The rare admission to the Nebula Academy which happened once every three years had brought forth a huge wave of people from all the countries. All the outstanding youths from the various parts had gathered before the gates of the Nebula Academy as all sorts of beast carriages lined the streets. Youths gathered in groups were chatting amongst themselves excitedly while waiting for the gates to open. With a single glance, the densely packed crowd were all outstanding youths dressed in magnificent robes.
By the time Feng Jiu had arrived with Xiao Yihan, they could not proceed any further as there were too many beast carriages. They had no other choice and could only walk in. As for Old White, she could only have the beast carriage driver to take care of him.
They meandered through the crowd and finally reached their destination. However, the moment Feng Jiu saw the sea of people gathered before the gates of the Nebula Academy, she was rendered speechless.
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