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62.5% Welcome to the Gaming World / Chapter 35: The truth about Goshem! part 2

Capítulo 35: The truth about Goshem! part 2

Lying on a divan with a thin sheet covering his body, Tichaona was breathing steadily as he recovered from his beating. The solution aided his healing and within 14hours, he was back to 100%. His husky hair, hairy forearms and toned physique looked hale and hearty. The disfigured body that came from the aftermath of the assault was now fresh and ready to get back into the game. Tichaona's dirty bloody clothes were replaced with newer Quendalion clothes. The clothing was fine material, similar to silk.

The white shirt which extended to the midpoint of his thighs was sleeveless and had labels in a language he wasn't familiar with. His pants were close to tight velvet black spandex. They left just enough room for his crotch to breath and didn't make his groin area feel uncomfortable. As he lay there, the dark figure caressed his face. She would move her hand up and down, touching his forehead, cheeks, lips, ears and then move to the neck down. She was still suppressing her poisonous power from leaking out of her body as she got a feel of this man's body.

Though he was foolish, shorter than her and unapologetically fragile, he was quite the eye candy. This man who was from a different species, culture and background was honestly a joy to watch. He had a beauty that transcended race, one she admittedly noticed first before considering him as an asset. As she moved lower, passing his abs, her heart began to race. She would resist her curiosity a bit and then go lower. She had undressed him and changed him into his clothes when she was nursing him when he was still in a gaunt condition. Now that he was in top tier shape, it was as if she was gazing at a varnished sculpture. The dark figure bit her lip as she got close to the lower abdomen and then suddenly, Tichaona's hand grabbed hers as he woke up.

Tichaona saw her and became immediately agitated. He shoved his left hand towards her face, whilst his right hand held the hand that was groping him. Her lightning reaction caught his hand before it was even close. The dark figure then held both arms and Tichaona felt as if his hands were shackled by weights. Her strength towered over his and he felt helpless.

She ended up telling him, "I spent time I could have been using to feed my beasts on treating you. I don't wish to repeat the process of cleaning you up. It's in your best interests to stop resisting. Even in my base form, I could kill you with little effort. Let's start from square one."

"I am guessing I don't have a say in this matter, right?" he said, nervously.

"If you could equal my might, then you could have the liberty of choosing. In my culture, when democracy fails, power prevails." she said, giving him a stern look.

"Well," he said, looking peeved, "you win then."

Tichaona stopped resisting and immobilized his arms. He then reclined down, watching her with cautious eyes. The dark figure released his hands and had her own hands placed on her sides. She wasn't wearing her usual war regalia which he ended up noticing once he calmed down. She was wearing what looked like a silver crop top with puffs on the torso seams. The design had conspersed red octagonal shapes that were randomly placed all over the clothing. Her lower abs were toned like that of an athlete and her belly button was pierced. From the hips down, she had what looked like a layered dress which looked light, in the colour maroon, and maroon gladiator sandals which wrapped her size 18 feet.

Her forearms were exposed, showing her light blue skin and several welts which were near her wrists, triceps and the lower end of her forearms. She had metal bangles that probably weighed a lot on her wrists, ankles and one that was on her neck which looked crimson in colour. Though she was not human, her anatomy resembled that of a human with slight alterations. She had a light blue tail which was fidgeting, just above her rear end. Her ears looked elvish; slanted with acute angles and flickering ever so slightly. Her long white hair cascaded down her neck and reached her bosom. Her bust was quite huge, within the D cup range which surprised Tichaona.

She looked like an attractive dominatrix, who could easily go from looking majestic to being scary upon just wincing. Regardless of how different she looked, she was still the woman who beat his ass with no contest. Tichaona took time to assess her visage and thought about what to say. He feared that saying the wrong thing would result in a beating so he decided to address her with a title.

"My lord or queen, which ever suits you, you look different without your armour." he said, flinching a bit in anticipation of a strike from her.

"Yes, I do. It's what Quendalion women wear during the hotter climates. Is it to your liking?" she asked, smiling a bit.

"Um yes, it is quite appealing to the eyes, though if I may ask, where did you get those scars on your arms?" he asked, a tad bit curious.

"These scars are my war scars. On my home planet, in the country of 'Ishelerion', there was an ethnic war between the blues and yellows. I was held in a torture chamber for several days where I endured my torment, but I came out of it victorious." she said, with a wicked smile.

