Inside the tavern of a small inn, three people sat at a large table waiting for their dinner to arrive.
"Big Sis, I'm hungry."
"Lina, the food is on its way. You don't have to wait much longer."
"Just drink your juice. Ya know ya can have as much as ya want."
Almost on cue, three waiters approached the table, each carrying a large tray filled with hot plates. "I'm sorry for the long wait, but the kitchen made sure all of your food was cooked to perfection."
"Yay! I'm so hungry!" Lina grabbed her fork and knife and stared longingly at the food being placed in front of her.
The waiters started to scatter the dishes across the entire table, but Maynard laughed, "Put them all in front of her. Just place my steak and her stew by us."
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