When Senior Sister Lan looked up, she was shocked by what she saw.
That person was…
"No, it can't be. Something must have gone wrong!
"How can it be Feng Wu?!"
Senior Sister Lan was so astonished that she forgot what was in her hands until she looked down and saw the head.
She screamed again, but nobody cared about her.
They were all busy fighting.
Chen Ziyun and Senior Brother Min were the less capable members of the team, but they were fighting as hard as they could. Their clothes were spotted with blood.
Senior Sister Lan didn't stand up because her legs had given in.
She looked at Senior Brother Ying, who was fighting a short distance away.
She couldn't believe her eyes.
Surely, she was dreaming.
That was the only explanation for seeing Feng Wu wielding her Fallen Star Sword. She only knew three stances, but she cut off one head after another.
One, two, three…
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