"Sorry about that."

"Why apologise on behalf of my scars? They are not of your own making. Besides, I disembowelled all my enemies and wore their skin to desecrate them. It was actually one of the happiest moments in my life." she said, gleaming as her eye brows were raised. Tichaona gasped upon hearing her say that and quickly realised that they were incompatible.

"You wore their skin, wow, that's something new." he said, trying by all means to hide his disgust.

"Is that strange in your earthly culture, to bask in the flesh of your enemies?" she asked, with a serious look.

"It is by all means disturbing, but just because we do things our way it doesn't mean that others should follow suit." he said, trying to not alienate her as crazy.

"You do not have to be that careful with your wording. You are an earthling man and I am a Quendalion woman. We both come from different worlds with different customs. If you fear that you will offend me with your words, we will not have a satisfactory discussion. I will make it easy for you. The list of things that make me loss my temper are; infidelity, insubordination, cowardice and beings that waste food, especially food that is given time and effort to taste good for them. If you find my appearance atrocious, then speak your mind, though I am already confident in my own self-evaluation. I am a beautiful warrior who is fertile, powerful and fearless."

"I see that you're not lacking in self-esteem. So let's skip the small talk. You need me because you want to kill your brother, but you seem strong enough on your own, granted, I don't know how strong your brother is. I am already just a pussy shit weakling compared to you, so I still don't see the need of me being part of your plan." he said, capitulation to the facts.

"What is this term 'pussy shit'? Is this a colloquial term from your planet?" she asked, bemused by the remark. Tichaona wanted to answer and then paused for a bit to think.

"Wait, in the first place, how are we even speaking the same language? You're Quendalion right? Don't you guys speak alien? Do Quendalions speak english?" he asked, blown away by the fact that it hadn't occurred to him why this blue skinned lady from another planet spoke the Queen's language.

"You are quite smart to ask that. I knew that you had potential despite your foolishness. The being that designed this planet, made sure that all sentient life harbouring the planet would have a universal language. I am actually speaking my native language right now, but it's being translated to you into English. This was to make sure that there wouldn't be any communication barriers." she said, giving him a fond look.

"That's like google translate in perfection. Amazing, so in the end, we all understand each other despite having our own languages, that's incredible. So how is it you know all this? Unless I missed something from the intro from that purple guy, how do you know this?" he asked, zooming into her frame to show much interest.

"I assure you, unless one of us Beta testers told you, you wouldn't know. Sometimes knowing how everything works breaks the immersion. It's a pretty simple tale. Please pay attention, I also get upset when I am ignored." she said, extending her hand to touch his shoulder.

"I am all ears. My lord." he said, glancing at the hand she placed on his shoulder with much concern.

"I prefer the title of goddess. It has a better ring to a warrior than lord. So let me start by saying, the Quendalion masters of the mystic arts have always communicated with otherworldly entities. Some called them 5th dimensional creatures and others, supernatural manifestations. A communication was made by our past forefathers with these beings that we call 'Deitaces'. They are not what you would call gods, but mini gods." she said, as she spoke in a tone that someone reading a children's book would use at a nursery.

"Mini gods, like demigods?" he asked.

"I wouldn't know about demigods, but these beings were once mortals like us. Destined to be born and to die, like all sentient creatures, but they managed to evolve. They transcended mortality and became gods that can create planets. The only problem was that they couldn't replicate the creation of intelligence life forms like Quendalions and your kind. That's why the high council was contacted by one of the three Deitaces known as Sedulous." she said, adding a bit of theatrics in her story telling.

"So is this Sedulous, the purple guy who I saw when I woke up here?"

"Yes. That was one of the corporal forms he takes, though to address him with gender would be wrong on my part. He can represent himself as anything; a talking mountain, tree or creature. The other 2 Deitaces also got intelligent species from different galaxies and realms. Their names were Gomen and Myriah. Sedulous wanted testers from our planet, to see how effective his design was. There was a risk of possible death, but being summoned by a god to inhabit a planet and conquer it was a thrilling experience. So many of the people from various countries volunteered but only 1000 were needed. Since there was a chance of death or great rewards, different kinds of individuals joined; some like me and my husband were intrigued by what conquests and treasures we could gain from this place." she said, sounding a bit poignant.

"You have a husband? Wait, do Quendalion women have multiple husbands?" he asked, confused by her mentioning the existence of her spouse when he was going to be her mate.

