Trank's finger crackled as electricity ran over it and the man let the arrow phase through him. "That's one down." He mocked them as he reached forward for his next killing strike. However, he found himself unable to move either of his arms.
Vines from the nearby undergrowth had started to wrap around him.
"Stay away from her!"
That familiar voice shouted as more vines reached out and pulled Daliea away from the bounty hunter.
Jack forced himself to stand up, bearing the pain as he saw Eliza and Keela descend from Appa above. Some water in his eyes still ran but in gladness, not sorrow.
While Trank destroyed the vines crowding his body, Keela waved her staff and removed the stun placed on Jack and Daliea. With both supports to back them up, the party was feeling a bit more optimistic about the situation.
As a sign that I'm here to stay after that sudden hiatus, I'll be releasing 3 chapters every day for the entire month. However, the release rate will change in September based on where Achievement Junkie stands in the power ranking.
Top 100: 2 daily chapters
Top 50: 3 daily chapters
Top 25: 4 daily chapters
So, if you want me to write more and more after August, then show me how bad you want it.
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