"If you've got a week, then reinforcements will never make it in time…"
Unknown to the king, Jack sent a telepathic message to Rydel. 'Hurry! The next wave could come at any minute!'
'What!? Are you serious?' asked Rydel, who was flabbergasted by the sudden message.
'Yes, so hurry as fast as possible! Ask the queen if she can send a message to them instead so they can come ASAP!'
'But, what about their appearance? Anyone would be terrified to see so many goblins come at once,' reasoned Rydel. 'Unless… You want me to talk with Byron and ask them to secure the area.'
'Not just that, I want to ask for the Balt Family's support too. We need as many high-leveled warriors they can muster, immediately!' added Jack.
'Really? Did something else happen? Should I be worried?'
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