When he heard that, Guan Xilin glanced at Elder Li as he understood what he was insinuating.
Chief Gong and Elder Gong looked at Elder Li, then smiled and said to Guan Xilin: "Thank the Ghost Doctor for her concern. We are deeply moved that the Ghost Doctor thought of our welfare even though she hasn't fully recovered."
Even though those words seemed like they were spoken out of politeness, but they had meant every word from the bottom of their hearts. Firstly, they had gone to save the Ghost Doctor because she was a Black Order Level Holder and part of the Black Market. If her life was in danger, they couldn't stand by and do nothing.
Secondly, it was because they wanted to develop an even closer relationship with the Ghost Doctor. After all, such a person like her wouldn't have given them a second thought under normal circumstances. However, if they tried to save her, they would definitely make a deep impression.
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