Hence, he had all 1000 sets of the exam paper brought to him, so that he could look for other promising talents.
Upon their delivery, instead of reading the exam papers right away, Emperor Wu sent his steward to fetch Grand Secretary Fang first.
The Fang manor.
Feng Wu was chatting with Grand Secretary Fang and trying to steer the topic toward the sale of his residence.
"Old Master, are you really going to sell this house?" asked Feng Wu.
Grand Secretary Fang nodded.
"But why?" Feng Wu was bewildered. "I'm sure you're not doing it for the money. Why don't you leave it to your children?"
Grand Secretary Fang smiled bitterly. "This manor hasn't always been ours, and we were very lucky to receive it as a gift from a man of noble character. My family has lived here ever since, but after studying it for so many years, I still can't figure out its secret. It's time to hand it over to the next special person."
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