"What's the level of the formation in this mine?" Shao Xiao asked.
Feng Wu thought for a moment before saying, "Level 8 and a half. To be more precise, the outer circle is Level 8, and the center is Level 8 and a half."
Shao Xiao stared at Feng Wu in surprise.
The others stared at Shao Xiao.
Shao Xiao had said that there were 80,000 tunnels underground, which meant that he knew the Secret Essence Mine better than anyone else.
"Is that true?" the others all asked him.
The question roused Shao Xiao from his astonishment. He looked from Feng Wu to the others before he nodded repeatedly.
Where did Feng Wu learn that?
Ling Hao immediately realized how she had known. "Feng Wu, you really understand this formation! Can you break through it?"
Feng Wu shook her head. "No, I can't, but it's really easy to walk through it and reach the central area."
'Really easy.'
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