Ling Hao's friends were as shocked as he was.
She was pretty, gentle, and approachable. What an angel!
The War Academy had very few girls and even less pretty ones. Having Feng Wu here was a miracle!
Shao Xiao stared at Feng Wu and nudged Ling Hao with his elbow.
"Introduce us, you idiot!"
Ling Hao snorted.
When Zuo Qingluan ignored him, they laughed so hard. Now, they wanted his help!
Ling Hao was honored to know such a pretty girl, so he introduced his friends. "This is Shao Xiao, our team leader. He's into girls."
Shao Xiao grinned at Feng Wu while he stomped on Ling Hao's foot. "Shut up!"
Ling Hao's cheek twitched. That hurt!
He went on, "This is Wang Zhi, the second-in-command. He's very smart and likes deducing things.
"I'm third.
"Fourth is Ye Han. She's a great healer.
"And fifth is Cheng Fang. Look, he's two meters tall and is almost a human shield."
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