Three more days passed without Jack leaving his bed. Eliza and Daliea were constantly at his side, either tending to him or chatting together. Maura would either be with Jack or sparring with Dirk and Maynard since she could use all the technical training she could get. Bowzer was also let out so long as he remained in Jack's room and stayed quiet enough to not be heard.
After three days, Jack was finally able to stand but he struggled to walk without wincing in pain every step.
They decided to wait another three days for Jack's body to readjust further, at least letting him walk and talk without feeling unnecessary pain. Once Jack was able to at least appear like his usual able-bodied self, Jack and Rydel planned to make their move the following day.
Three and a half weeks had passed since Jack had blacked out and they were finally moving on with step two of his plan to gain control of Trodar.
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