The others also hastily followed Feng Wu.
Only then did they realize who the leader of this group was. Staying close to Feng Wu was the only thing keeping them from getting eaten by the worms.
Xin Zhixuan and Shan Jingfei were the only ones who didn't follow their teammates.
Seeing the others walk away, Xin Zhixuan said hastily, "Feifei, we should go with them."
Shan Jingfei smirked. "I'd rather die than go with her!"
Xin Zhixuan wished she could leave Shan Jingfei here. That way, this girl she had always been jealous of would disappear for good.
Despite the jealousy that was eating her up, Xin Zhixuan knew Shan Jingfei had to be alive if she wanted to continue freeloading off of Shan Jingfei's privileges.
She tugged at Shan Jingfei. "This isn't the time to get angry. Remember the saying: Where there is life, there is hope."
After that, she grabbed Shan Jingfei's hand and dragged her toward the others.
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