Dongfang Ziyun asked, "Who could it be, then? Who did it?"
Elder Dongfang said indifferently, "Why do you care?"
Dongfang Ziyun realized she was right.
Why should she care? Somebody out there did it!
"Hahaha! That's karma! Finally, the time has come for her to be punished for what she did!" Dongfang Ziyun said coldly.
At that moment, Feng Wu had no idea everybody was looking for her.
She slowly woke up when she heard the noise outside.
What was that about?
Why wouldn't they let her sleep?
Feng Wu rubbed her eyes, yawned and finally opened her eyes.
She rolled around in bed, finally feeling she had rested enough. She gathered her strength, but remained lying down.
Her eyes were bright and clear once more.
Because the house was made of wood, she could see the light flashing outside. Something seemed to be rushing back and forth outside, moving unbelievably fast.
Was it a ghost?
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