Jack sighed, not sure how he should feel about the conversation he just had. He was left curious about too many things without any answers, and he wasn't even allowed to search for the answers himself.
But he couldn't complain. There was a chance that Lorwynn was right and Jack would only bring himself trouble that he's not ready for.
Until he was higher leveled, Jack would only focus on the Leisure Guild and grinding EXP.
The young hero left the booth and found his companions eating without him. Taking a seat and grabbing a turkey leg, Jack tried to eat away his troubles.
They all asked what happened, but Jack didn't answer any questions or explain anything.
Like always, Eliza tried to get near Jack but not even a massage was enough to break his defenses this time.
As the sun set, Jack took the liberty to be the first to retire for the night. In his own room with Bowzer, Jack let his mind drift.
Thanks for the constant support! The other chapters will be fixed throughout the day, so make sure to come and check on them frequently.
Also, search "Wallace Abner: Arcane Detective" to read my upcoming book's synopsis and so far the prologue. Chapter one will be up within a day or two. Please, give me your feedback on it and let me know if you'd be interested in the story.
And don't worry, I'll still be updating my webnovels as I write it.