"My husband was killed by my brother. He too fell prey to his power and was ended indefinitely. Since you're going to be my future mate, it's best that I demystify any concerns you may have about my past. This will help resolve any suspicions you may have about me. First, I never had children with him. He was unfortunately cursed with impotence and could never fill up my womb despite having high genetic potential. Second, women from my planet reach menopause around age 70, so I am still capable of bearing children. I am 45 years of age. The day and night cycle of my planet is similar to that of your planet and we have 395 days in a complete revolution. This is to clear any concerns about me being barren. Finally, Quendalion women are very gifted in the art of satisfying our men. I do not know how I compare to a human woman, but I believe in the act of intercourse, that I am very skilled." she said, looking at him with sensual eyes.

Tichaona found everything she said to be quite absurd and broke out in laughter. This was too much information being delivered to him all at once. The fact that she didn't blink an eye and gave it to him straight, gave him the giggles. The dark figure wondered whether she seemed comical when relaying this information to him. Soon her confusion began to look like annoyance.

"Are you mocking me? How can you laugh at me proving my fertility? Would you rather have a barren maiden who prostitutes to men with no honour?" she asked, venting with rage.

"Wait, so you actually intend to have children with me? I thought I would be like the booty call, forced against his will by a violent alien woman, but you want me to have children, with you? Is it even possible? Like how?" he asked, puzzled by how an alien could propagate with a human.

"Your physiology isn't too different from the Quendalion physiology. Your sexual organ needs to go through mine and then sow its seeds. It's that simple, but do not get excited and think about bedding me anytime soon. My power is called Toxic poison which I have repressed for the sake of being able to talk to you. If you were to bed me now, you would definitely die from intercourse. The stat you call mithridatism has to be really high before you can handle an encounter with me. Besides that incentive, it would be best if you were overall, immune to all poisonous things on this planet. It would improve your genetic potential and the kind of child we would have would be strong." she said, returning back to her calm self.

"So, you have a vagina like a normal girl, but it's toxic? Do Quendalions have STDs?" he asked, worried that he could catch something viral.

"What does this STDs stand for?"

"Sexually Transmitted Diseases." he said, with emphasis.

"Oh that, like I said, the stronger your body's anti-bodies are, the less you will have to fear about such things. I assure you, apart from the side effects of my poisonous power, I have never had any diseases associated with my organs." she said, in a defensive manner.

"Well this has digressed onto a peculiar tangent. So we were on you mentioning the 1000 volunteers and then…" he said, quickly getting her back on topic.

"We volunteers were the Beta testers. Goshem was actually intended to be for earthling candidates, but an organism similar to them had to be used as an example to prove the planet's evolutionary potential as an environment suitable of making sentient life reach it's evolutionary peak."

"So is that why my body grew stronger than normal? Is this place meeting the Deitace's goal by how radical people's body's change?" he asked, wanting her confirmation to be sure.

"Yes. From the air, to the gravity, wildlife and choice of nature, this entire planet is a training hub to maximise evolutionary growth."

"That's, insane, like wow, I guess my doubts about being in the afterlife have been confirmed." he said, gasping in relief but at the same time feeling confused.

"The afterlife? I hope you did not go mad and think this was the afterlife. Sedulous only chooses live candidates for the planet. Did you not volunteer to become part of this planet's new 1000 inhabitants?" she asked, seeing that something wasn't adding up from what he was saying.

"No, I don't remember volunteering. What actually happened was that, I went to some medical facility and killed myself. I remember them pumping me with some liquid which killed me painlessly and then I woke up here. If you're saying that this god of Goshem only takes live people then that means I am not some wandering soul in purgatory. I was abducted and sent onto this planet by an alien god. Holy fuck is that what happened?" he said, dealing with mental vexation.

"I see. I have been quick to assume that Sedulous had handled your situation the way he did my kind. Warrior in the making Tichaona, please tell me in detail why you attempted to kill yourself? Suicide is a sensitive subject among my people and to think that a man who holds such potential like you do would actually go through with it is frightening.

I will lend you my ear and help your mind to be at ease. Please, tell me your story." she said, changing her attitude towards him dramatically. The dark figure relinquished any of her intimidating mannerisms and decided to be a soft compassionate woman for him. Her genuine concern even surprised him as he felt as if she pitied him for having sought suicide. Despite that, he was happy to have an audience for his tragic tale.

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