The blade slid across the assassin's neck.
Blood splashed on the ground.
Feng Wu smiled at him, and the assassin shuddered.
He turned to run, but he only made two steps before the Fallen Star Sword made another cut on his throat.
The first cut was horizontal, and this one was vertical. The two cuts made a cross on his neck.
He panicked.
The blood gushed out, and he couldn't get away.
He wanted to stab himself with his sword.
Feng Wu saw it coming and immediately kicked away the weapon. She also dislocated his joints and jaw.
She wouldn't let him die so easily.
The assassin lay on his stomach. He turned his head to glare at Feng Wu.
Feng Wu smirked.
"I know you're here to kill me to claim the prize." Feng Wu crouched down and grinned at him.
The assassin's mouth was full of blood. He wanted to bite off his tongue but couldn't.
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