With the stacks upon stacks of crimes placed before their eyes, The disciples from the various palaces could no longer find themselves anymore excuses to continue to be loyal. As for those disciples whose families had been persecuted, they just fell to the ground to weep in pain with snot covered faces, and it was under those sorrowful wailing that Mu Chen led a team of healers who began to treat these people's injuries.
Those disciples who were still defiant when struck by such a blow, no longer resisted and just obediently cooperated.
Those who had their families murdered even opened their mouths to thank Mu Chen and his men, thanking them for avenging their family members.
With the prisoners of war from the Twelve Palaces dealt with, Qu Ling Yue sorted out all the information and sent them to Jun Wu Xie's room, for Jun Wu Xie to make the final decision for them.
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