The giant crab easily snapped an arrow in half.
Everyone drew in their breaths.
What sort of dangerous creatures lived in this lake?
"Is Feng Wu really down there?"
"If so, is she still alive?"
Looking at the calm lake, they hesitated.
The unknown was the scariest thing.
This giant crab might not be able to injure them, but could there be more dangerous things in the water?
Everyone looked at the Level 6 man with the iron hook.
The man nodded and threw the retractable hook into the lake again.
He fished out a one-meter-long crab.
A two-meter-long crab.
Another giant crab.
As more and more crabs were fished out, their fear toward the lake gradually faded.
"I don't think there's anything too terrible down there.
"If there were, we wouldn't have found just giant crabs.
"We need to go down there.
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