Feng Wu had been trying to pump that information out of Feng Xun, but the guy had been very evasive about it. However, under the beautiful lady's limpid eyes, Feng Xun couldn't bring himself to say no to her.
He replied right away, "The cubs need to feed on Jade Essence. The type of jade doesn't matter, but you have to make sure that it's top grade jade — nephrite or vert empire jadeite will do. Each of those jade stones contains a streak of Jade Essence. Extract it, mix it with water or milk, and voila."
Feng Wu was baffled by this piece of information. "Jade Essence? And top grade jade only?"
Feng Xun waved his hand. "You don't need much. One drop per meal is enough."
Feng Wu said, "If my calculations are correct, one piece of nephrite will give you a few dozen drops of Jade Essence at most, right?"
Feng Xun nodded. "Yup."
Ever since the beautiful lady sold it out, the cub had been sighing to itself with a depairing look on its face.
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