realize it yet, Eliza also wanted to allow Daliea to feel included around Jack, unlike what Keela had started to feel.
While Lina began her morning feast, the pair of women didn't have to wait too long. Soon, Jack and Maura were spotted coming down the stairs.
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