Master Gao said, "What?"
Emperor Wu said, "Those families don't just have outstanding younger members. Some of the middle-aged members are equally impressive! What if Feng Wu prefers a mature man? What should we do?"
Master Gao said, "What?"
Emperor Wu said, "Forget it. You won't understand."
He left the room, looking for someone that he could talk to.
"Who should I go to?
"Empress Dugu, then. She's the most considerate person.
"She used to have some disagreements with Feng Wu, but she's been saying many good things about that girl. She must like Feng Wu a lot now."
So, Emperor Wu went to see Empress Dugu.
Empress Dugu was quite happy recently, probably because Feng Wu hadn't been around to upset her.
However —
"Divine Phoenix Blood?" Empress Dugu ground her teeth, feeling as sick as if she had swallowed a fly.
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