Just then, something clicked in Feng Wu's head, and she realized that the fairy was talking to her.
"Hey, you." The fairy gave Feng Wu a strange look.
Feng Wu's stomach lurched. "What now? Do you have a new task for me?"
The fairy said, "Yes, it's the fourth trial. But…"
Feng Wu asked, "But what?"
The fairy put on a long face. "But it's kind of… long."
Feng Wu asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"
The fairy thought for a moment before she asked, "Are you sure you want to hear it?"
Feng Wu was speechless. "What do you think?"
The fairy looked sympathetically at Feng Wu when she said, "For the fourth trial, you'll have to become a top 10 Year 2 student, make Jun Linyuan change his opinion about you, cheer him up, and make him call you his lovely little fool of his own free will…"
Feng Wu was speechless.
The fairy buried her face in her hands. "Don't hit me. I have nothing to do with the design of the task."
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